The Family Part 2

I walked into the room to see three people gathered by the fireplace, they started to stare at me and question each other. One came over to me and I tried writing something on the paper.

I notice one person who seems to be standing next to the woman from before, He is tall and very bulky with brown hair and red eyes. Even though he seems big and mean his face gives off a comfortless feeling around others.

"Where am I?"

"What language is this"

They must know how to at least write my language considering they learned my name. I don't know how I'm going to communicate with them. The girl I saw previously signaled me to sit down next to her. It seemed like she had wraps and bandages for my arms and legs. I'm going to sit next to her to get wrapped. I didn't notice it until I looked down but I was still bleeding through the previously wrapped bandages. As she was wrapping me she started to talk in elvish which surprised me.

"Hello, Rylla"

"Where am I?" I asked worried.

She looked at me confused as if it was a weird question to ask someone in this area. She stopped and paused to think about my question.

"You are in the nation of Kolan, the absolute northern point of Antrica, I should ask what is a elf doing all the way up here?" Her face was brimming with confusion and curiosity.

I staggered as I spoke, the Everack forest is on the most southern part of the continent, it's a forest where no one dares to go through or go near sometimes.

"Abandonment" were the words that could only come out of my mouth. As I start to regain consciousness I start to remember the dreadful night. My parents ran from bandit's and both looked at me. Talking about how throwing me off would distract the bandits so they could escape.

"I want off this subject" I was thinking and talking in my head about not wanting to talk about how my parents abandoned me. Would I be able to trust anybody every again? Should I trust these human people in front of me? what about elf's my own kind? are they trust worthy? My mind was scrambling to find answers it could not.

My mind wanders off out of the window instead of talking. It's just a village with houses made out of rocks with wood roofs. She looked at me wondering what my mind is going to say next. Not even I know what happened, The direction I was going was out of the forest but I should still be on the most southern side of the continent. The more my mind tries to figure it out, the more my head starts to burn from over thinking.

As my mind calms down I start to remember the bandits dads smirk as he pushed me out of the cart when we were being chased. His...horrible disgusting smirk with his teeth showing. His muscular knight build while wearing armor knowing very well he didn't have to push me out.

"Maybe I cant trust these people to." My mind start to run off from reality again.

"Should I run away?"

"Are they going to throw me away to?"

My feet start to move on there own as they struggle in a attempt to run back to the bed. My running was basically a average person walking from how weak I was. My hands quickly grab the blanket and put them over my whole body as they could easily tell where I was because of the violent shaking my body was going through. Tears start to go down my eyes like a lake.

"Why did I go in that room?"

"What did my mind think was going to happen?" My mind said as my eye lids start to close slowly from exhaustion.

"What should we do Redan?"

"Just leave her be Leum, she must be scarred from whatever happened" They both wondered what to do next.