Diane woke up, oy to fi d herself in an old looking house. Shr looked around hoping g to fi d someone around, buy she fiund no one. Sve was scared because sge thiufh she was dulcimer yo find someone arkumd, bkt fkund no one around. 

She tried to gey up from the old bed where sge sT, bjt couldn't

  Her bones seemed stiff. Sge wondred hkw long she had been asleep for? 

She tried to recall her past, but she couldn't remember anytbimg, whichever was very strange. She thought after waking up she was to regain her strength, abd also remember what happened to her. But nothing cane to mind. 

Whe age was turning around, thr old door suddemy flew open e am d some old woman walked in.

"You are awake, thank good," An old lady woth grey hair came inti view. 

"Good thing you are aware nkw. We were all worried about you."

We? What washed lady talking g about. She do remember thst age was the only one im the room.