"Do you like Erick?"

The next morning Aylin woke up and went towards the college ground where Erick was waiting for her. Erick said, "You are 1 minute late". Aylin made a face and said " Ok ok l am late let's begin. They started running and Aylin was again muttering to herself and scolding herself to choose a coach like him. Erick was ignoring her.

Today Erick told her some tricks to defeat her opponent. Aylin was listening to him. He said, "Don't ever let your opponent know what's in your mind." Aylin said "Ok coach!" Erick was delighted as Aylin was a fast learner.

After 10 minutes. Erick was yelling at Aylin who spoiled his tracksuit. Aylin was listening to him like a small cute girl. Matilda came and saw both of them fighting. She said in amazement "What happened? Why are you yelling at Vampire who yells at everyone?"

Aylin stared at her and Erick said "I gave her water but she dribbled that water on me."

Matilda laughed and said " You both carry on. l just came to give Aylin food and now l am going. Aylin said to her"Oh hello miss! Where are you going? You are the one who has caused this big trouble and now laughing at me." Matilda said "You were the one who hit him with this ball. I can't do anything." She kept the lunch and ran from there. Aylin yelled at her "Because of you l am getting tortured every day."

Erick said to her"Meet me tomorrow and don't be late." Aylin said happily"Sorry l can't come for training for the next few days. Erick asked, "Why?" She replied, "As l have to go to my dance competition." She went towards the classroom leaving Erick behind in his thoughts.

Aylin was called by Mr. Williams. She said to him"Have l done anything wrong sir?" Mr. Williams snickered at her silly questions. He said " Calm down dear! l just called you to give instructions for your competition."

Aylin felt at ease and sat on the chair in front of him. She said, "I thought that something happened." He laughed and said "No no it's not anything serious. l just wanted to give you suggestions. " Aylin focused on his words.

He started to say"The competition is in five days so tomorrow we need to reach Howard University by night so be ready at 6 pm. I will be waiting for you. Remember that don't take much stress and don't practice a lot. " Aylin admirably looked at him. She said"Don't worry sir. l will take a rest and pack my baggage."

He replied"I am pleased to listen to this. We will stay in Howard for eight days so be ready with your essentials. " She said, "Ok sir but Can l take Matilda with me as she wants to see my performance."

Mr. Williams laughed and replied, "Of course, you can take Matilda with you but l forgot to tell you that Sunny and Ryan are also going with us due to their basketball competition and l got to know that you and Sunny gonna play a match after one month."

Aylin put her head down in embarrassment and said " Yes sir! But l don't have any rivalry towards Sunny but he bullied Matilda that's why l got angry and did those things." Mr. Williams said "Oh! So do you know basketball?." Aylin said "Sir that's the problem. l did many things except basketball. " Mr. James laughed and said, " So how you're gonna compete with him?"

Aylin replied, "I found a coach who can help me." Then Aylin left the room. Mr. Williams smiled and, said, "l would glad to see you win."

Aylin came outside and went towards and saw Ryan. He said, "Hi Aylin." She ignored him but Ryan said "Wait! Do you like Erick?" Aylin turned back and replied to him "No way " Ryan said, "So why do l always see him with you?" Aylin said "None of your business." Ryan said, "It's my business that's why l am asking." Aylin said, "I don't like him."

She went towards her class. Ryan had a smile on his face and he muttered to himself"I know you can't like anyone as l am gonna make you mine. He went inside the dance classroom.