Sneaky Little-Oh Shit!

"Mm-hmm, mm-hmm." Red visor glowed in the dead of night as Spider-Man landed on the glass plane of the OsCorp building, He hummed nonchalantly as he deployed the blade from his gauntlet,

"Tiptoe thru' your window." He sang as the blade cut through the glass like a hot knife through butter. Cutting through the glass, he infiltrated the office. The alarms didn't blare because he had already paralyzed the camera and sensors in the room. "By the window, that is where I'll be."

Like a typical office, there were a lot of desks and computers. Spider-Man pulled a chair below him as he sat while turning a PC on. The PC booted up as the OsCorp logo appeared. Peter connected a Pendrive to the PC as he made the PC more vulnerable, disabling the security and the firewall. "It's time for you to shine now, Eryl."

He smirked to himself as Eryl infiltrated the OsCorp database. He only had to create a way for Eryl to enter the database. The rest Eryl could do on her own, once she was in there would be no secrets as to what OsCorp has been up to. "Copy all the data and make sure to corrupt what you think would be volatile. Well, every technology is volatile to some level but, you know what I mean, right?"

"Perfectly, Peter." Eryl responded.

"Good, scan the whole facility and construct a map." Spider-Man said getting up as he shut the PC. A map appeared on the interface of his visor as he hummed.

Once he got inside Baxter it was easy for him to make this suit in a span of a month. Good material was always laying around as Reed was zooming around the lab like the multi-tasking genius he was. It was easy to smuggle material and construct his suit in secret.

Carbon Fibre threads and microcircuits that Susan helped him design worked fabulously. After dealing with the issue of the power it was fairly easy to bring the system online as Eryl helped manage the data processing and basically acted as a sentient operating system.

He was more efficient and better equipped now but it was nowhere close to where he has set his aim to be.

But he didn't have enough data on our equipment. He could come up with his weapon and powerups but it would take a lot of time and money which he didn't have right now. So he decided to do the next best thing.




Norman had a lot of weight in the tech industry. Not as much as the Stark but the sheer range of the technology that OsCorp covered was mind-blowing. To him, the OsCorp tower just looked like a giant data doughnut dipped in sugar haze just waiting to be eaten.

So today he decided to strike and take a bit.

Spider-Man ducked behind a crate in the hallway as a guard passed from the adjoining hallway. He sneaked behind the man and grabbed him in a chokehold.

The man struggled, trying to free and raise alert but he could even scream. To Spider-Man who would bend metal with his bare hands, a frail humans neck was.


"Go to sleep."

He dragged the body and dumped it into the crate.

"How convenient. If I do this a few more times successfully I might just pull out a page from agent 47's book and start taking contracts." He mused to himself as he jump and attached himself to the ceiling as two guards walked out of a door. He let them approach before pouncing on the guy on left.

He grabbed the guy's head and banged it into the wall. The other guard was startled but didn't get to track as Spider-Man kicked him in the throat pinning him to the opposite wall. He grabbed the guy bleeding from the head and slammed into the other guard who was choking for air.

With a flick of his left hand, the blade was deployed as Spider-Man swiftly ran it through both of the guards skewering them.

He removed the blade and flicked the blood off of it and walked away while retracting it back into the gauntlet.

Spider-Man activated the cloaking function as he blended into the dark as he entered a high-security room.

He made no sound as he squeezed through the tens of guards and OsCorp workers as they walked around doing their work.

"Are you sure we are supposed to be doing this, sir?" A young man wearing spectacles asked an older looking man who just sighed in exasperation. "Captain America is a living legend and a prime example of miracles of science but I think there is a reason he is one of a kind and it isn't the super-soldier serum. Even if it was sir we shouldn't be trying to recreate it! Look at Red Skull! If Captain America is an example of science done right then he is the complete opposite! Sir, it's not worth the risk. Please reconsider."

"It's out of our hand. Pierce has been funding OsCorp for years now! Norman has been pushing the deadline back for a while now. There's no way we can stop this now. It's too late, Jerome." The old man patted Jerome as he walked away.

Jerome's shoulder sagged as he looked at the three vials that contained the green liquid. "I guess... The formula is almost complete anyways. I just hope this doesn't end up being a disaster."

"Oh, I can make sure of that." Spider-Man whispered into his left year as Jerome was startled and began looking around.

"W-Who? Who said that?!" Jerome's voice pitched as everybody around him looked like he was crazy.

"Are you okay?"

"Y-Yeah... I guess-Ah!" Jerome screamed again as Spider-Man tapped on his right shoulder. "Who's there?! Who touched me-oof"

Spider-Man grabbed his head and banged into the desk as he knocked him out. Everybody was shocked as to them it appeared as Jerome banged his head into the desk, knocking himself out as he fell to the floor.

Spider-Man smirked as he walked around the crowd towards a tank that was labelled as Fluothane.

"Sleeping gas. How lovely." Peter severed the pipe connecting to the glass chambers as the room was immediately filled up with the sleeping gas. Everybody began falling onto the floor deep in sleep except for Spider-Man who walked towards the Vials containing the serum and pocketed them. He grabbed hydrochloric acid and poured it all over the remaining sample and research papers before sabotaging the lab computer as well.

The room was sealed shut from the inside now and he didn't want to use the door and risk anybody waking up so he climbed up the vent. Uncomfortably exploring the vent-way he came out in a different section of the building.

"Fancy tech." Spider-Man whistled to himself as he looked around the pieces of technology that were in the glass display to see if anything would be useful to him. "Meh... Nothing he-"

He stopped mid-sentence as his eyes landed on something. Something incredible.

In a glass box, there was a handful of black micro-sand constructs.

"This... This can't be." Spider-Man said gasping as he carefully approached it. He crouched as he looked closely into the box. "If this is what I think this is... then this changes everything. I can't leave this in Osborne's hands."

Spider-Man made a pouch from his web and grabbed the lid of the box and tore it open. Which proved to be a wrong decision as


Alarms blared startling Spider-Man.

"Eyrl! What happened?!"

"There was a different type of sensor in the room you are in. This one particular was jigged at the pieces of technology that are in the display that is set to alert in case there is a burglary. This one uses a different line so I am unable to paralyze it." Eryl responded.

"Fuck!" Spider-Man cursed as he quickly bagged the black particles and tuck them away. He grabbed the metalic spear that was near the box and threw it at the door which opened not even a second later and the spear sailed through the door and through the abdomen of a guard. Spider-Man rushed past the man and into the hallway.

"There! There he is!" In front of him were 5 armed guards.

Spider-Man slid under the bullets as he weaved a wrecking ball with a web and rammed two of the guards into the wall. He jumped over a punch, flipped and landed on the man behind the guards and cut his throat open. He leaned to the side to avoid a knife stab.

He grabbed the offending hand and cut it off. He then pushed his blades through his abdomen. With a warcry, he lifted him and ran towards the guy he had jumped over and stabbed him as well. Kicking them off his blade he ran as he heard footsteps approaching.

"Eryl! Open that door!"

"Roger that."

Spider-Man rushed into and quickly closed it as and had Eryl lock it as the guards rushed past him. "Shit. The mission is botched. Remind me to upload you at Nexus so that you'll be able to learn by yourself so that we never get caught in a sticky situation like this-"

He stopped mid-sentence once again as he turned around. He was in a room where a machine with two walls of web trays spun around. Each tray had different spiders as they were hypnotically making their webs which were being extracted by robotic arms to make incredibly strong biocables

The most fascinating and horrifying thing about this machine was that each spider had been genetically-modified.

"Eryl... Is this."

"Yes, it's the nest. 473 spiders. All genetically engineered on. After a disastrous experiment instant of being terminated, they were shifted here by Richards Parker to weave biocabel." Eryl explained.

"Are all the spiders modified by Richards?"

"No, from 473 spiders only 12 have been personally modified by Richards Parker."

"I see... Point me to which ones."

"Tray A-23, B-11, D-69, AB-44, XV-99..." Eryl listed out as Peter grabbed a jar and transferred the spiders into the jar.

"Please hold on for a while. Also, try not to eat each other." Spider-Man smiled.

"What are you going to do about the rest of them?" Eryl asked.

"Burn them." Spider-Man said with a steely look in his eyes. "You have the data in them, right? If I want something I could always engineer a spider myself. But we can't risk someone... more deranged getting such abilities."

Spider-Man ripped wires out of the generator and began making a makeshift explosive.

"Hey! He's in here!" He heard a voice yell from outside as they began to bang on the door.

"Eryl, on my signal open the power supply and flood the wires and opposite nodes with electricity."

"Got it." Spider-Man rushed towards the door as it opened. The guards raised their guns as Spider-Man jumped ready to fire but he disappeared mid-air.

"What?!" The lead guard hissed. "Look around! He must be here-"


Their head snapped back as the door closed behind them. Looking through the glass they say Spider-Man give them a mock salute.

"Please give this gentleman an honourable goodbye, Eryl."

"Understood." The wires surged with the electricity as the generator began sparking. "Farewell, motherfuckers."


"That's my girl." Spider-Man said as he wiped a non-existent tear from his visor.

Spider-Man ran as a second explosion rocked the floor.

"Eryl! Kill the power!" Spider-Man said as the electricity was cut off. Spider-Man ran towards the rooftop. Killings a few more guards, Spider-Man ran and jumped off the rooftop. As he twisted his body from the corner of his eyes he saw Norman Osborne's grim face as he climbed up the stairs.

"Always late." Spider-Man said as he was free-falling. "You missed all of the fun."

He tucked his body as we began to swing away.

"Totally was a great haul."


So a lot happened.

Power ups real soon. Please look forward to them.

I'm sleepy so I'll just sleep.

Let me know if you liked the chapter.