
As Urraina 'equipped' the carapace, her wings spread out a bit more, to the point that she can realistically glide with them. Of course, Urraina, not noticing the change until she checks her body for scars, was a bit surprised.

"Does this mean I can glide now? I mean, too soon for flight, so I guess I'll try and get used to it!"

She proceeded to climb a tree that looked like a regular jungle one, climbed on one of it's mid-tier branches and prepared her wings by stretching them.

"Well," said Urraina. "Here goes nothing!"

And then she jumped off the branch with her wings spread out trying to aim herself safely on another tree or hopefully the ground. She instead panicked and forgot how to land, resulting her yet again face planting herself in the ground. {Second or third time?} "grr, coulda done better if I didn't panic." She grumbled to herself as she stood up again, with a dark purple bump on her head developing.

"Great, now I've got a horn thingy. Otherwise it's just a-". A rustle is heard in the nearby bushes, alerting Urraina. "WHO'S THERE?!?!" ^I-it's me Marinarlk!^. Urraina stares as the yellow lizard with a spear and a pair of what seems to be boxers walks out of the underbrush. "So, how'd you find me ere', huh? Ye sniffed me out?" Marinarlk shakes his head anxiously, ^no, you've got it wrong! I was sent by our mother tree to fetch you since the draconian's mother tree wants you^.

Urraina looks down and thinks for a few seconds and asks, "Want me? Why would a tree want me?" Marinarlk says, ^Something about a special reincarnator being specially chosen. I dunno ALL of it since nobody in the town really knows what the tree wants. I'll bring you to the village and get some...clothes *gulp*^. Urraina looks down at her "armor" made up of nettle carapaces and leaves. "Yeah, I guess I do need some clothes. Seems like I have to come with you anyway to find out why a tree wants me."

^M-maybe for a job! I know jobs issued by the mothertree are really high paying and this is the only reason I took this job of finding you in the first place since the mothertree issued it.^

"Yeah, maybe. Now, can we set off please? I don't wanna stand here for a lot longer since I don't like wasting my own time unless I have no motivation to do anything."

^A-alright! Let's go!^. The yellow lizard walks back into the bushes and this time, with a female lizard following him.

Tree talks!

{oh-ho, seems like your little chosen one has a few feelings for mine!}. |Shut it, it's called modesty in which your sadistic seed doesn't have.|. {Oh no- I feel sooo wounded, how about I just take some of your bark then to cover me?}. |Void, no! This is my bark and you gotta get your own You exhibitionist!|