Life Arthur is perfect due to the presence of three children at a time in his life. The man at this time began to work with a professional. Arthur learns quickly about what he was doing. Not only have that, several times Arthur down directly in the problem being a new client given.
As the current Arthur natural, for three months of work he was a new experience working with clients that talk too much and demanding. There are a lot of requests that could not be Arthur do in the cooperation including ask to keep some people with the same cost, or no rise and additions.
"You can't do it, if you mind ... please seek the services of the other." Arthur seen already annoyed.
"How can a big company like Enigma refused to give a discount on new clients," said a woman with black shirt.
"Ma'am, if you're not interested with us, I told you to seek the services of others, what you can't hear?"
"I will report this company because it is not fun!"