" I don't Have A Father "

A man's voice came. He was looking old from the voice but was angry with someone. He said "Erick! Why are you not coming back? Should l send someone to pick you up? huh!" Erick said carelessly " l don't want ". That old man yells again " Useless boy! Come back home right now." Erick said, " Home! Which home where only money matters or that home which killed my mom. Nr. Windsor l told you thousands of times that l won't come back. " He again yells at him " Idiot boy! You never listened to me. See your brother George, Always cares for me and your mother died in an accident it is not because of me." Erick said " Really! l cannot believe you. You ruined my happiness due to your self-respect. Furthermore, George is not my real brother so don't dare to talk about him in front of me and l won't come back to Paris at any cost." The old man said " Ok but remember that l can also come there and if l came to Oxford, Be prepared to see a father attacking his son." Erick said sarcastically"Son! Who is your son Mr.Windsor? l don't have any father. " The old man said yelled at him again " I am alerting you that you can't run from me again and l have told you thousands of times that l am your father and you're the only son of Windsor family," Erick said " My father died 12 years before only. l don't have any." Then the call was cut. The aged man knew that he will cut the call. Be shouted again " Erick! You can't go anywhere from me. " Erick cut the call and threw it on the mattress. He was very irritated by Mr.Windsor. He then started to survey the reports of Experiment that is going to be held in tomorrow's class. Whereas Aylin was also studying the theories with Matilda for tomorrow's experiment.