Above The Law

"My father, Dale Rice was a visionary. A man of great insight. A pioneer of advanced medicine that will lead us into a new age. An era, a time where humanity would be free from pain. Free from disease. Free from war. Free from hate. Free from anguish. A world full of joy and happiness. This was my father's dream and sadly he will not be able to see it." Zander Rice, the son of Dale Rice and the CEO of Alkali-Transigen said in a solemn tone as he reminisced about his father. "Because he was brutally murdered by Spider-Man! He is a menace! Spider-Man is a disease! He is the personification of pure evil! And you all know it too! As scared as you may be, I am not one of you. I am not afraid to take a stand!"


Hundreds of cameras flashed as, some of the world's most renowned reporters leaned ahead, notepads out as they listened to yet another politician preach about the hottest debacle in the world right now. But this one was more interesting. This was personal. This was spicy and they didn't want to miss out on the opportunity to garner views.

"I will put an end to this madness. I swear on my pride as a God's man, I will get rid of the world of this filth. Then I will help humanity to the heavens, fulfilling my father's dreams, his legacy." Zander spoke in a loud, righteous voice as the reporters looked at him taking notes. "And I would like to thank you all, the good citizens of America who have gathered here in my support. You will become a part of our history, as we together pass laws necessary to keep the unlawful in check and maintain, peace and order. I would like to hand the podium over to Mayor-"

"Excuse me!" A loud, crisp voice of a female disrupted Zander's speech causing him to grit his teeth in annoyance. He still tried to play cool and flashed a disarming smile nonetheless, gesturing for the red-haired woman to speak up. "I don't mean to disrupt your important speech but before we get to the best part of today's conference pushing laws restraining the superhumane and the kind, I would like to address as a matter of great importance."

"I'm sure it's important Miss reporter but-"

"Isley." The redheaded reporter smiled. "Dr Pamela Lillian Isley, a botanist and a biochemist, owner of the Poison Ivy Blog and co-host of the Pick Your Poison show, airing every alternate day, 10:30 am. I believe this matter can't wait, just pardon me a few moments."

"... alright."

"So, I just received this article from a friend of mine a few minutes ago, well literally 5 minutes ago as you can see here, and it says here and I quote, 'Like father, like son: Spider-Man exposes the father and son duo with a video with several attachment liking father, Dale Rice and son, Zander Rice to inhumane human and mutant experiments on his official website, The Web.' This article caught my attention for obvious reasons and I thought, why don't get a word from the man himself." Pamella smiled as Zander's expression flattered as other reporters began to whisper amongst themselves. Pulling up their phone and calling their colleagues to verify the news. "Quite the speech you have Mr Rice. Spider-Man killed your father at the Nevada military base. What was your father doing there? Working with Willian Stryker who has already been exposed as an evil man?"

Pamella maintained a professional smile as she fired a barrage of questions one after the other.

"You claim to be a man of God but I can't imagine your works on human anatomy without your client's consent as anything but inhumane. You seem to be a man walking a dark path doing the devil's deed in his place." Pamella's smile never wavered as the camera flashed. Zander's face became ugly. Sweating and gritting his teeth. "Oh?! Another one, excuse me as I relay the news to you."

"D-Don't believe his lies! He is-"

"Unknowingly a humanitarian monster. Ironic ain't it? A murderer exposing the lies of big corporate entities? Anyways, I was saying the second article says and I quote 'Spider-Man releases more evidence against Zander Rice linking the head of Alkali-Transigen to mass-murderer agenda, that would result in the death of millions of mutants and Inhumans through the agricultural plan Rice proposed to the parliament. Using genetically modified food, Rice intends to spread a virus through the population that would end natural mutant births and kill over a good chunk of the already existing mutant population. Evidence is attached in the links below'. Well, well, well. You are quite something aren't you Mr Rice?"


"Aside from hating the mutant and other superpowered individuals you apparently despise nature as well, huh? No wonder, Spider-Man is hunting you all." Pamella's face hardened for the first as she looked at Rice with a mixed look of disgust and pity. "You are nothing but a jealous, hedonistic man trying to mould the world as you fit because you weren't born with the gifts."

"Shut up-"

"If Spider-Man were to come after you, I wouldn't budge a bit." Pamella said as she stood up along with other reporters who looked at Rice with fierce-looking ready to bombard him. "Scum like you deserve the worst. Oh?! Another one? Pardon my language, this one is quite blunt and I quote, 'Rice fucked his colleague's wife, who was like a second father to him. Impregnating the deceived woman, he threatened to kill her when the pregnant woman suggest they reveal their affair to Dr Martin. Rice is unhinged, and threatened to kill the lady along with the child'. Wow, I'm impressed. Seems like your vileness knows no bounds. What did you say about being a man of God again?"


"Oh wait, a lie. You lied about it."

"I said shut up!" Zander screamed as the people rushed at him. Pushing a security guard away, Zander took his gun and began waving it at the crowd of agitated reporters. The reporters shrank a step back not expecting the mostly calm and cocky man to do something this radical. He waved the gun around like a madman, making them back off in fear before the muzzle aimed at Pamella's person. Rice's personal soldiers rushed into the conference room armed as they took the room full of people as hostages. "You ruined my life! You and that fucking Spider! I'll kill you all! I'll kill that freak and then I'll kill all of you freak-lovers! I'll kill and kill until you I wipe this earth clean of their stain! This world will become pure again under my reign! I'll crush anyone who stands against me-"

"You are delusional." Pamella's voice boomed over Rice's as she cut him off. Rice gritted his teeth as his hands began shaking in rage. His face twisted into a sickening grin as he cocked the gun. "Scums like you always end up in ditches. Trust me there's a guy who will be more than willing to put you in yours."

"This story doesn't end like a fairytale. Good guys don't get to live to tell the tale. We slaughter them like pests and I'll do the same to this guy." Zander cackled as he put his finger on the trigger. "Scream! Call for your Good Guy! Tell him to come and save your ass! Tell him to come so that I can kill him as well! Scream!"

"No." Pamella said in defiance as Zander snarled as he pulled the trigger. "So be it."



"You've got spunk, Isley. Unfortunately, you don't have invulnerability." Spider-Man said as he landed in front of Pamella. The bullet bounced off his chest harmlessly before he caught it in his hand. "Lucky for you, I do."

Spider-Man spun on his feet cocking his hand back before releasing the bullet in Zander's direction.




"And I have super strength as well, can you believe it?" Spider-Man yapped in amusement as he looked at Pamella over his shoulder, who was staring at Zander in shock. Her eyes shakily looked at Spider-Man then at Zander. Spider-Man grinned before turning to look at Zander as well, admiring his handiwork. Zander's eyes bobbled in his skull as he looked at his left side in absolute horror. His upper left torso was gone. His arm was at his feet in a pool of blood, torn apart from the rest of the body by the bullet Spider-Man threw at him. Zander's hand reached to where his left arm used to be and could only gasp in horror as blood spluttered out from the open wound instead. "Of course, you can. I'm the guy who killed a Hulk after all."

"Ahhhhhhhh!" Zander screamed in pain as he clutched his gushing, bleeding arm. Zander rolled on the ground like a pathetic weasel, contorting in agony as Spider-Man simply looked at his arm that had already healed itself. "Y-You... I'll kill you... I'll kill you all! Shoot them! Shoot them all!"

"Heh?" Spider-Man tilted his head as the soldiers were ready to open fire. Raising his arm, he snapped his fingers and the people flinched but the sound of the trigger nor any gunshots rang out and people reluctantly opened their eyes. "You... It's scary to me sometimes..."

"H-Huh?" Zander looked at his soldiers who seemed to be frozen in their places in shock as Spider-Man walked toward him.

"The number of abilities I have." Spider-Man said as he crouched to his level. "It's hard to keep a count of them."


"Gentlemen." Spider-Man said as the soldiers straightened up. Dropping their machine guns to the floor baffling the people in the room except for Spider-Man. "We are about to give Mr Rice a pleasant demonstration of a particular ability of mine and for that. I need you all the be my tests subject. If you are kind to be willing just nod your head in agreement... Ah, perfect. With that, I have everybody's consent. So, on the count of three, you will grab your secondary weapons and kill yourselves? Please simple and clear right? Okay, so you all are ready?"

Rice looked around in horror as his soldiers retrieved either a pistol or a knife as they set them near their temple and throat respectively.




*Guk... Hak!... Ung!..." The soldiers choked on their blood as they fell to the ground as they slit their own throats with their own hands.

The rest had blown their heads out and we're out for an eternity.

"Pretty amazing right?" Spider-Man asked a pale looking Zander who tried to get away from him but failed miserably. Pamella was the only reporter that wasn't feeling physically sick at the sight of so many dead bodies as her eyes were solely set on the man of her interest.


"Now... It's time for the closing act." Spider-Man said as he webbed Zander's mouth before he could scream and grabbed him by the neck dragging him over to the stage. Spider-Man kicked off the wooden podium as he took the centre of the stage. "Yo. If you all are done emptying your stomachs then I need you all to buckle the fuck up and get these cameras rolling. I have too much shit on my schedule. Oh? Where the hell do you think you are going?"

Spider-Man stomped on Zander's back pinning him to the ground as the cameras began rolling. Pulling his leg back he kicked him in the chin as the man tried to get up sending him back to the floor again. Spider-Man was about the stomp him once again when the cameras began to flash.

"Oh? Good evening, Sheep of America! You all seem so surprised aye? Didn't expect me on National television huh? Well what can I say, I made it big time. I'm more mainstream than your fucking media! Ain't that crazy?!" Spider-Man laughed to himself as he put his foot on Rice's neck. Rice clawed at Spider-Man's legs, attempting to free himself but Spider-Man paid him no mind. "Anyways, for today's segment, we have a special guest-kindly pan the camera to our guest-Zander Rice! Everybody give it up for the guy! Now, you may be asking why is he in a sorry state well the answer to that question you can find in video format on my website 'theweb.com' or on my YouTube channel, 'Spider-Man'. Also, you better subscribe and help me become the fastest channel to reach 25 Million as well."

The crowd of reporters just looked on with nervous faces as Spider-Man acted sporadically.

"Anyway, getting sidetracked. It was because of that reason, I decided to give him the same treatment and rough him up. But that's beside the point, I assume all of you are aware of what both the father and the son have been up to, aye? Well, the father is dead so not much I can do about it. But, the son, he needs to go through a fair trial and that is what were are going to be doing today. Holding a trial against one, Mr Zander Rice for his various crimes against man and mutant kind. You all here to witness the trial and I, your one and only will be the Judge, Jury and the executioner." Spider-Man smiled. "Well the Jury already knows about his various exploits and appeals the Judge to follow with their verdict and the verdict is..."

"Death. Specifically, a slow painful death." Spider-Man grinned to himself. "And now I will be handing the stage to the executioner himself, me! Are you ready to pay for your crimes? You can't speak right now, but yay! A win for the truth!"

Spider-Man raised his hands black, bio-electric cackled around his hands. Lifting the legs of his neck, Spider-Man replaced it with his hand as he lifted him by his neck.

"Death by electrocution." Slamming the man hard onto the ground, Spider-Man grabbed his face and punished him with a barrage of black-lightning.


The smell of burnt meat began to emit from Rice's body as Spider-Man kept punishing him. Zander's body went limp after a while of thrashing as Spider-Man pulled his hand back, tearing the flesh of his face of the skeleton.

Some of the weak-minded had already passed out while others looked various shades of green. Dusting his hands looked at the camera once again.

"Well, that was all for today-"

"Do you think you will get away with this?" The Mayor of NYC snarled as he walked up towards Spider-Man in big strides. "Do you really think you can come here, do whatever you like and just leave like that? Do you think we are your dogs who will bend over and take it whenever you want us to? Do you think no one can stop you? Do you think you are above the law?!"

"Actually... Yes, yes, yes and yes!" Spider-Man said happily. "Yes, I do believe that I can waltz in anytime I want, so whatever I want, and leave whenever I want to, no one can do shit about it."


"Yes, I do believe you all are my bitches who will bend over whenever I strong-arm you and take it for my own sick satisfaction whenever I feel the need for you to do it. You all can do shit about it."


"Yes, I do believe no one can stop me. In fact, I will kill you right now and I won't even put out any evidence against you even though I have a lot of dirt on you, just to prove my point that none of you will be able to do shit about it."



"What the-" The crowd of the reporters gasped as Spider-Man ejected his stinger and stabbed the Mayor in the throat. The blade began to vibrate and in one Swift motion, Spider-Man cut the head clean off his shoulder. The head rolled down the stairs of the stage while the body lay there bleeding out.

Spider-Man retracted his stinger as he dusted his hands and address the camera once again.

"And yes. I do believe that I am above the law and no one can do shit about it." Spider-Man said with a wide grin. "Your laws are inefficient, unresponsive and corrupt. And if they could contain me, it wouldn't do them any good.

The camera flashed as Spider-Man spoke out loud. His voice was firm and clear.

"My verdict on the other hand is absolute is absolute." Spider-Man grinned.

"No trial. No bullshit. Just Execution."


Alternate Titles:

- The Redheaded Babe Magnet

- Peter 'Butcher' Parker

- I Just Don't Give A Fuck


So, another chapter. It's late here but ya know. It's either this or watch crappy TV shows i.e. Dumpster Fire called...

Halo : The Rise and Fall of the Virgin Master Cheeks.

Or chose to write.

Obviously, I chose the latter one.

Anyways, what do you think about this one? Do let me know. If there is any way to improve my writing then please let me know.

Anyway, I'm sleepy. I'll see you in the next one.

P.S. Please ignore my grammer mistakes in this one. Sleepy af. I'll edit it tomorrow.