Today was the start of the weekend, and she has plans in going to the beach with Carol. 

Maya wanted so much to have a good time at the beach so she could clear her head from every thought of Michael or should she say Jason.

Honestly, she wasn't happy at all, she didn't even know how to summon the moon goddess, but that was hard because in the modern times, she hasn't seen a witch, and there was none in her pack. But if there was a witch in her pack, there is the possibility that the witch will be the first to recognize her, and she doubts if that would be something good because she was scared about what happened when she had a witch in her pack.

Thinking about this, suddenly gave her the thought that, if Michael could reincarnate, then the others might too. This made Maya shiver a little because then, it might mean a battle just like the ancient times was bound to reoccur.