Week Worth Of Trouble : The Spy Charade

"Good Morning, everyone. I am Nora Hunt." The spy in the disguise introduced herself while maintaining a look of indifference as she scanned the class.

Natasha's eyes locked onto Gwen causing Gwen to unconsciously freeze up, her Spider-Sense started going haywire.

"Peter... This woman is dangerous." Gwen muttered to Peter who kept his eyes trained on Natasha's figure.

"I noticed." Peter said as Natasha smirked to herself.

"Starting today I will be your substitute professor for Chemistry until Professor Higgins can make a full recovery." Natasha stated as she turned towards the board. The initially excited students were a bit put off by the cold and indifferent face and attitude Natasha wore. It was like their instincts were telling them that this woman was a crazy cat in the bag. "I'll allow you all to refer to me as Professor Hunt, is that understood? Good. Now let's get started."

"Eryl, I need you to make a few adjustments real quick."

"Alright, boss."

"Mr Parker?" Natasha suddenly called Peter making him pause his conversation and look at her with narrowed eyes.


"Is something the matter? You have been muttering to yourself for a while now."

"I didn't mutter."

"Yes, you did." Natasha insisted.

"I did not." Peter wasn't going to back down.

"Are you saying that I am lying?" Natasha narrowed her eyes as she gripped the marker she had in her hand.

"Yes. You are lying." Peter smiled in reply as Natasha stared at him before sighing.

"Professor Higgins might have tolerated that rude attitude of yours Mr Parker but I assure you, I won't-"

"And I assure you, Ms Hunt, that I could give one less fuck about it."

"-I... I won't... We are you going to have a serious problem with that attitude. Come meet me after biology. You and I are going to have a long chat about what we can do to fix that attitude of yours."

"Well... Why bother? I already have the answer."


"And that is nothing. You can do nothing about it."

"We will see..." Natasha nodded to herself as she turned to the board once again. "Look in your books student, we do not have all day."

"Y-Yes, ma'am!"

"Psst- Peter? Is it any good to pick a fight with her-" MJ began but Peter just shrugged it off.

"She is but a mere annoyance. I've already pointed a gun at her skull one time. I'll pull the trigger if I need to this time." Peter replied as MJ shivered subconsciously.

"I... I wouldn't want you to do that."

"Haha. I know darling~ But you can't always get what you want."

"No flirting in the class please, Ms Watson." Natasha said without turning back as MJ froze up while Peter just rolled his eyes.

"Please, fuck off-" Peter wasn't able to finish his sentence as a dishevelled-looking Felicia barged into the classroom.

"A-Ah! I'm fucking late-" Felicia froze mid-sentence as her eyes locked with Natasha. "Whoa, and who is this cutie-"

"Ms Hardy, I can understand that partying near Madison Square can be quite taxing on your health so I'd advise you to quit it while you can." Natasha cut Felicia off as she narrowed her eyes at Felicia which caused her to freeze up. "Especially, if you want to keep attending the school."

"How... How do you know about that?" Felicia stuttered as Peter raised an eyebrow.


"The jewellery shop near Madison Square has been robbed twice this week. It was none other than Ms Hardy." Eryl replied as Peter hummed to himself.

"I was informed. You see, I like to know about the students I am supposed to be teaching so that I can impart you with the knowledge to the best of my abilities." Natasha disguised her threat behind sweet words and a pretty smile. Felicia clenched her fists but nodded nonetheless.

"I understand." Felicia gritted out.

"Good. You may sit now." Natasha said. "I'll introduce myself once again for your sake. I am Nora Hunt, you can call me Professor Hunt."

Felicia didn't bother replying as she made her way to her seat. Her face lit up a bit when she spotted Peter who just waved at her.

"Where the hell have you been?" Felicia asked as she sat in front of him.

"On a vacation." Peter replied shortly.

"Huh? I thought you were working on something for your company?"

"It was a working vacation."

"Huh? What's the fucking point of the vacation then-"

"To escape your bullshit."

"Grrr! This again! I'll-"

"Look into your book Ms Hardy. Mr Parker is not going to help you through your exams."

"That... I agree with her." Peter chuckled as Felicia scowled at him.

"Yes ma'am. This isn't over Peter! I'll get back at you!"

"Sure buddy. I'm sure you will." Peter laughed to himself.

"Are you done laughing Mr Parker?"

"Nope. Not yet. Let me have a couple more giggles. Ha-ha!"

The whole class giggled with Peter while Natasha just faked a smile, rather poorly.

"You know what? To my office, right after this."

"Sure, sure. If I don't fall asleep to you teaching then, sure."

"Hehe!" MJ and Gwen giggled as Natasha just turned back towards the board while Peter's smile turned into a menacing scowl.

"I'm looking forward to the chat."


"Close the door behind you and take a seat. Also, don't touch anything. I just received this office and I haven't sorted it out yet-"


"My, my. I told you to close the door, not lock it-aah!" Natasha was startled as she found herself hoisted by the waist only to be roughly slammed onto the table.

"Wow, you are really straightforward." Natasha smirked seductively as Peter mounted her waist knocking the stationary off the table. "I get your excitement but is it necessary to be so rough? You could have just asked kindly-"

"Shut up." Peter muttered as he pinned her hands over her head and aimed his right stinger at her throat. Natasha gulped as she felt the sharp tip scratch her skin.

"Wow, it's so big this close-"

"I said..." Peter's eyes turned blood red as he bared his fangs at her. Natasha found it hard to breathe as Peter's bloodlust overwhelmed her senses and reasoning. "Shut up!"

Natasha felt her body shiver in fear and excitement as Peter overpowered her. Gulping down her saliva she tried to appear as subdued as she could which was really hard for her considering the twitching of her lips.

"I have questions and I need you to answer them." Peter growled getting off her as he smelt her arousal. Retracting his stinger, he folded his arms as he took a seat in front of her. "You are a sick woman."

"And you hate it?" Natasha tilted her neck seductively as Peter rolled his eyes.

"No... It's turning me on and I hate that." Peter replied as Natasha chuckled.

"You are an honest man, aren't you?"

"Not as honest as you want to think." Peter retorted. "I wear a mask, remember?"

"Yeah, so I have noticed." Natasha rested her crossed her legs flashing Peter her lacy red panties in the process which he completely ignored. "Imagine my surprise when the big bad, Spider-Man turned out to be a hormonal teen."

"Correction, A level-6, stupidly overpowered psychopath." Peter retorted as Natasha smirked. "Your boss' words, need I remind you?"

"That's how he has labelled you officially, yes." Natasha nodded. "It seems you know a lot about SHIELD, huh?"

"I do and about you too." Peter replied as Natasha's smile wavered.

"You knew it was me with Barton. Even though I had a mask on."

"I did. You are a phenomenal spy but you aren't a great combatant, especially against someone like me."

"It seems I've been compromised." Natasha smiled as she rested her chin in her palm. "So, you know huh?"

"I do, which begs the question. What are you doing here Romanoff? There were no records of you being assigned to keep an eye on me." Peter narrowed his eyes as Natasha relaxed her smile.

"It's not official and it's certainly not about you. Well... It wasn't originally." Natasha replied as Peter raised an eyebrow. "Frank Castle's second year as the Punisher, he was going against some corrupt government hotshots and he was catching heat. Fury expected dirty play and so I was assigned to look after his wife and his second child that were in ICU. Six months under my watch, I fended off almost eighty-six assailants and before I knew I became fond of them. Frank doesn't know this of course."

"Hmm." Peter hummed to himself as he gestured for Natasha to carry on.

"Before I was shipped to Azerbaijan for an infiltration operation, I made a contact out of the receptionist at the hospital. I thought they were never going to make it or at least never going to wake up so I thought... Yeah." Natasha looked out of the window as she sighed to herself. "Three weeks ago I received an alert that Maria and Lisa had been moved without prior notice. I dreaded that they had passed away so I looked up the records and there was nothing. I feared that it was an organ-trafficking ring so I swept the entire city for clues for two straight weeks."

"And then you found them."

"In perfect condition." Natasha nodded. "I bumped into them when they were out shopping with Frank. I was on my way to DC at that time. To say I was shocked would be an understatement. I returned from DC four days ago and I kept a close eye since then. The more I observed the more I was surprised. AfterLife, Dr Storm, Helen Cho, Wade Wilson and now you in Greenport, Mr Peter Parker or should I say, Spider-Man."

"..." Peter stared at Natasha for a while before looking away with a sigh. "So, this is all just one big coincidence?"

"Well, it could be fate. Or our destiny to be together..."

"You don't believe one word that you said, do you?" Peter retorted as Natasha got off the table and took a seat in his lap.

"I do now." Peter froze a little as Natasha leaned in and licked his neck. Breathing hard in his ears she wrapped her arms around his neck and nibbled on his ears. "I believe in so many things now."

"Natasha..." Peter groaned as Natasha began to grind on his hips stimulating him. Peter gritted his teeth and grabbed her waist firmly stopping her. Pushing her back Peter flashed her a glare. "Why are you doing this?"

"Why does it matter?" Natasha asked as she tried to lean in for a kiss. Scowling she huffed as she pulled back. "It's just curiosity."

"And you expect me to believe that?" Peter deadpanned as Natasha glared at him.

"It is the truth." She replied as Peter scoffed.

"Who else knows this?"

"Knows what?"

"About my fucking identity, woman."

"No one. It's just me. I haven't reported it to anyone nor have I jotted down your identity." Natasha retorted as she folded her arms. "I don't plan on reporting either."

"Hah! As if." Peter scoffed in disbelief but stopped as Natasha grabbed his chin and turned his face towards her. Natasha's lips brushed against his lightly as she looked into his eyes. "What are you doing?"


"For what?"

"To see if you are worth running away." Natasha smiled.

"Am I?"

"Only time will tell." Natasha kissed his cheek as she embraced him. "I don't beat around the bush so I'll be direct. You interest me. I want you and I won't allow sheild to take you away from me, so I won't tell a soul about your identity."


"It's the truth." Natasha interrupted him as she pulled back. "You can tell when someone lies, can't you? Go ahead then, try me. See if I'm lying."

"You... You are not." Peter sighed as he rubbed his temple while Natasha grinned. "But you don't want me, you need me but I don't get what do you need me for."

Natasha's smile froze as she heard Peter's words.

"So, you aren't naive huh? Not a virgin then."

"Duh, seduction doesn't work on me." Peter retorted as Natasha gave him a weird look before looking down as Peter's hard member rubbed against her wet snatch. "Well, not entirely."

"I see, I can't believe I failed to seduce a hormonal teen."

"You do know, how unlawful that sounds, right?"

(A/N: FBI bitch! Open up!)

"Well, it's not like you hate it."

"Ugh." Peter groaned. "Whatever. Anyways, I thought you were loyal to Fury."

"Well, even though as smart as you are you surprising don't know a lot of things, huh?" Natasha flashed Peter a bitter smile that disguised a malicious fire. Looking into her eyes Peter just sighed.

"You don't trust Fury, huh?"

"I don't trust anyone." Natasha snapped back as she got off Peter's lap. "And certainly not Fury."

Staring at the fierce look on Natasha's face Peter nodded to himself before getting up from his seat.

"I see." Peter straightened his clothes as Natasha corrected the table that Peter had made a mess of. "Well, I'll trust that look in your eye then. Don't break it, or else you will regret it."

"I won't." Natasha replied strongly as Peter stepped towards the door to leave. "Also, you were right. I need you. For what I'll tell you that sometime later."

"Can't say I'm not looking forward to it." Peter shrugged as he opened the door. "I'm a bit curious as well now."

"I see."

"I'll take my leave now, Professor Hunt." Nodding towards Natasha he closed the door as he walked down the hallway and towards the locker room.

"What do we do now Peter?"

"Nothing. Natasha isn't lying." Peter replied. "Something is bothering her and somehow Fury is involved. I don't know about hate but she isn't overly fond of him that's for sure. Whatever it is, it's a recent burn."

"I didn't pick up any ques either. I'll sweep all the recent files Natasha has accessed recently and see if I can find something useful." Eryl suggested as Peter nodded.

"Go ahead. This is a good opportunity for us. If we play our cards right we can easily find an ally in her." Peter smirked as Eryl agreed.

"Things are picking up once again."


Alternative Titles :

- Peter 'Punk' Parker

- Maria's Guardian Angel

- Natasha 'Succubus' Romanoff


So, new chapter. Weren't expecting an update this early, were you?

Also, I made Natasha's personality similar to the anime movie she had with the Punisher. Also, if you haven't noticed yet, she is semi-obsessed with.

So... Semi-Yandere???

So, let me know what you think about it.

Anyways, I'll see you in the next one.