Aranea Familia

"Ready? Set? And Begin!"

Peter nodded his head as the best kicked in. Closing his eyes, he looked unbothered by five Spartans rushing towards him.

"I'm tryna put you in the worst mood, ah." Peter sang as he ducked under a punch. Spinning on his heels he dodged a kick aimed at his abdomen before grabbing the Spartan and slamming it into the one that had attempted to punch him before. "P1 cleaner than your church shoes, ah."

Stepping aside, he pulled his fist back and slammed it into the face of the Spartan just as it landed where he stood a second ago, sending it flying.

"Milli point two just to hurt you, ah." Blocking a punch to his face, he redirected it to the side and then proceed to step into the Spartan's guard and punch it in the throat. "All red Lamb' just to tease you, ah."

As the Spartan stumbled due to force, he grabbed the outstretched arm and slammed it into the ground.

"None of these toys on lease too, ah. Made your whole year in a week too, yeah." Spinning on his heel he outstretched his arms enjoying the music. Twisting his hip he narrowly dodged a blade. Knocking the blade out of the hand, he grabbed it and pulled it in as he channelled Bio-Electricity through his legs. "Main bitch outta your league too, ah, Side bitch outta your league too, ah."


The impact of the kick created a small boom as the Spartan was sent flying into the wall as the other Spartans moved out of the way.

"House so empty, need a centrepiece, Twenty racks a table cut from ebony." Peter grinned savagely at bulldozing Spartans as he slowly walked towards them. "Cut that ivory into skinny pieces. Then she clean it with her face, man, I love my baby, ah."

Four lances shot out of his back tearing hole in his shirt.

"You talkin' money, need a hearing aid, You talkin' 'bout me, I don't see the shade." The lances shot ahead intercepting the Spartans, smacking them aside as Peter gripped his shirt. "Switch up my style, I take any lane; I switch up my cup, I kill any pain."


Peter tore his shirt, revealing his strong muscular torso as it glistened with sweat and dried blood.

"Look what you've done~" Peter caught a punch with his left and then used his other hand to grab the Spartan by the neck as he lifted it off the ground.

"I'm a motherfuckin' starboy."

Peter grinned as the Bio-Electricity cackled around his body. Spinning he slammed the Spartan into another and stomped on them to pin them to the ground. He shot web from the upper two lances and pulled two Spartans in before punching them in the face with opposite hands.

The lower two lances shot web out and cocooned the downed ones to the ground as he turned his attention to the last one who pulled itself out of the wall.

Retracting his lances he extended his right hand as the Spartans rushed towards him. Smirking Peter shot a streamline of the web from his forearm as it split into several lines and turned almost invisible to the eye. Wrapping the think silk around his fingers Peter gave a tug as the Spartan was lifted off the ground and launched in his direction.

Grabbing the silk threads with both of his hands he quickly short more webs in succession and he got his result as before the Spartan could reach him, it was stuck mid-air, arms and legs stretched out caught in fine silk threads.

"I'm a motherfuckin' Starboy."

*Clap!* *Clap!*

Peter heard clapping as he turned to see all of his ladies except Gwen clap for him through the viewing stand.

Peter grinned as performed a dramatic bow for them.

"Now, that's just showing off." Gwen grumbled as she sulked to herself but she couldn't stop her eyes from peaking at the naked upper torso of her boyfriend.

"You are just mad that he denied giving you the spider bite." Yuri giggled as May and Susan joined her.

"Hmph! You have no place to say that! Peter already gave you all these kickass powers." Gwen huffed as Yuri scratched her cheek.

"No, no. She has a point you know." May giggled.

"Welp, let's prepare for today's meeting then and hope that Peter has changed his decisions and to give you superpowers." Susan almost rolled her eyes as she addressed May and Gwen.

"Well, if it makes my skin younger then I'm fine with whatever it is." May mumbled to herself.

"Awwww, May~ You are such a dedicated lover." Yuri cooed as May blushed. "No wonder you two screw-like animals on almost a daily basis~"

"Hmph! Shut up! This has nothing to do with it!" May huffed as she grabbed Gwen by the arm and dragged her out as Yuri and Susan followed them giggling to themselves along the way.


"So, let's start to get this meeting started." Peter said as he stood in the middle of the living room as the ladies sat on the couches. "So, yesterday all the sages spider have matured under the care of Arkus and all ready to be dispatched across the world and since have manufactured more than enough units of Spider bots we are going to slow down with their production for now."

"That's good news, so what should be our next goal?" Gwen asked. "Also, when will you be dispatching them?"

"I'll launch the pods containing the sages around the world using stealth missiles today midnight." Peter replied with a nod. "The next focus is going to be expanding the reach of AfterLife that way we will secure the budget for my research and large scale projects."

"Understandable. Is the ground bridge done?" Susan asked.

"Ah, It was supposed to be completed two days ago but I'm still having problems stabilising it so with Eryl running alternate simulations looking for solutions it might take a week more." Peter said as he scratched his head. "But on the bright side, we have finished mass-producing the architects so we might finish earlier than expected."

"That's great news!" Yuri nodded in a daze. "Even though I've experienced it first hand it is still surreal to think about, Teleportation..."

"Welp, it's going to make so many things easier for us in the future." Peter grinned as he took a seat in the middle of the couch between Yuri and Gwen. "With the numbers of architects available we can deploy a squad of 50 units each to our bases around the world to start the construction once the round bridge is ready."

"That's a good idea." Susan nodded. "How long will it take to construct all these bases?"

"With the units, we have right now... Um around a year and a half." Peter said as Susan's eyebrow shot up.

"That long?"

"Yep, since we have to do all of that under the radar we would have to take many things under consideration, the location, the nearest population, surveillance, general hostility, violation of I don't know how many laws and the terrain and a couple of more things." Peter rubbed his chin as Susan grimaced. "But once I start building advance Architect models and mass produce them we might speed up the process and finish the bases five months earlier."

"Ah, that's better I guess."

"Yep, it might speed up, even more, depending on the efficiency of the bots." Peter said as the ladies nodded. "So, before we go any further I want to address something."

"Hmm?" The ladies blinked as they gestured for him to go on.

"So, as you know. I'm working on assembling a team of individuals that do not fit the mould of the customary hero. Basically a bad of misfits." Peter said as the ladies nodded. "The reason behind that is I have a premonition that things are about change soon. I have an inkling that dangerous threats unlike what the world has seen before are going to surface and threaten the balance we know of. Some might be normal and some might be extra-terrestrials or mystical in nature but humanity is ill-equipped to face it. That's where this team and the organisation we are about to create comes in."

"It's still a superhero thingy right?" May asked as she gave Peter an odd look. "I remember you being very adamant, denying that you are one-"

"I STILL am very against it." Peter sighed. "I'm not a hero, at least not a conventional one. If my true feats were exposed to the world, the people would despise Spider-Man and other heroes will actively try to hunt me down."

"But it's not like you care about them right?" Yuri asked as Peter smiled.

"I do care what they think about me, it's hard not to."


"But I don't care enough to change who I am." Peter grinned as Gwen giggled while the others just shook their head with smiles. "What we are going to do is protect our turf the best we can and that I'm going to do it my way."

"And this team is going to do that?"

"This team is going to be a small part of it. This organisation will monitor the world in secret and deal with the threats accordingly. We won't bow to any government, we won't bend to anyone's will." Peter said as the ladies stared at him without saying a word. "But we are going to need manpower for that and I'm not talking about just superpowered people. I'm talking about normal humans as well. With the number of bases we are building we will need a team to keep it running."

"But won't that increases the risk of our organisation getting infiltrated by the spies or risk our people turning against us somewhere in the future?" Susan asked as the ladies agreed with Peter as he smiled.

"You are right but I have plans for that as well. I just need time to prepare everything. Even if we build bases around the world in a year or so it's going to take a good amount of years to fill those with good talent. Let's take baby steps for now." Peter smiled as he hugged his women and pulled them close. "Susan you should focus on recruiting the list I have given you."

"Got it. I've located John Constantine, but he wants no part in it." Susan said as she remembered talking to the rude and arrogant guy.

"Don't worry about that. Once the world starts changing he will come around." Peter hummed as Gwen leaned into his chest. "What about others?"

"I think I might have a lead on Elizabeth Braddock and Electra. Both women are dangerous and slippery, they vanish into the air as soon as I come close to pinning their location."

"Well, I wouldn't expect any less from women of their calibre." Peter said as he gestured for Susan to carry on.

"Laura Kinney is completely off the grid. After her last appearance almost six months ago fighting some mercenaries she disappeared completely. What's more interesting is that it is the same day she had broken out of the old hydra facility where she was kept in and experimented on, exactly three years ago." Susan said. "Logan is still looking for her, he's been more bitter than ever."

"I know..." Peter clenched his fist as he stared at the ceiling. "I never go to treat them to dinner, did I?"

"The only ones who I've been able to track accurately are the Punisher and Silver Sable." Susan said. "But I haven't made contact yet."

"That's good enough. I'll go greet them personally real soon. I'm sure they wouldn't be able to resist my offer." Peter said.

"Mmhmm, Peter." May mumbled as she looked at him gaining his attention. "Is the world really going that much? That this organisation will be necessary."

"Yes, the change. It's not going come full force anytime soon, but when it does, the world, the entire universe is going to fall apart like a house of cards." Peter said. "I want us to be prepared for that, eliminate the threat so we can come back home like this and enjoy each other's company."

"I am going to protect our family." Peter smiled as he patted May's cheek. "And I'll do anything to do it. That's why I have decided to train you guys to the best of my abilities and yes, Gwen that means you'll be getting your powers soon as well-"

"I love you." Gwen shut the logical reasoning part of her mind and just leaned in quickly attacking Peter's lips.

"I love you too." May grabbed his face and pulled him into a kiss which made Gwen pout.

"Hey! I wasn't done loving him yet!"

"Geez these guys, it should be obvious but let me spell out loud. I love him more." Susan grinned as she kissed Peter who rolled his eyes and just decided to go with the flow.

"Hah. What a joke. You know you bitches would lose to me in this contest." Yuri smirked as climbed up into Peter's lap as she removed her baggy T-Shirt revealing her big knockers held back by a blue sports bra. Leaning in to kiss him, she grabbed his hand and placed them on her breasts. She moaned as Peter fondled them roughly. "Yes, you are going to make love to me and I won't take no for an answer."

Peter smirked as he buried his face between the delicious tits and licked the valley between the mounds. "Of course, I won't say no to you milady-"

*Ding!* *Dong!* *You just got cockblocked!*

"Motherfuck-" Peter quickly placed a quick kiss on her lips to calm her down as he flashed the grumpy and horny Yuri a strained smile.

"Let's save it for tonight okay?" Peter grabbed her shirt and helped her back into the shirt.

*Ding!* *Dong!*

"I'll go get the door." Gwen said as he got up and ran towards the door. "Just a second!... Oh, hello-Hey wait?!"

"Parker?! Where is Spider-Parker?! No, wait... Peter-Man?! Ah, fuck where is he?!" A familiar voice was heard as Peter's and Yuri's eyes widened slightly. "Where-"

"Who the hell are you and how dare you barge into my house like this?!" Gwen was livid at the shameless man in front of her.

"Oh, hi. My name's blurry face and I care what you think." The man replied as Gwen just blinked owlishly. "And you wouldn't have happened to see a devilishly handsome, muscular young man with these tingles around his head? No? Figures, I'll just look around-"

"No, wait! You can't go in just like that!"

"I'm sorry I would listen but frankly I don't have time to give a fuck-" The voice came near and near as Yuri got up from her Peter's lap with a menacing look on her beautiful face. "OMG! I'm so happy to see you, Yuri-"

"Of course out of all the people in the world it had to be you." Yuri hissed as the man flinched and stepped back but Gwen just pushed him ahead. "You love to cockblock us don't you Wade?! I'm going to castrate-"

"Calm down." Peter webbed her and pulled her back into his lap as Gwen started at the man who was shaking dramatically.

"Isn't he-"

"Yep, that's Wade Wilson. My best friend-"

"Fucking finally?! Uwaa I'm so happy! You finally accept my feelings-"

"Self-proclaimed best friend of mine." Peter corrected as the ladies snickered as Wade just froze caressing his broken heart.

"I don't like the way you treat me-"

"You told this man your identity?" Susan asked in confusion as Peter smiled.

"Wade may have a lot of flaws-"

"Yeah I ain't perfect-"

"Actually he may only have a few good qualities-"

"Ouch. That hurts you know-"

"As black and rotten his heart is-"

"Now you are just being mean to me. Boo-Hoo, what has the poor me ever done to you-"

"But he's loyal to me. I know it." Peter smiled as Wade was taken back but for the first time, he smiled sincerely. "I know I can trust him with my secrets."

Taking a good look at Wade's condition he had a good idea what this was about. Patches of yellow skin, loss of muscles and hair. He knew exactly what was going on.

"Peter... I need your help." Wade walked towards Peter and grabbed his hands.

"I'm dying!"


Alternate Titles:

- Chad Parker

- Family Man

- Petition: To Make Deadpool Peter's Best Man


Sooo... Umm... next chapter will be last one as we wrap up Volume 2. Volume 3 will take place as Peter, Gwen and MJ enter the university and I promise two new heroines are going to make their debut, officially in the first chapter itself.

So, I decided to change a few things, Peter is going to help Wade with his cancer and Peter is going to cure him. So, Wade isn't going to lose his handsome face.

Can I get a yaay?

Cool, so I'll do a quick poll here and allow you guys to decide the name for the team from the ones given below:




The organisation will later go on to be known as the AfterLife Syndicate or simply The Syndicate.

Anyways, people were confused why John Constantine is here and many were wondering if I confused in for a Marvel character :D

I just decided to pick two characters from DCU which I like and both happen to be good magicians which as they are going to play an important part when Peter starts learning Magic. One of the two is John and the other is well... That's a secret :P But I'll give you a hint.

Fishnet Stockings.

Anyways, I won't do a DC x Marvel crossover. It's too much for the current me.

Also, below is the cover for the HOTD fanfic I've started working on. It's a slow process and I'll start uploading once I finish this story half or completely. Till then I'll keep writing chapters and stock pill them for daily updates once I release the FanFic. Also, if you give me your email ID I might send some of you the first two chapters and in return, you can give me the feedback. Text me your email @ a.is4.ashes on Instagram.

Z-Dayz: Crafting In An Apocalypse. (Cover Image)

Anyways, I'll see you guys in the next one.