Sexy Green Issue V: Code Red

"Good morning! Lawful citizens of America! As the frenzy of yesterday's attack has died down and just as formal investigation was just about to take place, looking into the matter of the terrorist attacks. General Ross, presented himself in front of the press after a long time and shocking revealed that the face behind those attacks was none other than Spider-Menace himself!"

Jameson's voice boomed throughout the concrete jungle of NYC as the Spider-Man obsessed toxic fan once again began blowing things out of proportions.

"Similar to the war hero, General Ross; I, J. Jonah Jameson present myself before to you, the smart citizens of NYC as I dive deep into this murky waters to expose Spider-Man and his fellow partners in crime for the criminal they are!" J. Jonah Jameson screamed into his mic with incredible gusto as the people of NYC shook their heads at the towering billboards and walked past to get on with their busy lives. "But before we get down with the evidence I have managed to procure, I have an announcement to make. Joining us today in an exclusive online interview is none other than the masked menace, the fugitive himself, Spider-Man! Who will be joining us confessing to his crimes today at Daily Bugle-"


"What the-?! S-Spider-Man?! What the hell are y-you doing here! Security?!" Jameson's throat dried up as Spider-Man dusted his shoulders casually as he turned back to look at the hole in the glass panel he made as he rudely entered the Daily Bugle building.

"Mr Jameson?!" Two security guards barged into the room through the doors. Narrowed eyes turned wide as they landed on Spider-Man's form. "S-Spider-Man?!"

"G-Get him!" Jameson pointed towards Spider-Man who turned to look at him with an amused look.

"Yes, B-Boss!" And the dogs did as their owner wished.

Tried to bite the wrong person.

Spider-Man caught the first one by his extended wrist and slammed him onto the floor before leaning to the side dodging the other one and kicking him on his back sending him staggering out of the hole he came from, but not webbing his feet, preventing him from falling to his death.

Spider-Man tied the other end of the web to the leg of the man that he had pinned below him.


"Shut up and hold tight, okay? Otherwise, you both will fall to your death." Spider-Man said in a coaxing manner as he gently patted the terrified and struggling guard on his cheek before getting up.

"Spider-Man! The hell are you doing-"

"J. Jonah Jameson." Spider-Man began as he turned around and towards Jameson. Jameson's words died in his throat as the Spider-Man's visors glowed red ominously. Jameson sank into his seat, subtlety shrinking in fear as Spider-Man slowly walked towards him. Spider-Man leaned towards Jameson as the man began sweating. "Hello."

"H-Hello-" Spider-Man rudely interrupted him as grabbed Jameson by the collar and tossed him out of his chair before sitting in it himself. "What the-"

"Normally, I would be more courteous at my show but..." Spider-Man said as he spun around casually in the chair as Jameson picked himself up and dusted his expensive suit. "I can't say it's has been a pleasure."

"What do you mean your show! This is my show which you rudely and criminally interrupted!"

"Yeah and I'm regretting it now." Spider-Man said.

"As you should-"

"Looking at your face so close makes me want to throw up in my suit, ugh."


"At least you look bearable on T.V."

"How dare you-"

"Also it's not criminally, it's illegally but then again. I wouldn't expect you to be well versed in vocabulary when all you know is talk shit and scream 'Menace!'. Yeah?" Spider-Man gestured sarcastically as he tore into Jameson verbally. "Also, since when did vigilantism box itself within the confines of legal concerns?"


"I'm already a branded criminal, being accused of mass murder and manipulation, you think I give a fuck about a wee vandalism now?"


"Anyways, let's not waste any more of my precious, precious time." Spider-Man said as he turned towards the petrified cameraman who didn't know what to do. "Okay, we are ready to roll... Oh? You mean we are on air already? Oh, my bad. *Ahem*"

"..." The cameraman just stared blankly as Spider-Man cleared his throat.

"Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. The naive sheep of America! Wake up." Spider-Man began in an overly enthusiastic condescending tone. "I hope you enjoyed the ignorant bliss that you call sleep, but I reckon it may be hard for you to differentiate your dreams from your reality as they both are wrapped in the same amount of ignorance, covered with a thick blanket of idiocy and hypocrisy."

Spider-Man's was loud and clear, his firm voice laced in the tiniest hint of amusement as he addressed the masses as if he was talking to children.

"But worry not your criminal mastermind, the unfriendly, demonic Spider-Man has decided to grace your worthless lives with his presence and walk you out of your stupid stupor with a nightmare so bad, so haunting that you will be scared to sleep ever again." Spider-Man stated as he smirked behind his mask. "Now, yesterday I was branded a fugitive by your beloved General Ross, who is known are mostly missing achievements and accomplishments such as riding on his superior's coattails and sabotaging other people's lives to further his own agenda."

Spider-Man chuckled as he lifted his mug on and lifted his mask up a bit to take a sip but hesitated midway.

"A good man right?" Spider-Man asked as he extended his arm towards the side, in Jameson's direction and poured the black coffee on the floor. "Gross. Umm sweetheart could you come here for a second?"

"M-Me?" The assistant lady beside the cameraman stuttered as Spider-Man pointed in her direction.

"Yes, you love." Spider-Man smiled visibly. "Could you get me some fresh coffee? Two sugar and cream, can you do that for me?"


"Perfect. You have my gratitude." Spider-Man said as the girl dashed away with the mug as Jameson just stared owlishly. "Anyways, as I was saying, after being branded as a 'fugitive' I noticed a lot of outrage! On the stress and on the internet!"

"Can you believe it?! The internet?! Outraged?! Haha! That didn't surprise me, not at all. What surprised me was the herd of the sheep rallying outside the town square, screaming on top of their lugs, waving flags, flashing posters and signs, calling out, begging for... Justice?" Spider-Man scratched his head again as he looked around the room in confusion. "Umm... for what again?"

"For killing people-" Jameson tried to speak up as he gathered his courage but Spider-Man grabbed the files on the desk and smacked him on the face with them.

"Oh! I remember! For saving your fucking lives! Crazy, innit?!" Spider-Man laughed before stopping and rubbing his jaw as he bit his lips exposing his fangs. "For saving your worthless lives again and again, for putting murderers, rapists, and pedophiles in their places again and again. This is what I deserve, aye?"

Spider-Man's voice lost of all its mirth as it took on a serious tone as he inter-twined his hands in front of him.

"Demonic, huh? You goddamn right I am." Spider-Man said as he smirked. "But you all don't know the half of it. In fact... You don't know anything about it!"

Jameson and the cameraman flinched as Spider-Man raised his voice, red and black electricity crackling around him as he leaned back and stared into the camera, as staring down the soul of everybody who was watching it.

"You don't know, just how demonic I can be. You know nothing." Spider-Man said. "Yesterday was an eye-opener. Sheep will be sheep, they need a dog to keep them in line and a wolf to keep them from going out of control."

Spider-Man smiled as he decided in his heart.

"From now on, I'm done playing the dog, it's time to play the wolf." Spider-Man said. "I am going to show you, just how demonic I can be. Just how venomous a Spider can be."

"Lethality." Spider-Man smirked widely as Jameson wiped his face still standing in his place. "You all are going to learn."

"U-Umm... S-Sorry to disturb but..." The lady came back with the mug as she walked toward Spider-Man and squealed. "Y-Your coffee!"

"Ah! Thank you, deary." Spider-Man said as he received the mug. He smiled at her as she stood in her place fidgeting. "Just in time, I was about to leave... You a fan?"

"S-Sir, yes! I am a b-big fan!" The girl stuttered as Spider-Man chuckled.

"Well, sit back tightly then, cause I'm about to turn you to a stan." Spider-Man said as he took a sip from his coffee before sighing in bliss. "Ahh~ Perfect. So, before I leave. I have a final gift for you all."

Spider-Man said as he let Eryl take over the Daily Bugle network and the news outlet all around America.

"Since General Ross was unable to provide you with the details of my criminal... whatever, so anyways, I being the ever-gracious son of a gun, decided to give you the evidence myself." Spider-Man smiled politely. "Plus a bonus!"

Spider-Man spun in the chair as he sipped the coffee as Eryl began uploading the pictures and videos on the internet.

"That on your screen now is the 'military asset' I sabotaged." Spider-Man said with a grin as the screen displayed the mugshot of the dead Abomination, which was followed by a video clip of Spider-Man fighting and then killing the abomination as he stomped on his neck. Jameson gasped as he stumbled back, leaning on the wall for support as Spider-Man grinned widely. "That was your military asset I sabotaged. Stopping him from killing an innocent and pulverising your sorry asses, and this is the thanks I get? Pathetic."


"What's even more pathetic is you believed the words of a madman. An egoistic bastard who colluded with a sadistic fuck, kidnapping innocent, taking advantage of their circumstances and experimenting on them unlawfully!" Spider-Man said as he slammed his fist on the table. "What? Don't believe me? You know what, sure! You don't have to take my word for it. But... You are going to because unlike him, I have receipts."

The screen switched and it showed the footage of Ross standing in front of a weakened Jennifer besides William Stryker, as she was chained, restrained against the stretcher as multiple scientists worked on her with needles making her scream in pain.

"These are your heroes? Ridiculous." Spider-Man scoffed. "That is Jennifer Walters, the so-called military asset I stole! To treat her like a damn property, Ross I promise I'm going to tear a whole new hole into you. She is not your damn property! This man is your hero?! You listened to him?! Look at him! Which part of him looks sane?! I cleanse the world of this type of scum and that makes me a demon? Then tell me, what does that make him?"

Jameson stood there unable to react as Spider-Man stood up from the chair. Vaulting over the desk, Spider-Man walked towards the camera before grabbing it and looking straight into it. The cameraman backed away in fear as Spider-Man smirked viciously.

"Ross, I know you are watching. You did this to yourself. I'm not playing watchdog anymore." Spider-Man said. "I know where you are, I'm gonna gut you like a pig, revel as you squeal like a bitch and then I'll gonna kill you."

"And there is nothing... You can do about it."



"Goddamn it!" Ross yelled in rage as he threw his chair into the screen. Ross gritted his teeth as Spider-Man's mocking voice ground into his brain which made him slam his hands on the desk.

"Nothing can stop me." Spider-Man's fragmented visage grinned with malicious intent before it cut to black.


Ross turned his head as Stryker along with his bodyguards entered the room. Ross' nose flared in rage as he waltzed towards Stryker and grabbed him by the collar.

"Calm down Ross-"

"You set me up!"

"Get your hands off him or we will shoot you! Now!" The bodyguard immediately pointed their guns at his head but Ross wouldn't listen as he hoisted the man up by his neck. "We will count from one to three! One! Two-"

"I dare you! Shoot me-"

"Everybody! Stand down!" Stryker yelled as he tried to free himself from Ross' hands.

"But sir-"

"That's my order! Can't you hear me?!"


"Ross. Calm down. I can understand why you are angry but so am I." Stryker said as Ross looked himself in the eye but wouldn't let go. "I am just as much as pissed as you are. Do you think I would expose myself just to get you out of the way? Do you think I am a retard?"

"Then how?" Ross growled as he let Stryker down and let go of his neck.

"We are still investigating. I, am investigating." Stryker said as he dusted his coat. "I tortured every single one, who were working on that project."

"What did you learn?" Ross asked.

"...nothing. They didn't do anything. They didn't leak anything. Either, someone infiltrated us and set us up or..."


"Or... It's something else." Stryker said as he gritted his teeth in anger. "I am going to find out just what it is."

"We can't do anything now. It's over." Ross said as he clenched his fists in rage. "He exposed us and that damned arachnid freak is coming for our head."

"Are... Are you giving up Ross?" Stryker asked but Ross didn't reply. "Surely you aren't thinking about that?"

"Then what do you suggest I do-"

"General, I have known you for a long time. You know just how dangerous these freaks are and yet you have never backed down from putting these mongrels in their fucking places!" Stryker emphasized his words as he poked Ross in the chest. "What has changed now?"

Ross looked at his shaking hands before clenching them and looking up at Stryker.

"Nothing." Ross said as he straightened his military coat. "I'm still going to put that fucking dog in his place."

"Good." Stryker smiled as he mentally patted himself on the back. "Very good."

"But bullets have no effect on him, should we use-"

"That won't be necessary." Ross said as he walked towards the door. "Prepare the chamber. Prepare the chamber. Initiate project Redeemer."

"But I thought you didn't want to-"

"To squash that freak, I don't care if I have to become a monster like Banner." Ross growled as he looked back over his shoulder, his eyes red with anger. "Do it."

"Alright General, you go ahead. I'll prep the team who will be working on you." Stryker said as Ross grunted before walking out of the room.

"Sir, is this a good idea-"

"It's not." Stryker said. "We won't able to control or manipulate Ross once he turns into Hulk like we are doing right now. He will become a threat."


"But Ross has always been expandable and we will deal with him as we do with every.. other.. threat." He grinned as his bodyguards nodded in understanding. "But he still has his uses for now. He will keep Spider-Man busy while we evacuate back to our base at Akali Lake."

"But sir-"

"We can't afford to mess with the Spider right now! We know nothing about it" Stryker said as he rose his finger at the arguing soldier. "Do you understand?"

"S-Sir! Yes Sir!"

"Good... Right now we evacuate, let Ross battle it out with the bug and hope that he kills the annoyance for good. If not, we make plans, we sniff him out, catch him, cut him open, study how his insides work and then put him to rest. Then the only spiders around will be created by us." Stryker said as he revealed his plan. "Now go and start evacuating. Start with the prisoners."

"The fresh test subjects?"

"Yes, they haven't been tested yet so they take priority over our Grade A test subjects, now go!" Stryker said as the soldiers left after saluting him.

Stryker smiled to himself as he looked at the Spider-Man's flickering visage on the T.V.

"Oh, you poor spider. You trapped yourself in your own web. How naive you are." Stryker mumbled to himself.

"I'm gonna take my sweet time cutting you open."


Alternative Titles:

- Peter Carlson

- Look Mom, I'm On TV

- No More Ross


Yooo, your boy is back.

Just got discharged from the hospital. I'll be in top shape in two weeks so I'm telling you all in advance that the updates will be slow.

Anyways. Your thoughts on this one?

Peter is not going to the dark side don't worry. He just decided it's not worth it pretending to be a good guy anymore since he has already been labelled as a fugitive.

So, no more hiding the massacre. Which means more attention on our Spider-themed harem lord, which means more conflict with heroes, which means more action for you mofos.

Anyways, I'll see you in the next one.

P.S: I watched Doctor Strange 2: Multiverse Of Madness and I have to say it!

...I was underwhelmed. The Illuminati just fucking died? Just like that. They didn't even go out with a bang. Just gone. Idk how to feel about it. I feel like I have been cheated and damnit it almost hurts more than my breakup lol. Anyways. Exaggeration asides, America could have used a bit more personality, Strange could have been smarter, the script could have been better and certainly, most of that could have been solved with a longer run time. Even half an hour more could have been good!

Phew~ I'm done ranting.
