Eyes, Eyes, Eyes

"After the utter demolition by the hands of-"

"Caused by the childish tantrum of Reed Richards-"

"Reed Richards is a hero! Just look how bad the Spider-Menace beat-"

"I, Betty Brant, similar to the citizens of NYC applaud Spider-Man for single-handedly taking on-"

"While I don't necessarily agree with what occurred I firmly believe that the matter could have been worse than just property damage! If it wasn't for Spider-Man's intervention we would have deaths at our hands! Whether you like him or not the fact that he is our hero is undeniable-"


"The case regarding Spider-Man and two members of the Fantastic Four, Mr Fantastic a.k.a Reed Richards and Human Torch a.k.a Johnny Storm has picked up quite the heat with media and people all over the world-"

"The Mayor had initially opened up about Spider-Man and his words... Well, they weren't the kindest and boy were the people not happy with him-"

"The crowd of NYC had rallied to show support for the spider-themed hero-"

"From our sources, we have also heard that several of the police officers had threatened to resign if Mr Fantastic and Human Torch weren't charged for their actions."

"Mr Fantastic is a hero! He-"

"He is a sicko! Not only did he kidnap a police officer he even dared to threaten Spider-Man! He is a mad person and his action have not only caused property damage but also endangered the lives of innocent bystanders!-"

"Spider-Man is a-"






"You are watching the news again, Boss. Natasha Romanoff reporting to duty, sir." A redhead woman wearing a skintight black suit entered the room as she looked at the man in front of him with disguised amusement. "You know they aren't the best sources in the world."

"I do know that very well, Agent Romanoff." Nick Fury said giving her a stare. "But I watch it because it gives me different perspectives to look at. How's Stark?"

"Alive, that counts as something right?"

"Definitely." Nick nodded as he joined his hand together in front of his him and pressed them against his mouth getting lost in his thoughts.

"Ivan Vanko is dead and Justin Hammer has been sent to Seagate Penitentiary." Natasha informed but Nick was lost in his thoughts. "Is... Is something bothering you, boss?"

"Things are always bothering me, Natasha." Nick said. "I don't like unknown variables."

"Is this about the whole Spider-Man and Fantastic Four fiasco?"

"Precisely." Nick said as pressed a button. "Come in, Agent Hill."

The door opened as Maria Hill walked in with a tablet in her hand.

"Director Fury, Agent Romanoff." Maria greeted as she turned. "Sir, I have news."

"Go on then." Fury said. "Pay attention, Agent Romanoff."

"Our sources that Richards mental health isn't the best after being subjected to the punishment Spider-Man dished out. He is experiencing mental decline as doctors have diagnosed him with PTSD, severe case of Paranoia, depression, schizophrenia and perhaps more undiagnosed mental condition." Maria said as Nick leaned back into his chair as Natasha looked at Maria in surprise. "Mr. Storm was detained and has volunteered to co-operate with police for the investigation which has already turned in the favour of Spider-Man."

"Reed Richards has gone insane?" Natasha asked dumbfounded. "I mean more insane than he already was? Boss that guy is a threat! Shouldn't we be do something-"

"Reed isn't a threat-"

"He makes world-ending machines when he gets bored!" Natasha argued.

"...fair point." Maria nodded. "But he isn't a threat anymore."

"It has a been a week since Spider-Man thrashed Richards and Johnny Storm around like rag-doll. Reed who took the full brunt of Spider-Man's wrath as been reduced nothing but a fumbling mess." Maria said with a sigh. "He has lost his powers under 'mysterious' circumstances and is steadily losing his motor functions. I suspect in a few weeks he'll be as good as dead."

"Oh my god." Natasha gasped out.

"Yes. I can understand why Richards may have developed PTSD and so but that isn't enough to keep him down. If anything that makes him even dangerous." Nick said as he stood up. "Spider-Man knows this as well and so he came up with a way to permanently get Richards out of the way. The aftermath not only decimated any reputation Richards had but he lost everything he holds dear. From his powers to his mind."

"How?" Natasha asked.

"That we don't know." Nick said as he narrowed his eyes. "Yet."

Natasha narrowed her eyes as she understood where this conversation was heading.

"Agent Romanoff, I have a mission for you."


"Ha!" Yuri grunted as she dished out a devastating combination towards the poor sandbag as it shuddered with every punch. "Ha!"

The last punch blew up a hole in the sandbag as Yuri's hand lodged inside. With a grunt, Yuri pulled her hand out causing the sand to spill out of the hole as she heard a clap.

"Well done." Gwen said as she approached Yuri with a water bottle and a fresh towel. "Here you go."

"Thanks." Yuri huffed as she put the towel over her neck and sat on the ground downing the water in big gulps.

"You are adjusting." Gwen smiled as she took sitting beside Yuri.

"Physically? Yes." Yuri gave a half-smile as she closed the bottle and sat it beside her. "Mentally? No. I'm still unable to wrap the fact that Spider-Man is a freaking teenager."

"Well, I don't understand why that would be-"

"I was lusting after a barely legal teenager all this time!"

"Well, when you put it that way..." Gwen smiled awkwardly as Yuri groaned lying on her back. "Still, you aren't the only one. May had sex with Peter."

"..." Yuri just gaped like a fish as her mind almost broke. "I... That doesn't make it any better!"

"Well, they aren't exactly blood-related-"

"No! How are you still with Peter?!"

"He's a capable man." Gwen smiled. "And we agreed to share."

"...I think I need a therapist." Yuri said getting up as Gwen giggled to herself.

"But this doesn't change the way how you feel about him right?" Gwen asked as Yuri froze. "You really like him don't you?"

"I fell in love with Spider-Man and was lusting for him, now that I know he's Peter Parker, a hunky teen from Queens... I don't know how to feel anymore." Yuri sighed as she changed the punching bag. "But he saved me and has done me a great favour."

"Injecting a dying person with the same serum that created Captain America is more than a 'great favour' Yuri Watanabe." Gwen said as her voice turned a bit stern. "I hope you understand the implications of this. You can't go back to your old life. You must contemplate hard about what to do with yourself from here on. I don't think Peter is going to force you if you leave but I would prefer you do not."

"And why is that?"

"It would hurt Peter." Gwen said turning around to leave.

"He really likes you after all."

Yuri stared at her feet as Gwen left the gym. Slicking her wet shoulder-length hair back as she looked out of the window. Sweat dripped from her chin and onto her generous bosom which had been enhanced even more after Peter injected her with a small dose of the P3S.

(A/N: P3S as in Perfected Super Soldier Serum.)

Yuri smiled to herself and raised a hand to cover her grin.

"He likes me, huh?"


"..After we are done purchasing the property I need you to proceed with the second phase of the plan meanwhile I'll come up with a way to secure legal funds." Peter instructed Eryl as he walked into the Baxter's building possibly for the last time. He kept his head low as he navigated towards his lab. "Just hope we don't run into Susan. I'm not really in the mood for it."

"Actually-" Eryl began but was cut short as the door to the lobby opened up and Peter was face to face with the new CEO of Baxter's building. "She's waiting for you."

"Peter." Susan greeted Peter with a stiff nod which Peter returned.

"Susan." Peter stared at her for a moment before walking past her. "I'll be gone before you know it, just came here to get my stuff."

"Is that what you are going to do?" Susan asked mockingly as she followed Peter. "Runaway from your mistake instead of making it right."

"Oh, believe me, I had plans to make it right. Definitely." Peter replied with the same sarcastic energy. "But you can thank Richards and your dolt brother for ruining it."

"So this is Johnny's fault now?!"

"It isn't? Maybe, maybe not. Who's to say. Maybe Richards manipulated him maybe your bother is the mastermind of this all the fact remains that they backed me into a corner, almost revealed my identity and nearly killed someone who I deeply care about!"

"Maybe you should have let us know that it was you since the start! Things could have been different!"

"I wear a mask for a fucking reason!" Peter said in frustration as he walked into his lab as Susan followed him. "If I wanted to let reveal my identity, I would dance out in the broad daylight wearing an orange jumpsuit yelling some bullshit."

"You wear a mask because you want to hide your bad deeds behind that mask!"

"Oh really? And how much good have you four done after revealing your identities to the world?" Peter asked narrowing his eyes as Susan shut up. "There was always some incident one after another at this building, one problem and the other. How many people got injured? How many lost their lives?"


"While you were creating your own problems I was out there cleaning the city of its filth. If Richards wasn't half as egomaniac as he is he would have secured the streets first and with the help he had it shouldn't have been a hard thing to do." Peter said as he began collecting his things. "I never said I was a hero nor will I ever be one but I won't take slander from someone who doesn't know how to do their job properly and feel the need to educate others on how they should do theirs."

"..." Susan remained quiet as she watched Peter grab his things with mixed feelings. "What you are doing isn't right. It's wrong-"

"Who decides what's wrong is and what's right?" Peter asked as he stopped what he was doing. "Who decides that? You? Or Richards? Yeah, kidnapping an officer and using her as leverage is right but killing criminals, eliminating threats is wrong."


"Look I didn't come here to get lectured nor have I come here to lecture you. You are old enough, independent and smart enough to understand who's in the right and you are still choosing to ignore it just like Richards which is fine. I didn't come here to argue anyways" Peter said putting his last thing in the box. "I just came here to get my things."

"What... What are you doing?"

"The best thing to do." Peter smiled to himself. "Leave."

"You can't... You can't go just like this!"

"It's for the best Susan." Peter said. "I don't want to hurt you-"

Peter froze as he felt Susan's arms wrap around his torso as she pressed against his back burying her face in his back.

"What are you-"

"I'm sorry! Please... I'm scared." Susan shivered into Peter's back as Peter clenched his teeth readying himself to push her away. "My best friend Richards is gone... They took Johnny away. Ben won't talk to me... Please... I'm all alone now. I'm scared! I don't know what to do! Please! I didn't mean to say any of those things! I can't afford to lose you too!"

"Susan... This is no-"

"Please Peter... Please."

Peter finally submitted as he turned around and embraced Susan tightly. She shuddered into his chest and cried silently.

'Ironic.' Peter thought to himself.

He was the reason the Fantastic Four was in shambles and yet here he was, consoling the soul of the group.

Sometimes that's just how things are.


Alternative Titles:

- Limelight

- Keeping An Eye

- Yuri and Susan's worries


So... The new chapter. There's isn't much excitement. Just mostly how the world is reacting to Spider-Man becoming a household name.

The next 2-3 chapters are going to be the same. Yuri's adjustment, graduation and Peter taking his training seriously.

Please look forward to the next chapter.

I'll see you in the next one.

P.S: Thinking about a side High School Of The Dead Project. Wdyt?