'Peaceful' University Days

"I told you my level of concern, but you walked by like you never heard." Peter sang lowly as he rested his head low on his folded arms against the desk, vibing to TØP in his earphones. "And you could bring down my level of concern, just need you to tell me we're alright, tell me we're okay."

"Wow, your boyfriend really has a nice voice." Felicia blinked as she turned toward her deskmate. "You must be quite proud, huh?"

"Argh..." Gwen grumbled still salt that she lost to MJ even though it has been a week since that whole thing.

"How does he do that?" Felicia asked as Gwen blinked.

"Does... What?" Gwen repeated prompting Felicia to point towards the teacher who was glaring in Peter's direction.

"Gets away with being a delinquent?"

"By... being a smart delinquent." Gwen replied after a moment of pause. "It's true that he doesn't pay attention to what the professor has to say because honestly, he doesn't need to. My boyfriend can run circles around the whole University when it comes to intelligence and yes, I'm very proud of the man he is. In fact..."

"He is the best. He's more than what I had asked for and far more than I could ever imagine him to be." Gwen smiled. "I love him."

"I see..." Felicia nodded her eyes lingered on MJ before starting at Peter's broad back. "Well, I agree. It's not an opinion that he is a smart guy, but a fact. Especially, considering how he has humiliated half of the professors by now without facing any consequences."

"Yeah, I think almost the whole University knows him by now. Either as the Co-CEO of AfterLife or as the guy who shits on professors if they try to shit on him." Gwen nodded.

"You know what?"


"He reminds me of one of those Young Masters from the Chinese web novels I used to read when I was fifteen." Felicia said as Gwen gave her an odd look.

"Why were you reading those crappy novels?"

"Well, in my defence... They used to be good back then." Felicia defended.

"Hah... I agree." Gwen sighed as she looked at her boyfriend who was oblivious to the stink eye he got from the professor and the males every now and then. "On both, points. Library To Heaven's Path was my favourite by the way-"

"Ohhhh~ I liked the manhua-"

"-and yes, Peter does come off as a holier-than-thou young master, but he's not what people think he is. And frankly, I don't think he really cares what people think about him." Gwen shrugged. "Maybe, that's the reason he acts like he's better than everyone on purpose."

"I don't think I'm above or better than anyone else." Peter said as he picked up his and leaned back looking at Gwen as he removed his earphones.

"I know I am better than every stupid mortal here." He flashed her an arrogant smile before he made a hair flip gesture.

"Pfff-" Felicia grabbed her face from bursting into a fit of laughter while Gwen just rolled her eyes but she smiled nonetheless.

"Anything you would want to share with the class as well Mr Parker?" The professor asked not amused. "Please stand up and address them if that's so."

"Courting death." Peter whispered under his breath which made Felicia clutch her stomach as she tried not to laugh out like a madman while Gwen and MJ giggled out loud which pissed the professor off even more. "Nothing Mr Sanders. Just asking my fair lady for permission to depart to visit the bathroom."

"That's something you should be asking me."

"I'm sorry, but I only address the relevant." Peter smiled as Gwen just facepalmed while the whole class snickered.

"Why you-"


The alarm buzzed as the period was over as Peter just raised his hands and gave him a carefree shrug.

(A/N: Start a chain ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )

"Parker! To my office after the classes are over!"

"Oh, trust me I would love to but you see I have a meeting with the most wonderful 'Susan Storm' and if you know her like I do, then she's really not big on patience." Peter said as he began gathering his things. "Oh, but you wouldn't know that I guess."

Peter smiled as he rushed towards the door, after giving MJ a small peck on the lips.



"I've had enough of your disrespect-"

"Can't hear you, bye-bye!"

"Well... I have to say this." Felicia said as she turned towards Gwen after picking up her belongings. "Your boyfriend is kind of savage."

"He's just a dummy. But, he is my dummy." Gwen smiled as Felicia looked at her face intently. "He does that because he gets bored sitting here for half of the day, he doesn't have anything against them."

"I see." Felicia nodded as she walked beside Gwen. "Anyways, you still haven't told me how you all do it."

"Do what?"

"How do you make your relationship work?" Felicia asked and Gwen rolled her eyes.


"Obviously, I've been asking you for the past three days. I'm curious." Felicia grinned as she lightly elbowed her while Gwen just gave her a small side smirk.

"Don't you know the saying?" Gwen began. "Curiosity killed the cat?"

"Well, I do know I quite well." Felicia grinned as she wiggled her eyebrows. "Let's just say, this cat has nine lives, I can afford to spend one for this haha."

"Well, suit up. I have a free period now. I guess we can go to the garden and talk there." Gwen suggest as Felicia nodded. "Actually there isn't a secret per say."

"Definitely doesn't feel like it. Your relationship is out of the norm... In today's time and age." Felicia added as Gwen nodded.

"I know it is weird, and I think that's the most beautiful part of it." Gwen said as she took a seat on the garden bench. "What I and Peter have is special. I love him and MJ loves him as well. Our relationship is well coordinated with each of us making the same amount of effort to be with each other."


"For me, I love to love Peter. I love to shower him with my affection and Peter responds with the same amount of passion if not even more. Sometimes, he drowns me in this warm energy he has." Gwen smiled gently as she thought about Peter. "If we go by today's world standards then our relationship is one-sidedly open where Peter gets to be with any woman he fancies and we get to share him. It may seem unfair and one-sided but it's not. When Peter sets his eyes on me, it's always like the rest of the world does not exist for him."

"Does... Does he really loves you that much?" Felicia asked confused as Gwen happily nodded. "Does... He treats MJ differently then-"

"Never. Haha.. sometimes I really wish he would treat me more favourably but his love does not discriminate and it's never unfair. He treats MJ the same way he treats me and since we both know that, we just have a small rivalry, where we compete to spend more time with him than the other." Gwen giggled. "It's silly but it's cute if you look at it the way I do. Anyways, I'm running circles around the point. The secret to our relationship is that... There is no secret."


"We just do what any regular couple is supposed to do." Gwen smiled as she stared at the azure sky. "We love each other, respect each other and we make efforts to make sure that our partner knows just how much they mean to us and he does the same for us, unconditionally. We love Peter."

"I... I don't..." Felicia didn't know how to respond as Gwen smiled.

"You'll understand when you fall in love." Gwen said as Felicia rolled her eyes.

"With Peter? Yeah, not a chance." Felicia teased as Gwen jabbed her playfully. "He's cute but he's not my type."

"Good, one less bimbo to worry about." Gwen mumbled under her breath as Felicia gave her a questioning look to which she replied with a bright smile. "Well, you never know."

"So, can you tell me more about it?."

"Ugh... I think this is enough for today." Gwen declined as she rolled her eyes while Felicia laughed.


"How far have we progressed with the Sage spiders?" Peter muttered to himself as he conversed with Eryl through his phone.

"Approximately 45%. The progress has been delayed due to various uncounted variables such as natural disasters, weather hazards, life-death cycles, etc. By the end of the month, we should have solid results." Eryl responded as Peter nodded and jotted some ideas plaguing his mind down in his diary.

"I see... Did you find anything about Kamar-Taj?"

"No, sir. Nothing on the internet, aside from a few rumours. It's somewhere near India, I think it's in Nepal." Eryl said as Peter sighed closing his books.

"Well, nothing I didn't know about. How about any-"

"Hey, nerd!" Peter raised his hand intercepting a blow towards his back just before it hit him. Turning his head, Felicia's confused face came into his line of vision and after a moment he just smiled disarmingly.

"Hello, Ms Hardy." Peter nodded as he let go of her hand before turning back to his shifting a bit to the side as Felicia took a seat beside him. "Fancy seeing you here."

"I know right? We have four classes together." Felicia grinned as she tried to lean into his guard but Peter just smiled it off. "How wild is that?!"

"Crazy wild." Peter nodded along. "Since you seem like a nice person can I ask you to do a favour for me?"

Felicia's smile widened as she leaned in. "Anything-"

"Can you please switch two of your classes with either MJ or Gwen?"


"We only have two classes together and I'd like that to change." Peter smiled teasingly as Felicia just blinked dumbfounded. "It's just a joke, don't mind me. Let's just listen to the lecture."

"...but you aren't even listening to the lecture." Felicia replied after a while and Peter smiled.

"Shh... That's just between me and you." Peter winked as he made a shushing gesture. *No one has to know about that."

"Hah! You make it sound like we are in some sort of weird relationship." Felicia laughed as Peter shrugged.

"Didn't seem like that to me." Peter shrugged. "Especially, considering we aren't in any sort relationship, to begin with whatsoever."

"Ouch." Felicia playfully clenched her heart as Peter's smile widened. "You are quite the guy, aren't you?"

"I am something, but I do not see myself as a guy that would attract your attention, Ms Hardy."

"Oh? How would you know what a woman is attracted to?" Felicia asked as she leaned in. Peter didn't pull back, as Felicia closed the distance. They were only a few inches apart but Peter stayed still as he looked into her beautiful green eyes.

"Through their eyes." Peter said before he calmly pulled back turning to his diary. "And yours are full of distrust."


"Didn't mean to be rude but if you wanted to talk to me, you could have done so without trying to mislead me." Peter said as Felicia looked away, folding her hand and laying her head on it. "I prefer brutal honesty over mindless pandering."

"Gwen was right." Felicia began. "You are too danm smart."

Peter smiled as Felicia turned to look at him and after a few moments and flashed him a small smile.

"Thanks for calling me out on my bullshit."

"Hah! I love putting people in their places. No need to thank me for that." Peter grinned as Felicia rolled her eyes.

"You are such an ass." Felicia jabbed but she still smiled as Peter chuckled to himself.

"I know I'm great." Peter smiled confidently as Felicia straightened herself up and extended her hands towards Peter.

"Hi, I'm Felicia Hardy. Just call me Felicia or Fel. Pleased to meet you." Felicia grinned as Peter accepted it and shook her hand firmly. "Since you like honestly I'll just say it out loud... I would like to be your friend."

"Likewise Fel, I'm Peter Parker." Peter smiled bringing her hand up to his lips and planted a kiss on the back of her hand making her laugh at him. "I would love to be your friend as well-"


"Peter, we have a situation." Eryl said as everybody was rattled by the huge sound of the explosion. The students began running like a headless chickens as soon as they regained their senses as more explosions rang out in a distance.

'Of course, this has to happen now.' Peter calmly pulled out his phone as Eryl loaded the live feed to what was happening. Peter's eyes widened as he watched the feed, numbed by mild shock as to what was happening.

"Oh, you gotta be shitting me!"




"I... I am really sorry for the last time-"

"Just shut the fuck up Jake." Paul groaned as he rubbed his temples in an exasperated manner. "You will literally do the world a favour if you keep your mouth shut!"

"Hey! I apologised!" Jake retorted. "I didn't do it on purpose!"

"I know that! And that makes it worse!" Paul didn't back off as he sat with his best friend at the same outdoor cafe. "As soon as you open your mouth and say one thing, shit hits the fan the next fucking moment and it goes the opposite direction!"

"Hey, it's not that bad and it was only that one time-"

"One time?! Green Goblin! Rhino! Shocker! Do you want me to go on and list off how many times we nearly died?!"

"...it's just a weird coincidence-"

"I'm seeing patters-"

"You are just being fucking paranoid." Jake said firmly and Paul was taken back by the look on his face. "You are being stupid, emotional and superstitious. Do you know how offensive it is for you to accuse me like this?"


"How dare you?!"


"Do you want me to cancel your ass?! Huh?! Huh?!"

"I'm sorry man..."





"Ahahahaaaa! You should see your face!" Jake clutched his stomach as he laughed at the expense of his best friend. "I was trolling you hahaha! Did you really think I was going to cancel you?! Haha! What do you take me for? Twitter fingers?! Hahaha!"

"You... You are such an asshole."

"Oh boy. I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Jake stopped laughing as he wiped a tear from his eye. "Jokes aside, but I still do believe that you are just being paranoid. It's just bad luck that has been plaguing us."

"Yeah... I guess you are right."

"And now that I have bought this penta-crafted, holy bamboozled evil-repelling, seven later array, cherry wood base, holy water graced good luck charm from the Chinatown, I assure you we are going to be alright."

"Hah... I guess you are right." Paul nodded.

"We are going to be totally fine. Nothing bad is going to happen-"

"Okay, I appreciate the energy but let's not tempt Murphy again-"

"Trust me, bro, just take a deep breath and feel the chill in your lungs. Nothing bad is ever going to touch even the smallest atom of our hair."

"Oi, I get it-"

"Nothing bad is going to happen to us from now on-"


Jake's shit-eating grin froze as the cafe blew up once again. A tall, green skinned Amazonian woman pulled herself out the rubble as she rubbed the green blood off her lips.

"Spider-Man... I must find Spider-Man!"

Paul managed to crack a serene smile after the dust settled and he stared at Jake with a loving gaze as he calmly removed the now dusty shades he was wearing.

"Jake, my friend... Come here, remove your pants and bend over." Paul began as he cracked his fingers. "I'm going to shove all these flags up your ass this time."

"Damn it, Murphy?! Why can't you just ghost me!"


Alternate Titles:

- Kitty Kat

- Young Master from the Parker Clan

- A Real 'Jade' Beauty


Sooo... There you go.

If you have any ideas, just say them out loud. Don't keep them bottled inside. It's bad for your mental health. It's scientifically proven... Source?

Trust Me Bro.

Anyways, It's been a few days since the whole WWE Oscarmania thing where we got to see Will 'Fresh Prince' Smith and Chris 'Not So' Rock.

FunFact: No one gave a fuck about the Oscars until this happened. 50% increase in ratings lol.

What do you think about the whole debacle? Share your thoughts here and also... Memes! I'll start by posting one myself.

Also, Andrew Schulz is a beast. He roasted the heck out of Will. Will was my hero but now... Idk. Lemme know your thoughts.

Anyways, I'll see you in the next one.

P.S: We are all here to have fun, so don't take it seriously.

Also, also; I've added the axillary chapter with Peter's current powers and abilities and some other bits of information you didn't know before. So go eat it up if you haven't already.