
back to love ......

megha was happy now because of adhi... adhi also felt the same . they went to bed at the same time .

after a long day..... megha came back to hostel..... this news was passed..... to adhi ..... adhi was overwhelmed at the same time he was feared....what if megha saw him and asked him about why he betrayed her in last birth..... he was confused and went to a sound proof room in college. megha came to college and was searching for adhi. adhi was playing a music... no one was there in that room ..... he sadly singing that song...

adhi: my love..... how you lost your belief on me...

my heart .... do you know how much i love you ... he was singing that song ..... suddenly one line striked megha mind and went straight to adhi ....

adhi : my life ... how can you leave me....

my soul.... you left me and how can i leave you .....

back to me my heart.... back to me with love...

waiting for you.... until the noon and sun.....

my life is a memory with you ..... but now it is erased....

sweet life we had..... but dark surrounded us..

love you left me in dark..... how can i live without you... adhi cried for a last line....megha saw adhi was crying and came to him .... adhi was speechless ... megha cant carry her emotions ... she came straight to adhi... and hugged him tightly....