Chapter 15

Today, while Arthur is helping Kiera in the clinic of her own. Unexpectedly there are a few that make Kiera pretty upset just to see the look on her face.

Kiera walked closer to the man, with hands on the waist and looked at him sharply.

"What are you doing here?" ask Kiera.

"Honey, I'm sorry about the incident at the time a-" says the man was stalled when viewing Arthur with affectionate hug Kiera from behind.

"Who is this guy? Why did he call you as my Dear?" ask Arthur.

"He's just the past."

"What did he come to see?" ask Arthur.

"Who are you? Why did you dare hug Kiera?"

"Sam, let me introduce you ... the name of Arthur, he is my beloved, and will become the companion of my life," said Kiera.

Arthur smiled and then held out his hand to Sam. The man did not receive a helping hand Arthur and choose to look the other way.

"Is there anything else you want to say?" ask Kiera.