An Ugly Green Problems: Finale

"Are you okay, Peter?" Eryl asked in worry as Spider-Man swung across New York City. "I'm picking up high-stress levels from-"

"I am." Spider-Man replied as his mind travelled back to the look of betrayal Susan had. Shaking his head he cracked a smile as he dismissed Eryl's worries. "Just have a lot on my mind. I fucked up with Susan. I was careless and now she knows about this whole vigilante thing. Even if I don't stay in Baxter's, I'll have to make it up to her."

"I agree." Eryl said as Spider-Man sighed. "You are a poor friend."

"...hah. Aren't you supposed to make me feel better-"

"But at least you admit it." Eryl cut in. "We will have the time to make it up to her. I'll do research in the background on how to apologise to her. Pick up her likes and dislikes, her hobbies, favourite food. This way you will have a greater chance of succeeding with your apology."

(A/N: Eryl best girl T.T)

"Thanks a lot, Eryl! You are the best!"

"Always trying my best."

"Now, let's get this done." Spider-Man said as he landed on the rooftop in front of an abandoned factory near Astoria Park in Queens. Spreading out his senses he was able to scout the area and pinpoint the location of the hostiles he was about hunt. "Densely guarded and monitored."

"Let's not resort to guns blazing this time lest allowing Osborn to escape once again." Eryl advised.

"Tch. He would have been six feet deep if it wasn't for the fantastic four's interruption." Spider-Man grumbled to himself. "Eryl, loop the CCTVs, monitor the radios, I don't want any direct communication between the guards."

"Roger, give me a few seconds." Eryl said as she slipped into the surveillance. "It's done, I'm in. You are good to go."

"Alright." Spider-Man said to himself as rolled his shoulders.

"Happy hunting."

"Heh." Spider-Man chuckled to himself as he hopped down the rooftop and landed on the ground with a small thud. He turned invisible using his camouflage just as a man appeared around the corner having heard the small thud.

"Who's there Jack?" His friend from the radio asked as the man looked around wearily. Sighing to himself the man turned around to leave.

"Nothing buddy must have been a cat or something." He said to his friend as he turned around to leave turning off the radio. "Damn... What a boring night-"

"Is that so?" A voice asked behind him as the man's eyes widened. Before he could scream or yell he felt a force shut his mouth and cut off his oxygen as he began to thrash around to escape. Spider-Man became visible as he put the man in a chokehold. "Lucky you then. Cause I'm about to turn this night a whole lot interesting."

Slamming the man's head into the wall he webbed him up before crouching and jumping over the fence. Spider-Man crouched and set himself under a metal staircase that led to the factory roof as a man came around during his rounds.

Waiting for the opportunity he grabbed the man by both of his feet and yanked it hard making him fall on his face and pass out.

Spider-Man grabbed the staircase from the side and in an incredible show of core strength pulled himself up. Settings his feet on the railing he pushed himself up and suspended himself into the air as he landed on the rooftop of the three-storey factory.

Spider-Man landed soundlessly behind a henchman and grabbed him by the mouth before turning and slamming his head into the metal railing knocking him out.

Webbing his feet to the railing he tossed the man off the rooftop and winched as he heard the knocked out man slam into the wall.

"That's gotta hurt." Spider-Man mused to himself as he sneaked towards the internal staircase entrance on the rooftop. Standing in the blindside of the wall he waited a few moments as another henchman arrived.

"Yo. it's time to change the shift... Where did he go?" The man looked around in confusion.

"Somewhere nice." Spider-Man said as the man turned around to punch him. Ducking under the punch, Spider-Man backhanded him in the face which sent him flying but Spider-Man pulled him back using his web and grabbed him by the throat. "Goodnight."

Spider-Man threw the man towards over the fence of the factory and into an open dumpster which closed when the man landed into the dumpster as Spider-Man webbed it just to be sure.

Walking down the stairs Spider-Man made short work of the henchmen in a sneaky manner that would have made Arno proud.

(A/N: Who do you think is the stealthiest Assassin in the AC lore? My best bet is Arno Dorian cause AC Unity heavily emphasised stealth where full-on assault was the last resort. It's either him or Evie but if we get Altair in a standalone game with polished mechanisms he could easily take the crown. That guy is a beast!)

Grabbing the mouth of the head guard Spider-Man, watched the back of Green Goblin as he tinkered with his Glider. Twisting the neck of the man Spider-Man let the man fall on the floor with a thud. Green Goblin froze as he heard the noise.

"Hmm. You are finally here." Green Goblin said as he continued working with his Glider. "I was expecting you to come early."

"Stop with your bulshit. Where is Connors?" Spider-Man asked as Green Goblin dropped the wrench and growled. He pressed a button in the comms but all he heard was static. "Don't bother. I've taken care of all it."

"Fifty-three men. Do you know how much money I've spent over them?" Green Goblin growled.

"Don't know. Don't care." Spider-Man said. "Where is Connors?"

"Of course, you wouldn't. But you should have. You have been a thorn at my side for too long. You have ruined everything!" Green Goblin growled as he turned to face Spider-Man who whistled as he saw his face. "It's time for you to pay for what you have done! I'll make you beg for forgiveness!"

"Damn... I'm sorry man." Spider-Man said rolling his eyes. "I'm sorry that your left face doesn't match your right."


You are going to die, Spider-Man!" Green Goblin raged as he rushed towards Spider-Man.

"Okay, short fuse." Spider-Man quipped as he leaned back avoiding a jab aimed at his face. Pulling his hand back, he laced it with Bio-Electricity and slammed into Goblin's gut which sent him flying into the workbench where his glider was. "I won't be pulling any punches today."

"Damn you, Spider-Man!" Green Goblin yelled as he shook off the rubble and mounted his Glider but just as he was about to take off Spider-Man webbed his glider and slingshotted himself towards Green Goblin. Goblin put his arms up to block the attack but only screamed in mixed pain and rage as the bones in his arms cracked upon impact as they weren't sufficient enough to brace the raw force Spider-Man belted out.

Green Goblin slammed into the wall as Spider-Man landed on the ground. Attaching a web to his chest, Spider-Man pulled himself out of the wall and slammed him into the ground.

"You can't defeat me... you are too late-" Goblin growled as he tried to get up but he felt his vision turn bloody as Spider-Man kicked him in the face which sent him flying into a pillar.

"There... I fixed the left side of your face as well." Spider-Man said walking towards the Goblin. He jumped spinning around as he caught the glider as it tried to stab him. Using the momentum Spider-Man whacked Goblin with his own glider slamming him in the pillar once again. Tossing the sparking glider aside, Spider-Man visors glowed as he kicked Green Goblin in the knee breaking it as he screamed in pain.

"Ahhhhhh-" Spider-Man ruthlessly punched the Goblin in the face and gut as he spat out blood in pain. Green Goblin tried to punch Spider-Man who easily caught the punch and twisted his arm before grabbing him by the neck and slamming into the ground.

"It's just you and me. Nobody is going to save you tonight." Spider-Man said as he ejected his stinger and stabbed him towards Green Goblin's face. Green Goblin managed to muster some strength and grabbed the stinger from killing him.

"Oh?" Spider-Man raised an eyebrow as he ejected stinger from the other hand and stabbed forward but Green Goblin intercepted that as well.

"You... You think that you are smark?" Green Goblin managed to squeeze out as Spider-Man watched in curiosity as his gloves shifted transforming into cuffs as they bound Spider-Man's hands together. Green Goblin kicked Spider-Man off him and sent him tumbling on the floor. Getting up he pulled out his sword and rushed towards Spider-Man with a snarl.

Spider-Man helped himself after a bit of struggle as his senses blared. Looking up he saw Goblin jumping towards him, brandishing his sword to cleave off his head.

"This is your end, Spider-Man!" Green Goblin smirked in victory as he swung downwards.


Green Goblin's eyes widened in disbelief as he stared at Spider-Man's with a petrified look.

"What? Didn't see it coming?" Spider-Man asked in a sarcastic tone. Four sharp lances similar to his stinger protruded from his back as legs.

(A/N: Spider legs from Iron Spider suit. But these legs/lances are made of the same bone material as the stingers.)

One of the lances stretched out and intercepted the blade before it could reach his neck. With a flick, Spider-Man tossed his sword away and shot two the lances impaling through his shoulders making him scream.

Spider-Man broke out of the restraints using brute strength he used the lances that were pinning Goblin to bring him closer to his face.

"W-What the hell is you-ack!" Green Goblin gasped as Spider-Man impaled him with his stingers.

"An ever-evolving arachnid." Spider-Man said retracting his stingers and lances as he tossed Green Goblin back.

"I-I am not done... This isn't over yet!" Green Goblin squeezed out as he spat out blood.

"It's over. I laced my stingers with a corrosive poison that is going to destroy your body on a cellular level." Spider-Man said with a tone of finality. "Your death isn't going to be easy. No, no, no. It's going to be slow and painful."

"Ahhh!" Green Goblin began convulsing in pain as the effects of the poison kicked in. His skin began bubbling disturbingly as he began to vomit of a black-goo like substance.

"Those are your internals. They are going to liquefy soon and you can do nothing but convulse in misery as you vomit your guts out." Spider-Man spat out. "This is your end, Osborn."

"No... My legacy will live on! You have only won the battle Spider-Man! I'll win this war!" Green Goblin lost it as he began to laugh like a maniac while still convulsing in pain. "Y-You have no idea what I have done! I evolved Connors! Turned him into my minion! I gave him a mission and now he is going to turn the whole city into lizards!"

"..." Spider-Man looked at Green Goblin silently as he narrated his evil plan. 'Cliché.'

"These lizards can turn other humans into lizards once they bite them and only Connors can control them! Connors will come and save me and together with this army of lizards we will take over the word-"

"What an idiot." Spider-Man said as he pulled out his phone and dialled a number.

"W-What are you doing-"

"Shhh... Just listen." Spider-Man said as the call connected.

"Who the fuck is this-omg! It's my best friend!" An overly excited voice could be heard from the other side. "Hey, guys! It's Spidey!"

"I'm in the middle of something you fucking motor-mouthed idiot!" A gruff voice grunted out.

"I agree with Logan here." Another calm voice replied.

"Hmph! You guys are no fun! I was just being nice you freaking jerks!" Wade said as he turned to the call. "Hey, Spidey! Everything alright in your side?"

"All good. The head honcho doing his evil monologue about his absolutely evil plans."

"Gyahaha! Typical!"

"I thought I'd call you to humour him."

"Hahaha! Then you have come to the right place. This is in speaker right?"


"Okay. *Ahem* Listen here you stupid green goat fucker! Want to go around announcing your stupid shity nefarious plans about taking over the world with an equally shitty army? Then you have come to the wrong place bud. Cause you know why? Because your fucking generals are dead! Each one of them! Well I mean two are still alive since these slowpokes are taking so much time-"

"Fuck you, Wade." Wolverine grunted.

"What Logan said." Daredevil said.

"-but they won't be for a much longer! Basically, your shitty plan is like a stale shitty shit just like the goat fucker who made it. So fuck you, cliché evil mastermind!" Wade finished taking a deep breath.. "Okay. I'm glad I rehearsed that. Anyways I'll go help these idiots and then come meet you."

"Next time you team me up with this loud-mouthed idiot I'm going to beat you to death Spider-Man.


"And the beer be worth it."



"You are treating us after this fiasco is over right? I'll see you then."

"Yep." Spider-Man said as disconnected the call. Looking at the lost look on Green Goblin's face Spider-Man almost felt sympathy for him.


"Not really." Spider-Man shook his head gaining Goblin's attention. "There goes your plan."

"Grrrr. I can take the world over as long as I'm alive! But I'll have to eliminate you for that." Green Goblin smirked as Spider-Man's senses blared.

"Oh god, this is stupid." Spider-Man spun on his feet as he ducked under the claw attack of the lizard as he cocked his hand back. Yellow lightning licked his hands as he buried his fist into the Lizard's gut and sent him flying out of the building.

"No..." Green Goblin shivered as it finally dawned upon him.

"Peter, I have bad news-"

"Later Eryl. I've to deal with this first." Ejecting his stinger he laced it with electricity as he stabbed Green Goblin in the chest with it. "Goodbye Norman-"

Spider-Man froze as his senses blared.

"Peter this is bad! You need to get out of here!" Spider-Man kicked Green Goblin back as he retracted stingers as he ran towards the window. "It's a human torch-"


The building exploded as Spider-Man was sent flying out of the building crashing through the fence and into another building.

"What the-" Spider-Man shook his head as he tried to get out of the hole.

"Spider-Man." Human Torch announced as he appeared floating in front of Spider-Man. He was emitting more heat than usually as even the metal rods that were sticking out in the wall had begun melting as they came in contact with his flames. He was using his Nova Flame more. Spider-Man narrowed his eyes, this clearly was Richards doing. "Today you answer for your crimes!"

"Fuck you." Spider-Man said as he webbed Human Torch's face who simply burned it as he grabbed Spider-Man by the waist and began slamming him through the walls.

Spider-Man groaned as his back was forced to brace against the constant barrage of trauma.

"Aahhhh!" Spider-Man screamed as Human Torch slammed him into a restaurant, accidentally impaling him into a pole.

"No! I-I didn't mean to-ack!" Human torch was sent flying as Spider-Man socked him in the face without any restraint on his strength.

"Fuck!" Spider-Man cursed as he looked down on the pole that was sticking out of his abdomen. The people in the restaurant were looking at him in a horrified look as the Ejecting a Lance he cut the pole in half from the wall as he landed on the ground.

"S-Spider-Man! Oh my god! Are you-" A man tried to help him but Spider-Man grimaced raising his hand as he shakily got back to his feet.

"I'm... Fine!" Spider-Man hissed as he grabbed the pole and pulled it out. The man's face lost its colour as blood began to pour down from his open wound.

"Y-You need help-"

"N-No, I got this!" Spider-Man shook his head as the wound already began regenerating. "You all need to go! This isn't safe-"

Spider-Man's senses blared as he pushed the man back out of the way as the ceiling crashed onto the Spider-Man.

"Come with me! I don't want to hurt you any longer!" Human Torch said stepping aside from the rubble. The people in the restaurant were unable to believe what was happening in front of them.

"You... You are hurting people!" Spider-Man growled as he shot out of the rubble. Spider-Man ejected his stingers as he intercepted a punch and stabbed Human Torch in the arm before punching him in the face. Grabbing him by the face he threw him out of the restaurant and onto the street. "You all need to leave! Now!"

This seemed to shake the people out of their shock as they began rushing out of the restaurant.

Spider-Man growled as he jumped in front of the crowd of people and pulled his hand back.

Spider-Man laced his fist with Bio-Electricity and increased the output as much as he could as Human Torch came closer.

"Fuck off!" Spider-Man unleashed the punch which hit Human Torch in the chest and created a sonic boom wish sent him into a truck.

"Spider! Are you okay?" Wade asked as he along with Wolverine and Daredevil arrived on the scene.

"Yeah. Just a bit-"

"Enough is enough Spider-Man!" Spider-Man's head shot up towards the voice and what he saw made his blood turn cold.

"Spider-Man! Reed! He took Yuri-" A badly hurt looking Trish squeezed out of the ground along with other officers as they made a beeline towards Spider-Man before their eyes turned towards the rooftop as well.

"Come with me and Yuri will be safe I promise." Reed said with a disguised smirk as he held a hurt looking Yuri over the rooftop in his disgusting slimy hands.

"Reed! You coward bastard!"

"Shut up Spider-Man! You have said and done enough! It's time for you to pay for your crimes! You can't kill in my city!"

"Are you retarded, Richards?" Wolverine growled as he pointed at Reed.

"You are a killer as well Wolverine! It's only because of Xavier I'm letting you off! You better stay out of this!"

"Motherfucker get down and I'll show you!" Wade yelled. Growling in anger he pulled out his gun and aimed at him but Spider-Man grabbed his hand. "What are you doing-"

Spider-Man shook his head as he gritted his teeth. "He wants me. I'll go."

"You can't be serious-"

"That bastard has gone crazy! He will hurt Yuri! I promise I won't let her get hurt!" Spider-Man said as Reed smirked.

'All according to the plan.' Reed mused to himself as he looked at Yuri. 'I didn't want to resort to this but Spider-Man is too powerful to control. Once I bring him down it won't be that hard to regain my reputation.'

"Let Yuri go! Now!"

"Of course. Johnny cuffs him." Reed said as a powered down Human Torch landed behind Spider-Man and forced him only to his knees.

"That last one hurt like a bitch." Johnny said as he cuffed Spider-Man.

"No, no, no." Yuri gasped to herself as she looked at Spider-Man.

"People of New York! Spider-Man as you all may have suspected is a cold-blooded killer who kills people under the veil of heroism! And so I, Reed Richards took it upon myself to stop him from committing any crimes." Reed said in a loud boisterous voice. "And today I am going to unmask this mass murderer in front of you."

"Let's see who is behind the mask." Johnny said as he grabbed Spider-Man's mask.

'I... lost.' Spider-Man looked at the crying visage of Yuri and smiled to himself. 'But I managed to protect her.'

Spider-Man's sense suddenly blared as he felt the time slow down. His eyes widened as saw something shift behind Reed with his accelerated vision. "Noooo!"

The Lizard smirked evilly as Reed turned around in shock. Lizard smacked Reed across the face sending him flying down as he dropped Yuri. The Lizard grinned as he towered upon Yuri who looked at him with horror in her eyes.

"Hurt the Spider. Hurt the Spider. Hurt the Spider!" The Lizard hissed out. "If I can't hurt the Spider. I will hurt his mate."

"Aahhhh!" Yuri screamed as the Lizard raised his hand and brandished his claws. Her eyes widened in pain as the Lizard stabbed her. "S-Spider-Man..."

The Lizard roared as he tossed Yuri off the rooftop.

Spider-Man began to lose his vision as he lost grasp on his mind.

The crowd screamed as Daredevil rushed ahead and jumped grabbing Yuri in the air before she hit the ground. Wade and Logan rushed towards the Lizard as he landed on the ground in front of him but he reminded unresponsively.

His vision turned red as he felt something primal stir in him. Spider-Man's head shot up as tears welled up in his eyes. He let out a guttural growl as four lances shot out from his back.



Alternate Titles:

- Cliché Villans Are Boring

- Reed 'Ret@rd' Richards

- Don't you dare lay a hand on my waifu


So, I originally planned this to be two chapters but I just squeezed it in one since many of you wanted this Green Goblin Arc to be over already.

In this chapter I wanted to focus on just how actual super'heros' can become once their sense of reality becomes twisted and they lose sight of the basics of what makes a hero, a hero. Once their sense of justice becomes twisted they end up doing more harm than good.

Reed's personality is perfect for that. Personally, I don't hate Richards I just think he's an intelligent dumbass who does not deserve Susan. He has a lot of pride and can go to any lengths to recover it. So when Spider-Man came around beating him at his own turf, to satisfy his own ego he wants to punish Spider-Man under the disguise of Justice while being a hypocrite to Spider-Man about it.

Anyways, Green Goblin is as good as dead, in the next chapter we will deal with Spider-Man's rage and the consequences that comes when you lay a hand on a man's woman.

Once you do it, your rights to have arms are revoked

Chop, chop, square.

I'll see you in the next one.