

megha was smiling and looked at the board that professor was seriously saying lesson. class ended .. professor went away. outside class adhi was waiting and megha was silently escaping from the class. that is a break time so no one interfered with her ... megha slowly came out by her eyes were closed.

megha : adhi what are you going to do ..?

adhi : nothing baby ... just do what i say ...?

he went to principal office. that day principal came specially to see her . because she was so special to him... actually he had to clear some debits with her ..... he was debited for many years... so he wants to do every thing for her ... inside the room he was scolding some one and arguing with professors... professors all are going to frustrate..

principal : look mr. i appointed you as my professor because you had many skills so to improve it and to share your knowledge by not means to punish students....

professor : what do you want to say sir ...?

principal : she is also a chair person in this group... she is your future boss ... i want to say you people had to respect same like adhi .... if i found this again .. i dont know what i do ...?

professors unison and said okay to him and went away .... by then megha enters in to that room....jagadeesh welcomed her whole heartedly....

jagadeesh : mom you came ...

adhi : dad ... your son is also here ...

jagadeesh : i dont care about you brat ... my mom is here ...

adhi: dad stop your sentimental drama ..... want to gift your mom with a gift ...

jagadeesh : oh my son also learnt some knowledge ..

writer : i also think same jagadeesh sir..

adhi : writer stop bullying me ... in home dad and in novel you are playing with me ...god you made me as a toy for them ..

writer : adhi ..... i think i am your god ...

adhi : writer this is your time ....

jagadeesh : i also think same writer ... but i need to see my mom..

writer : ok jagadeesh sir .. keep going ....

megha : uncle what are you both doing here ..?

jagadeesh : adhi was gifting you some thing i was eager to know about it ...

megha : really adhi what was it ...?

adhi : dad i want to gift that villa beside mountain to adhiti ...

jagadeesh : uncle no i dont want it ... please i only want your love ...

jagadeesh : you always have our love my dear mom but i need you to accept this ...

adhi : dad i dont know you will speak to a person with this tone ...

jagadeesh : she is my mom .. i had to respect her ...

adhi : ok i will also agree..

megha : uncle ... what was happening ...?

jagadeesh : mom .. call me as jagadeesh..

megha : uncle you are older than me .. how can i call you like that uncle ...

jagadeesh : mom person cannot be judged by his age .. his behavior and his personality ... my mom is always great .. mom can i call you as mom ...

megha : okay sir .. but i will call you as uncle . don't object me please .

adhi : ok calm down .. i had a music consort now ...

megha : can i join with you ..

adhi : no megha .. it is my solo performance ...

megha : shall i join with you as audience ....

adhi : no megha .. it was being shoot

megha : ok then .. i will go to my class now...

adhi :no ... dad will take you to some where..

megha : where uncle ...? she asked in a doubt ...

jagadeesh :i will show you mom ...all your family and my family was going to meet ..

megha : uncle dad was coming to our city ...

jagadeesh : yes mom they were coming to our home... be prepared we are going to do shopping ...

megha : uncle i am scared..

jagadeesh : no problem mom ... i will take care of it .. this is my card you have to use it . if you had any problem please contact me ... my number is already in your phone as jagadeesh.

megha : uncle i am feeling confused. because you are showing this much care but i didn't gave you any thing ...

jagadeesh : mom you are there for us ... we dont need any thing from you ... just your smile is enough ..

adhi :ok i will drop you at mall lets go ... he diverted topic.

later he dropped her in shopping mall. she went in by seeing her .. adhi also went away .. suddenly a came person to her.