Maya listened to every detail which Lionel had pi Pentre out flr her, concerning the Diane's attack. This was going to be a long battle. This was because Maya just didn't want to attack the pack, she wanted to be sure that at the end she's was coningviut victorious. 

Good thing Lionel had toldvher almost every thimg she needed to know about the pack. Her sould aim wasn't Aloha Damian. As long as she was concerned, the grudge she held for him wasn't as string as the one she had fkr Diane. 

Alpha Dsmian, from her observation, wasn't as ruthless as how he used ti be. Maybe l of this was because they weren't the main villain whom she must fight in order fjr peace to Reighton. 

The main witch she was hell bent on bri hung ti destruction was no one else but Diane. 

"Csn I ask you a question, Lionel?"

'Yea, ask away."

"Why did yiu leave Lisa, I mean you have been married to her for years now.