Character Arc: Mary Jane I

"huuu..." Peter breathed out calmly as he leaned back avoiding an axe kick aimed at his head. Taking another step back he brought his palm up intercepting an elbow strike aimed at his solar plexus as the Spartan spun on its heels.

With a grunt, Peter pushed the Spartan away quickly ducking under a spinning kick before using the momentum to perform a rushed flip and kick the Spartan in the back.

The force of the kick sent the Spartan into the metal wall. Peter rolled and transitioned into a frog stance and leapt like a wild animal tackling Spartan into the ground before it could get up. Slamming his knees into its back, he jumped back onto his feet.

The Spartan twirled its legs and rolled into a standing position and within a second later launched in Peter's direction.

Peter pulled back his hand coating it with Bio-Electricity as he brought back his leg to brace himself. As Peter predicted the Spartan launched a devastating punch aimed at his face and Peter waited until the last possible moment before he simply titled his head to the left avoiding the punch as it grazed his ear.

The Spartan realised as it tried to pull back but Peter was too fast.

"I am Speed!"

Peter unleashed his punch and hit the Spartan in the neck cavity before he grabbed the extended arm and flipped Spartan into the ground as he lifted his leg and stomped on its face. "Detroit bitch! Don't talk some shit again!"

(AN: A nod to Eminem Diss Classic, Can I Bitch)

"His movements are getting ridiculous." Susan commented with wide eyes from the sidelines as Gwen and Yuri just shared a giggle.

"Well, those are just the results of his training. He is taking it very seriously." Gwen commented as she looked at Yuri with a sly smirk. "And I wonder just what must have caused this change or perhaps... Just who must have caused this change."

"*Ahem* I wonder that too." Yuri fake coughed into her hand as she tried to control the blood that was rushing to her face.

"Awww. You are so cute when you blush!" Gwen said as she pulled out her phone. "I've gotta record this."

"Hey! Cut it out, you kid!"


Susan just looked at the two women as they went back and forth before her mind drifted towards the man that has been the reason for the emotional storm that she has been through since last week.

It has been a week since she came to stay at Peter's house and she wanted to blow the house to bits on the first day.

One could not blame her though. The object of her affection did not only have a beautiful, sexy girlfriend but he was also in a polygamous relationship with other beautiful women. One was an ex-police officer her ex-teammate had nearly killed and the other was his own aunt.

This relationship that these individuals shared with each other was wrong on so many levels and yet when she had calmed down, she couldn't stop wondering just why this was working perfectly for these people.

It took a while but Susan figured it out.

'It's because it's Peter.' That was the only answer. Peter was a one in a million and that is without counting his various abilities. He is loyal, overprotective, devoted and a loving partner to the care.

There is nothing he wouldn't do for these ladies to keep them happy and support them and these type of men are hard to come by in this day and age.

(AN: It goes for both the gender. People are so obsessed with wanting a perfect lifestyle that they forget it's more than just what keeps their SNS buzzing. The more I grow and learn the more I think this generation is losing the sense of what love really is and it's sad because it's something I want to experience in my lifetime, once. Sadly it's hard, without being prejudiced as a sexist or a deviant.

"Hope the world heals."

Amen man, amen.)

Susan was brought out of her thoughts as Peter walked towards them putting on his white shirt loosely getting a look from Susan.

"What?" Peter asked as he picked up his bottle and gulped down his drink. "I'm going to take a shower anyway."

"Why bother to put it on in the first place."

"Cause as flattering as it is two have three insanely hot beautiful ogle my bruised torso, I can't deny that I feel a bit embarrassed." Peter replied honestly as Susan was taken aback by the response.

"No... Well, you still look as good with the shirt on..." Susan trailed off as her cheeks heat up mid-sentence realising just what she was going to say. Peter smiled as he leaned down and placed a small kiss on her nose before pooling away with a wink.

"You are adorable." Peter smiled as patting her rosy cheeks lightly before walking past her. "You are up Yuri."

"Alright. My turn." Yuri stood up and walked towards the fully recovered Spartan but not before getting a deep kiss and some causal ass gropes by Peter. "Wish me luck."

"Try to work on your manoeuvres. Your endurance is enough to take on low-level hits but let's make sure you can avoid the heavy hitters before we move onto the next phase of your training, okay?" Peter asked and Yuri just placed a kiss on his lips again before walking towards the Spartan with a thumbs up. "Good god."

"What's the matter?" Susan asked in worry.

"Yuri's ass. It gets me riled up every time." Peter said shamelessly as Susan groaned once again promoting a giggle from Gwen. "Anyways, I'll head up and out then."

"Anything special?" Susan asked.

"Well... Kind of. Going to check on MJ. She has been holed up in her room since exam dates were released." Peter said. *I'll see if I can do to bring get out and you know, just-"

"Add her into the harem list?" Gwen asked as Peter blinked.

"-unwind. I was going to say, unwind." Peter deadpanned as Gwen just blew him a raspberry.

"Haha. Have fun, tell me how it goes once you get back home."

"You got it." Peter said kissing Gwen and walking away.

"...I'm still unable to realise, understand and accept the scandalous relationship you have with each other." Susan spoke up after a while prompting another giggle from Gwen.

"Trust me when I say this, once you give this thing a chance, you don't be able to complain about it." Gwen smiled before opening her mouth to add a couple more. "Unless of course, you are an ungrateful bitch which I seriously hope you are not."

"... Pretty sure I'm not." Susan replied after a pause.

"Good for you, girl." Gwen winked before concentrating on the bout between Yuri and Gwen in front of her.

"Hah..." Susan sighed before smiling to herself. "I guess... Giving it a chance won't hurt."



"Hello. it's me, Peter."

"Ohh? Ohh!!!" Peter smiled to himself as he heard a shuffling sound, someone hurriedly rushed towards the door. The door opened moments later revealing an older version of MJ. This was Madeline Watson, Mary Jane Watson's mother. "Oh my god! It really is you Peter! Good god, you have changed!"

"Hello Madeline, how have you been?" Peter greeted her politely. "May I come in?"

"Ah, yes please." Madeline shuffled to the side allowing Peter to enter her home. "I've been well since last week, my health keeps dropping once in a while, must be the old age catching up to me haha. Umm... Don't mind the state of the place, we are just packing to move... Again."

"I don't mind at all." Peter shook his head as he looked around the sitting room which was littered with multiple boxes, some closed, some half-open. "You shouldn't be moving at this time, Madeline. MJ has exams and you haven't been in the best condition since last year from what MJ has told me."

"I know, Peter." Madeline smiled sadly. "But... It's just out of my-ah forget it. Do you want something? Coffee? Cold drink?"

"Anything would be fine, Mad." Peter grabbed her shoulder to calm her down which worked like a charm as Peter released a burst of his pheromones. "Don't stress yourself and relax."

'He smells... So nice...'

"I assume MJ is in her room?"

"Mmhmm... Studying diligently. It's all thanks to you for helping her. From that Osborn douchebag and with her academics as well... If it wasn't for you-ugh! I swear that girl is too trustworthy and gullible sometimes."

"Haha. Your worries are well placed and warranted but don't worry. Nothing is going to happen to her under my watch." Peter winked and Madeline smiled.

"You... You grew up so well."

'You wouldn't say that if you knew I fucked your best friend who is also my aunt.' Peter's smile strained as he walked towards MJ's bedroom with a polite thankyou.

Peter slowly opened the door of her bedroom and stepped in and was immediately taken aback by just how messy Mary Jane's room was.

Her clothes were all over her bed, with half open and half closed boxes pilled up beside the bed. The wallpaper was chipped evidently that the posters on them has recently been torn down. Books were stacked up on her study desk and the floor beside it where MJ was currently sitting; her back facing him.

Peter smiled as he walked towards him as the unaware girl scribbled down in her book while nodding to Guns N' Roses. Peter hugged her from behind causing the girl to smile.

"Mom~ How many times have I told you to knock before you enter?" MJ asked in an annoyed manner but smile anyway. "Geez, you never listen."

Peter snickered to himself and resisted the urge to tease her. Peter tugged on her headphone and removed them eliciting a whine of protest from the girl.

"Mom! I'm studying-"

"I've tried to study to Guns N' Roses but have failed to concentrate." Peter whispered into her ears softly as MJ froze. "For you to do so successfully, I admire your ability to focus Ms Watson. Want me to reward you for that?"

"P-Peter?!" MJ managed to squeak out as Peter pulled back from the hug allowing the girl to spin the chair and turn towards him.

"Hey there." Peter grinned as he jumped onto her bed and settled himself down. "Can't tell how proud I am to see you work so hard."

"W-What are you doing here?! Who let you in-Mom?! Mom! Why did you tell me Peter was here?!"

"Calm down, girly. Your mom didn't have much time since I directly barged into your room." Peter said with an easy-going smile as he looked around the room. "Quite the den you have Ms Watson. But you should leave your musical instruments in the corner of your room to gather dust."

"W-Well I didn't have much time to-" MJ froze mid-sentence as Peter curiosity picked up an article of clothing that was below him. MJ's face matched her head as Peter looked at her red lacy panties curiously.

"Raunchy." Peter hummed to himself before smirking at MJ as he pulled it words his face to tease her further. "Something smells fishy here... Oh well, not your fault. You are a healthy female after all-"

"Awawawa! Give that back!" MJ leapt to snatch her panty back but Peter smirked as he grabbed MJ midair by the waist with one hand and the other he used to pocket the panty.

"Quite energetic aren't we." Peter asked as he pulled Mary Jane onto him not losing his grip on her waist making her blush even more. "Have to say this... Red suits you quite well."

"Oh my." Peter and MJ turned their heads to see two women in the doorway. One was Madeline with a tray of snacks in her hand and the other was Gayle, MJ's elder sister who looked just like her but with black hair and more curves.

"That's Peter?" Gayle whispered to Madeline as he covered the eyes of her 4-year-old daughter, Pearl. "Holy shit."

"M-Mom! G-Gayle! This i-isn't what it looks like-" MJ froze once again as Peter planted a kiss on her cheek and pulled her into his chest.

"I'm sorry but can I ask you to close the door as you leave? We were having a beautiful moment you see." Peter said with a small grin and a wink which made Madeline giggle and Gayle burst into full-blown laughter.

"Kuk. I'll give you two lovebirds sometime then. Don't take too long though or your tea might go cold." Madeline giggled as closed the door but not before getting a thumbs up from Gayle.

"You... Why would you do this?!" MJ turned toward him with a full-blown pout as she looked at him with a red face. "A-Arent you dating Gwen? Why are you t-teasing me like this, kissing me playing with my feelings like this?! Is this your revenge?! Does Gwen knows-Mmhmm!"

Peter shut her up with a kiss to the lips causing MJ's eyes to widen in shock.

'Well... That escalated quickly.' Eryl whispered to Peter through his earpiece which he promptly ignored. 'I'm looking forward to how you handle the aftermath of this stunt you performed.'

Peter pulled back, from the kiss leaving a shocked, confused and teary-eyed MJ to look at him with a storm of emotions bubbling under her green eyes.


"This isn't any sick revenge scheme or anything. I kissed you because I like you and yes, Gwen knows." Peter said as he grabbed MJ by the waist and sat up leaning on the bedframe and settling MJ in his lap while facing him.

"I t-thought you hated me... Despised me-"

"I despised your behaviour. If I hated you, I wouldn't have helped you with that Osborn problem not would I have given you a second chance." Peter said as he pulled MJ even closer. "You have shown me that you have changed indeed so I am willing to take the starting steps with you."

"S-So... You broke up with her-"

"Nope. Gwen and I are still dating."

"What..." MJ whispered as tears of confusion flooded her eyes. "What the hell do you mean-"

"In fact, I'm dating two more women-"


'Way to be so blunt, Peter.' Eryl quipped. 'But I guess there is no sugar coating this.'

"Gwen knows that-"

"And she has no fucking problem with it?!" Mary Jane screamed with a scandalous look on her face as she thrashed in his arms but he held her tightly. "This is absurd-"

"Well... I haven't gotten to the absurd part yet." Peter flashed a strained smile as MJ blinked at him in confusion through the tears. "You see, one of those women is Yuri Watanabe, the ex-cop. The other is Susan Storm, by ex-boss and now my Co-CEO. Well, we haven't started dating yet since I'm waiting for her to make the move and if she doesn't then I'll make the move, I guess."

"My head is spinning..." MJ brained refused to keep up with the bullshit Peter was spewing without any regard for a general sense of moral correctness.

"And the last woman, is May."



"Say what?"

"I fucked Aunt May."

"Ah... Aha... Ahahaha... AHAHAHA!"

MJ giggled with empty eyes before she began to laugh without restraint with those dead eyes. "You know what... Fuck this..."


"Ummm, MJ? Mary? Mary Jane?"

"Congratulations, Boss. She's out cold." Eryl cheered as Peter rubbed his forehead. "All according to the plan, right?"

"This is going to be a long fucking day, and I am I'll prepare." Peter sighed to himself.


Alternative Titles:

- Baes Assemble

- The Redheaded Clan

- Peter 'Shameless' Parker


Soo... There's the chapter.

Didn't expect me to switch gears this drastically did you? Hah... All I can say is this is the result of me trying out new writing styles. I'm currently doing what is called Arc blending. For example, the training arc is still the baseline for this arc but I'm using the pockets in the Arc to create a mini arc for character development for characters who I haven't explored in previous chapters.

Mary Jane was a long coming and frankly, I feel quite proud of myself. I tried to make it natural (As natural as Marvel and its fanfiction usually are.) and not forced it. Peter was definitely being forceful and the reason will be explained in the next chapter so till then hold onto your socks.

If you like what I did let me know, if you didn't tell me how I can improve it. Also, MJ's family isn't OC they are characters form comics I just altered their physical appearance and back story a bit. But I'll expand more into them in the next chapter.

Anyways, I've said enough. I'll see you in the next chapter.

PS - My Review of Demon Slayer - Kimetsu no Yaiba

Just started watching Demon Slayer yesterday. I got instantly addicted. Binge watched till Episode 1 of Entertainment District Arc and I'm not ashamed to tell you this....


Seriously man! That anime is something else, the animation is Heaven-Tier, the plot is cohesive, forward without any useless plot diversion or holes. Character are well written to the point that they feel tangible. From the main characters to even the side characters like the Hotaru the swordsmith and the nurse sisters Sumi, Kiyo and Naho (who I very much adore btw) they are incredibly well fleshed out.

Also... Why did Rengoku have to die T.T

Anyways, please recommend me any good Demon Slayer you may know since all I have found are... Not up to the mark.

Also... I've saved a Demon Slayer FanFic idea in my notebook if I get the window of opportunity in the near future. :)))