Aftermath: The Monster And His Heart

"Take me to Asgard, to your father, Odin Borson... I will make a deal with him instead." Said the menace of New York, Spider-Man, as the patterns on his mask shifted before settling into what resembled a demonic smirk.

His words caused Thor to fumble over his words as he hesitantly shared a look with his new-found sister. Loki, who looked as lost, if not, more lost than he, himself was.

Thor sighed to himself internally as he tried to use his brain for a change since he had found out the hard way that his power was insignificant in comparison to the monster that stood in front of him.

The sense of absolute impending doom was still fresh on his mind.

Today was a long day.

So long that to him it felt as if Hati had finally swallowed the moon whole and the day has lasted for eons with no sign of the stars. A day of constant conflict without any peace or rest.

Thor had been in many wars throughout his relatively young Aesir life, he had fought many battles, many of which were no small labors. And yet the times he felt so weak and defeated as he did now, he could count on a single hand with fingers to spare.

Today was no better than the ill-fated day of Ragnarok to him.

Ragnarok, something that terrified him as a little boy, something that represented the end of all Aesir life and Asgard as it is.

And looking at the man, the monster in front of him, Thor dreaded that if he took him to Asgard it would mean the end for all his people.

Absolute destruction.

Thor was known as a destroyer and yet looking at Spider-Man he felt insignificant.

It was as if Spider-Man was the personification of destruction himself.

He felt death flirting with him each time Spider-Man struck him and he knew Spider-Man was holding back. Just how much power was Spider-Man withholding still?

Such a creature could not be allowed on Asgard.

Especially knowing how stubborn his father is and knowing that Spider-Man had nearly killed Loki would surely anger him to no end and the headbutt between Spider-Man and All-Father would spell certain disaster for all the nine realms.

Plus, this Spider-Man had bags full of tricks greater than Loki and if there was anything Loki was known for, it was her trickery and deception.

Spider-Man was not a man he could simply trust to hold up his end of the deal but now that the deal wasn't extended toward him what could he do?

How could he resist?

He couldn't simply run away now that Spider-Man had laid his claim on the Tesseract and it would be years before the Bifrost bridge would be reconstructed.

'But... If he can harness the power of the tesseract...' Thor trailed off as he realized something more which did nothing but increase his worries. If Spider-Man was able to harness it then there was nothing stopping him from invading Asgard.

"Invading? That's quite rude of you to say that. I'm almost hurt." Spider-Man said with a sad sigh

"Yeah..." Thor trailed off before his eyes widened in realization. "What-"

"Emotionally, of course." Spider-Man added, amusement thickly apparent in his distorted demonic voice. "That's the only way you possibly hurt me after all."

Thor felt a chill run down his spine as Loki spared him a look of concern as she saw his petrified face.

'H-He... He can read my thought!-'

"Maybe." Spider-Man shrugged offhandedly before he smirked yet again. "That... Or you are just too easy to read young Aesir."


"Yes." Spider-Man smiled the patterns on his mask shifting into an adorable smile that felt misplaced considering how intimidating Spider-Man's posture was, with the amorphous vibranium suit sticking to his robust muscles like a second impenetrable skin. "Anyways, are you prepared? Oh, mighty Thor?"

"Please... I can not answer you at the moment. Not like this. I am unable to take you there, I would have to talk with our father first and ask for his permission-"

"Oh? No, no, no." Spider-Man interrupted raising his hands as he shook his head confusing Thor. "I think there has been a tad bit of misunderstanding."

"What?" Thor asked furrowing his brows as he and Loki shared a look.

"I said, you misunderstood me." Spider-Man said letting his hands rest beside him as he leveled his gaze on the two Asgardian. Who almost froze in their place as they felt as if something had pointed a sword at their spine. "I didn't ask you for your permission. I said I WANT an audience with your fucking king and I am going to get an audience with him."


"Either you take me to him." Spider-Man said menacingly as he flared his magic.

"Or I am going to drag the both of you with me."

"We will-" Loki managed to squeak out before almost yelping out loud as Spider-Man teleported behind her and leaned down to whisper in her ear.

"Not you, Loki. I'm not talking to you. Aye?" Spider-Man whispered putting a hand on her naked shoulder as his talons dug lightly into her skin, but deep enough to draw blood and for her to hiss in pain breathlessly. Loki nodded hesitantly as Thor froze yet again when Spider-Man appeared between him and Loki. The maniac turned to face him but not before he conjured a cloak for Loki to cover her scantity. "So?"

"Alright..." Thor nodded, replying in a defeated tone as he could only hope that Heimdall would inform All-father and that they would be prepared for Spider-Man's inevitable arrival on Asgard. Resisting now would put Loki in more jeopardy than he'd like for her to be in, regardless of how heinous her past crimes have been. "W-When do we-"

"Right now." Spider-Man said with a smirk as he grabbed the grumbling Loki who was covering herself up, by her arms and pulling her up as well as grabbing Thor's hand in one quick succession, catching the both of them in surprise while he began to channel the newfound powers of the Space stone only to stop mid-sentence as Helen spoke up from Comms. "Let's go-"

"I'm afraid that would have to wait, Peter." Helen spoke in a soft tone as Spider-Man blinked in surprise.

"Helen? What do you mean?" Spider-Man asked confused as to what Helen might have to say.

"Something came up Peter. You'll want to see this." She replied as Spider-Man furrowed his eyebrows.

"Can't it wait? I'll be back before you know it-"

"I'm afraid not." Helen said and Spider-Man could almost see her smile due to the tone of her voice. "If I recall you were the most impatient about this whole thing."

"Helen, please talk straight, I can't-"

"Eryl and Juno, Peter." Helen said in a soft voice as he froze in his spot, the oppressive magic around him dissipating in an instant as if it was never there in the first place which caused the apprehensive Asgardians held by Spider-Man to look at him in confusion wondering just what had happened. "They have awakened."


"Operation rebirth was successful."

Spider-Man stood in his place, his heart beating a bit faster as he felt an odd feeling in his stomach while his brain finally process the information.

"Umm, Spider-Man? Whoa-" Thor and Loki were shoved a bit ahead as Spider-Man suddenly let go of them causing them to blink in surprise as they looked at him with dreaded anticipation. "What happened-"

"Change of plans." Spider-Man said as he raised his hand and cast a spell on Loki. Loki tensed as red chains appeared around her body before glowing and dissipating as Spider-Man hit the both of them with a minor healing spell to take care of the internal injuries he gave them. "Something important came up. Asgard will have to wait."

"Wait what? Is there something more important than this? Also, just what spell did you cast on us."

"Something infinitely more important than the lot of you." Spider-Man said as Thor frowned while Loki looked at her hands unable to feel her magic entirely. "Also, I healed both of you since it's a good day for me and I sealed her magic."

"You did what-"

"Temporarily of course." Spider-Man interjected as Loki almost sighed in relief. "But a permanent solution can be arranged so I highly suggest you Loki... To mellow the fuck out and sit your royal wide ass down. Behave."

Loki frowned as she glared at Spider-Man hatefully who just flipped her the bird before he turned around.

"But what about the Royal Court."

"Fuck 'em, that's what." Spider-Man said has prepared to teleport away. "Laters."


And just like that, Spider-Man disappeared. Unashamedly, uncaring of the fact that he left two Aesir gods waiting just after he laid waste to a whole city just to showcase his dominance.

Spider-Man was a monster indeed.


A monster with a heart that is and so when the matter of hearts surfaced he was quick to dump the wannabe gods off his laps and ditched the idea of harassing an entire alien population altogether as he teleported away and then back to the AfterLife HQ where Eryl and Juno were kept in.


"What the-Oh my god! You scared the heck out of me." Helen said placing a hand over her heart with a half-smile as she lowered her gun which he had pulled out by reflex.

"Getting used to being strapped I see. Welcome to America I guess." Spider-Man teased leaning down a bit as the mask over his face shifted to reveal his lower face allowing him to place a kiss on Helen's cheeks, catching her by surprise.

"W-What was that for?" She asked in a bashful manner as she tried to collect herself.

"Advance payment." Spider-Man smirked the mask reforming over his face again.

"Does... Does that mean that I'll get the full payment later?" Helen asked unable to believe herself and just what was flowing out of her mouth as the man's smirk only widened.

"Depends. Do you want it in cash or will kisses do?" Spider-Man asked playfully trying to hide his excitement for Eryl and Juno as the both of them began to walk towards the laboratory.

"Both... Both are good." Helen replied truthfully as Spider-Man chuckled not answering causing to Helen stop mid-step realizing that the man was just teasing her. She felt her face heat up due to the embarrassment as she pointed an annoyed look at the man in black. "Y-You... You gotta stop doing that!"

"We both know that you don't want that my fair lady." Spider-Man chuckled. "Anyways, where are they-"


Entering the laboratory his eyes fell on the two figures and he felt his breath hitch in his throat as soon as he heard both of them call out his name.

When Peter had initially created Eryl and Juno it was for the purpose to serve his ambition. Juno was to collect information from the Baxters and Eryl to archive it so that it would help him further his own goal.

Giving them a personality was something he did as a sort of challenge so that they both felt alive and responsive and not just monotonous and robotic.

Connecting them to the internet and allowing them to learn from it was something risky but necessary as Peter realized his knowledge was not sufficient and catching up on all matters in the world would be inefficient all by himself.

When he had created them, he never imagined that they would become such an important part of his life and now he couldn't imagine it without them. Not just his, but they were important to all of his friends and family as well.

When it was just him against the world, they were there with him. Planning with him and correcting him lest he made a plethora of mistakes.

They were beautiful to him.

And to see that beauty reflected now that they where in their ll corporeal form. Now that they were tangible.

It was beautiful.

THEY were beautiful.

Flowing silver hair and glowing icy blue eyes with a body to match the face of someone that looked unearthly, wearing skin tight black body suit that only enhanced her form. She smiled at him, happy to finally see him, and that happiness radiated through her eyes.

Eryl was beautiful.

Lustrous brown hair and mischievous eyes looked at him with a strange glint, the color being the same as her sister's if not a shade darker. There was a coy smile on her beautiful face that was settled into a knowing look as she felt Spider-Man's eye roam her sinfully curvy body which tempted him even behind the confines of its clothes.

Juno was beautiful.

They both were breathtaking.

"Eryl... Juno..." He muttered as he walked towards them. The scientists who had helped Eryl and Juno out of their pods and were checking on their vitals all stepped back as the three individuals meet at the center of the room.

Helen watched with a small smile as Spider-Man suddenly moved ahead, engulfing two of the most beautiful women she had ever seen in her life in a tight hug and then there was a flash of black-red lightning. And when the light died down they had teleported away.

"Wait! We still have to run some scans!" A man called out but it was too late as the smoke dissipated while Helen just smiled widely, shaking her head.

"It's alright, Mr. Kim. Our work is done here, good job everyone!" Helen cheered as the rest of their team cheered behind her some a bit reluctant to break out of their professional persona. "Let's go and celebrate, this one's on me."

"Let them have their moment alone as well."


And true to her words, Peter, Eryl, and Juno were having their moment together.

It has been an hour since the three of them had escaped from the prying eyes of the roomful of people to the privacy of a remote island in Bali.

Peter's suit was long gone as he enjoyed the company of his two women.

Peter thought that spending his time with Eryl and Juno in Bali was the right move considering Bali itself was beautiful, especially in the middle of the night. The only regret Peter had was that, today wasn't a full moon.

Eryl loved it. She had always been fascinated by it and its phases, even though it was all but a scarred satellite.

But a crescent moon was beautiful in its own right, especially with it reflecting over the clear waters as Peter and the ladies walked the sands of the beach barefooted, their fingers intertwined with each other.

Silently, they enjoyed the sensation of the sands against their feet, the feeling of the gentle breeze on their skin, and the sound of the waves hitting the edges of the land as it coaxed them to appreciate each other even more.

While Peter had experienced this with the rest of his lovers numerous times, these were first experiences for Eryl and Juno, and Peter was determined to make it their best.

"I love it." Eryl said, being the first one to break the silence as the three of them settled onto the sand, to gaze into the night horizon with the sea reflecting the starry sky and its beautiful lunar eye. Her voice was soft and tender, which seemed to call out for him and Peter could do nothing more than reach out to her.

Peter tore his gaze away from the moon to look at Eryl and smiled back at her, taking in her appearance as the wind swept her hair back.

"You like the moon?" Peter smiled as Eryl shook her head as she raised their intertwined hand and rested her cheek against the back of his hand. "Eryl..."

"I have always liked the moon. It's beautiful. But this..." Eryl said softly as her lips brushed against his hands. "I love being able to finally touch you. You are so... warm."


"Hmm, I love this too." Juno said as Peter raised his eyebrow when she suddenly hugged him from behind, pressing her bosom again his back and resting her chin on his shoulder. "I agree with Eryl... You are so warm. It's comforting."

Peter turned his head to look at Juno who smiled at him coyly with a mischievous look in her eyes which indicated that she knew what she was doing to him all too well.

"You have been reading too much manga haven't you?" Peter asked with an exasperated smile as Juno giggled.

"Maybe. But the question is are you reading enough?" Juno asked rubbing her nose against his cheek tenderly tickling it as Peter smiled.

"Maybe. But the question is what are you going to do next?" Peter parroted as Eryl chuckled as Juno smirked.

"Well, then you should know what comes next." Juno said as Peter leaned ahead and kissed her cheek, dangerously close to her lips surprising her. "What-"

"I do." Peter smiled leaning back, resting his head on Eryl's lap as she ran her fingers through his hair tenderly, smiling down at him. "But maybe, we should take it slow for now."

"Hmph! I hate waiting..." Juno grumbled as she climbed into Peter's lap and rested her head on his chest prompting the lucky bastard to wrap his hands around her waist.

"But you love me, right?" Peter smiled cheekily as Juno looked up, her chin poking his ribs as she faked a thoughtful expression before smiling widely.

"It's a new feeling but..." Juno began as she crawled up his body and suddenly planted a kiss on his lips, surprising Peter but he responded quickly nonetheless, tightening his hold on her waist and hugging her closely before Juno pulled back, out of breath. Though, she smiled the same nonetheless. "That I do..."

"...I love you."

"Juno..." Peter stared into her eyes before smiling and pulling her close, back into his chest as he placed a kiss on her forehead. "I love you too. And you too Eryl. Thanks for always being with me. I can't imagine my life without the two of you."

Eryl smiled widely before leaning down and placing a small tender kiss on his kills and then on his forehead.

"I love you more, Peter."


Eryl and Peter's moment was interrupted as Juno grumbled, more specifically it was her stomach this time.

Peter and Eryl turned to look at the brunette android who smiled bashfully as she sat up and rubbed her stomach.

"Ouuu, I didn't mean to interrupt you. It's just that... I... I don't know... This is my..." Juno stammered in a manner that Peter found adorable as chuckled sitting upright. Wrapping his hands around her ass, he stood up lifting her with him which prompted a yelp from her. "Ahh! Peter?!"

"It's alright." Peter chuckled as he gestured for Eryl to jump onto his back which she did without a second thought as Peter lifted them and walked towards a clearing in the middle of the bushes on the outskirts of the island forest. "You are hungry and that is understandable. You must be hungry too Eryl but no worries, I've got it all covered."


Eryl's question was answered as Peter's waved his hands and a table with three chairs appeared in the middle of the clearing and with a snap of his finger scented candles and a beautiful bonfire with tiki torches manifesting nearby, settings the tone.

It was perfect, to the last minute detail.


And it was clear as Eryl and Juno grew more excited when Peter set Juno first into her chair, then Eryl before settling himself between them.

"Just when did you plan this?!" Juno asked as Peter winked tapping his temple.

"An hour is enough don't you think?" Peter mused as Eryl shook her head with a giggle.

"I don't think so. People plan this weeks in advance, I know because I may have done my research-"

"Booo! Nerd!" Juno booed, teasing her sister playfully as Eryl blew her a raspberry while Peter chuckled, happy.

"Now, if the two of you are done then..." Peter said with a grin as he clapped his hands together and there was a rustling in the woods behind them. "Let's eat!"


"Kyaa!" Juno yelped while Eryl cheered, clapping her hands as a handsome man with a neat beard, wearing a sharp butler's outfit popped out from behind Juno.

"Wade?! What are you doing here?!" Eryl asked in surprise with a wide smile as the crazed butler with a mouth flashed her a small smile.

"Just some of this and some of that." Wade said as he stepped ahead and placed two dishes in front of Juno and Eryl while Peter rested his chin in his palms as he silently watched the three of them interact with a full heart, almost emotional. "Anyways, don't ask questions. Just consume the product then get excited for the next product cause boy..."

"I've got a fuck ton of food to feed you all!"

"Yaay!" Eryl cheered.

"Except for the chimichangas! Those are mine!"

"Awwww... Not even one?"

"No! MINE!"

"Alright, Wade ya ass." Peter chuckled as Wade grinned. "Let them eat in peace."

"Alright, boss man! Beverages coming right up!" Wade said walking back into the woods as two more Wades emerged from the narrow path with more food and drinks in their hand.

"Peter?... Just what is happening?" Eryl asked bewildered as Peter smiled waving it off and telling them not to worry.

"Oh no, they are multiplying." Juno clicked her tongue with mock distance as the two Wade flashed her wife identical grins.

"That's what humans do." The one on left commented as he placed a plateful of delicious prawns and crabs.

"Reproduction via mitosis!" The one on the right commented as Juno deadpanned.

"I'm not sure if that's how it goes..."

"Whatever! It does now, thus now we can take over the world!" The two chorused comically spreading their arms as Eryl cheered for them while Juno just stared at Peter with dead eyes. "We can finally build our magical girl theme park all over the world! Spread our colorful religion!"

"Peter... Please..." Juno begged as Peter chuckled.

"It's a magical relic I asked Wade to pick from Master Yao." Peter replied as Juno stared at Wade apprehensively. "Don't worry, the clones will disappear in an hour."

"Yeah, it's basically a shadow clone jutsu rip-off. Just magic and lamer." One commented growing depressed as he turned to his partner. "I am sorry that our journey together was so short, I am going to miss you Wade-kun..."

"I share the same regret, Wade-chan. I hope in the next life we can be together!" The other one cried as he spread his arms to hug the other.

"I love you, Wade-kun!"

"I love you too, Wade-chan!"

"Alright, we get it. You love yourself very much." Peter rolled his eyes as Juno just stared at the scene with blank eyes. "Just stop before you break Juno, you narcissistic fool."

"I am so lost."

(AN: So am I, Juno. Trust me (〒﹏〒))

"Haha, alright, alright man." They chorused pulling back before bowing. "Please enjoy your evening."

"Yeah, thanks for ruining it." Juno grumbled munching on her shawarma as the two laughed walking back as another Wade appeared causing her to sigh. "Great. Another one."

"Awww, you break my heart Milady. Especially since I am the real one." Wade said with an easy smile which froze as the other Wades from the woods called him out on his bullshit.

"No, you are not!"

"I am!"

"What?! No, it's me!"

"You fuckers!"

"Shut up you all! Don't ruin my moment!" Wade yelled back before taking a deep breath to look back at an unamused Juno, an exasperated Peter, and Eryl who flashed him a polite smile. "My authenticity aside, I reckon my larger-than-life personality must have caused you to shrink in jealousy but fear not-"

"You are just insufferable, Wade." Juno butted in. "Nothing more, nothing less."

"-I have just the thing to put you back in a good mood." Wade said professionally tightening his bow dramatically as he gestured towards Peter. "Master Peter, if you may..."

"Stop being such a drama queen Wade." Peter rolled his eyes, stepping out of his chair as Juno and Eryl looked at him with curious eyes. "Just relax and enjoy."

"You aren't going to eat?" Eryl asked as he smiled.

"Maybe later. For now, I'm content just watching you two." He said as Eryl and Juno couldn't help but smile and giggle in a bashful manner. "Anyways, enjoy~"

Peter waved his hands and a Piano materialized beside the bonfire as Wade took a seat in front of the piano while cracking his fingers.

"This is what I have been preparing for all my life. This is my moment to shine." He said as Peter rolled his eyes sitting beside Wade before conjuring a guitar in his hands. "Alright, you ready, Pete?"

"I am." Peter said striking a few chords to test it. "Let's do this."

Wade's fingers moved gracefully across the keyboard, setting a romantic atmosphere that was enhanced further as Peter began playing familiar notes of one of his favorite songs.

"Wise men say, Only fools rush in. But I can't help falling in love with you." Peter sang closing his eyes with Wade harmonizing with him. "Shall I stay, would it be a sin? If I can't help falling in love with you~"

"Like the river flows, surely to the sea Darling, so we go." Peter continued to sing, opening his eyes as he smiled at Juno and Eryl. "Some things were meant to be~"

"Take my hand, take my whole life too~"

"Cause I can't help falling in love with you~"

The songs continued until Eryl and Juno were finished with their food. Their first time tasting it and they thoroughly enjoyed the taste, the atmosphere Peter created for them, and his performance.

The songs continued, the guitar playing itself magically with Wade and the tables all gone, leaving the three of them alone laying on their backs staring at the sky after they had danced with each other to the songs.

"You were fighting Thor before you came to us?" Juno asked furrowing her eyebrows as she raised her hand towards the sky. "That's Ursa Major over there."

"And minor over there." Eryl chimed in as Peter hummed pointing in the other direction.

"That's Orion and that is Canis Major. And yeah, Thor and Loki." Peter nodded. "Thor was a bit underwhelming for a Norse god and well Loki. She turned out to be more powerful. Transformed into a frost giant and then into Jötunn Serpent. Also, I kinda tore her jaw off when she was a snake."

"She?" Eryl asked confused. "Isn't Loki supposed to be a male?"

"Yeah, turned out that she was posing to be a man throughout her life." Peter shrugged. "Oh, that's Gemini over there by the way."

"You knew?"

"Well, I could smell it from the start but you never know. But yeah... I had an inkling."

"And you still tore her jaw off?" Juno asked looking at Peter who shrugged yet again.


"Nothing. Just thought you'd be a bit tender."

"Equal rights, equal lefts. I can't treat her any different just cause she is a woman, I would have killed her off if I didn't have plans for her." Peter shrugged as Juno pursed her lips.

"Sure. You spared Elektra." Juno retorted as Eryl giggled.

"She has a point."

"I know, I have plans for her too. I intend to convert her into one of our own. Once all the Hand's brainwashing is gone from that brittle head of hers, she will be trained under my and Simon's supervision before we make her our First 'Officer'." Peter replied as Eryl nodded.

"Is the genetic enhancement chamber ready yet?" She asked as Peter hummed.

"Not yet, Helen is still working on it with Susan. But I reckon they will need my help as well. So I think I will join the two of them in their research." Peter replied, smiling as Juno leaned into him, snuggling into his did as Eryl did the same.

"What about Loki then?"

"Negotiation. Was going to make a trade with Thor for her life for Tesseract but I obtained it on my own so I need something else. Mjölnir is good but it's generic. I can make something similar or better even, once I obtain Uru and hash out a tight rune cluster for whatever purpose." Peter said as he sighed. "So, I don't need it and he didn't have something of value at the moment and I will have to trade back the Scepter too. So, I decided to make a deal with his father instead."

"With Odin?" Eryl asked blinking in surprise as Peter nodded. "Are you sure you can trust him to hold his end of the deal? From my research on Tomes you received from the Ancient One, he wasn't always the benevolent god he now pretends to be. He is quite vicious, selfish, self-obsessed, and cunning."

"Shortly, she means he is full of shit." Juno cut the paragraph short with her sharp tongue as Peter laughed.

"Funny. Thor was wondering the same thing about me. Should have seen him, petrified, when I was about to drag him and Loki with me to Asgard."

"You were going to Asgard?"

"Yeah, before Helen reached out informing me about you two. I had to make a deal after all." Peter said as if it was the most obvious thing.

"And what were you planning to do?"

"I... Well... You see, I had a rough idea but-" Peter struggled as Eryl and Juno sighed.

"Let me guess, you didn't work out what you and how you were going to communicate and negotiate with him."

"Well, in my defense my fists have been able to solve my problem quite well until now-"

"Until now yes but this is another territory we are talking about Peter. You can't just rush into the Enemy territory without any backup or support." Eryl said softly as she placed her hands on his cheek. "I swear... Sometimes you get too reckless and bloodthirsty. You know it's going to cause you to make a mistake somewhere down the line and I don't want you to get hurt, Peter."

"I..." Peter opened his mouth to say something in defense but nothing came out as he sighed before nodding. "I... What do suggest?"

"To slow down." Juno said hugging him and kissing his neck as Eryl nodded.

"I agree. You should slow down from fighting needlessly, you have friends and allies to work for you now. You should focus on building our Kingdom. Spend less time being Spider-Man and more time being you..." Eryl smiled. "More time being our Peter."

"I... I will do that." Peter smiled nodding as Eryl kissed him. "Thank you, Eryl. For everything."

"You are most welcome Peter." She giggled with a wide smile. "That's what I am here for. To always be with you."


"Me too! I'm always by your side. Now we can really, really be together." Juno said as Peter smiled before he suddenly got up prompting the ladies to look at him in wonder. "Hey, what happened?"

"Nothing, I just want to take this moment to thank you both formally with a gift." Peter said turning around as Eryl and Juno stood up following him.

"Peter, you don't have to-"

"No, Eryl I want to." Peter said as he extended both of his arms towards Eryl and Juno who tested their hands in his. The space above their hands suddenly shifted as a green and a blue stone appeared through the space crack causing Eryl and Juno's eyes to widen in realization. "Space and Time. I have already copied their concepts and understanding and etched them into my brain and it's the knowledge that I need, but these stones, they still serve a purpose and I can't think of anybody better than you two to harness their power and stand beside me."

"Peter... This is-"

"Eryl, Juno... Please." Peter smiled as the both of them nodded after sharing a look causing Peter's smile to widen. "Alright then..."

"Now close your eyes."

They did as Peter instructed as Rorschach poured out through Peter's pore and reformed into his suit around him as runes began to light up around their hands.

Peter closed his eyes in concentration as the individual runes formed into clusters which then turned into arrays and settled onto the stones as Rorschach crawled over Eryl and Juno's hands and covered their bodies as the stone floated and then were assimilated into their new suits.

Peter opened his eyes, Rorschach hibernating back into him while he stepped back as Eryl and Juno synchronized with their new suits and the infinity stones.

After a moment the runes glowed as a sign of completion before they dissipated, as the two androids opened their eyes.

"How do you feel?" Peter asked as Eryl hummed looking down at the new suit.

"Enforced. Hmm?" Looking down she was a bit dissatisfied with the suit as it shifted transforming into a white silverish skin-tight armor with green accents while the time stone rested, embedded in the middle of a crown on her head. "Better."

Juno's suit transformed according to her taste as well, now resembling a leaner version of Iron Man with dark navy color and azure accents while the space stone rested in the middle of the chest plate.

"You both look stunning." Peter muttered in a daze as Eryl smiled.

"Thank you and I think I love seeing the stunned expression on your face." She replied in a teasing manner before she opted for a more serious expression. "I want to test this power, can I?"

"It is yours to use ma'am." Peter said with a gentlemanly bow as the two giggled before Eryl turned towards Juno.

"You know what to do." She said as Juno nodded, raising her hands towards Eryl, and with a flick of her finger, Eryl was teleported away.

"Wow. You both are quite fast. It took me some time." Peter smiled and he shook his head when Juno turned towards him with a seductive look on her face. "Oh boy..."

"So? Shall we continue what we were going before dinner, Mr. Parker?"

"Help, I'm so scaroused."



Eryl appeared over the destroyed New York City as silver feathered wings emerged from her back, keeping her afloat.

"Wow, Peter really brawled New York into a crater." Eryl muttered to herself before smiling. "Well, people are still going to complain so I better fix this up and give them something less to complain about... After all, who is going to look after my Peter if not me?"

"Ager Tempus."

Raising her hand, a green magic circle appeared in front of her hand before it exploded expanding outwards and covering the entire city as all the inanimate and destroyed objects were covered with a light hue of green.

She raised her hand yet again as another magic circle appeared in front of her hand as she turned it backward.

"Tempus Inversa." She muttered as the glowing objects began to shift putting themselves together as their time had been dialed back to how they were just before they were damaged or destroyed due to the alien invasion.

It took Eryl a couple of minutes and by the time she was done, New York City went back to looking how it used to. It looked as if the alien attack was just an illusion and it never took place.

"My job here is done." She said looking down as the people who had seen the bizarre phenomenon take place before their eyes spotted her and began to point their fingers in her direction.

"Well... Back to Peter now~"


Alternative Titles:

- Fuck 'em, That's What

- Date, Dinner and Dance

- Wade Bushin No Jutsu

- AI Waifus Obtained! We Won Boyssss!


Hello there.

I'm back. It has been a while, yes and it took me longer than I expected because ya know... Shit happens and it only got worse for me after the last post of mine.

But after almost a month of scrapping for money, working overtime, and suffering through writer's guilt I managed to save two months' rent and some money for food and now, I can finally get back to writing!

I have read all of your comments and your kind words of encouragement, and I am so humbled by them. Whenever I had a rough day I would look at your comments and a lot better and feel the drive reignite in me to do better than yesterday. Sorry, I didn't reply as I was in no state to talk. Apologies.

Anyways, thank you all for your words and love. You are the best audience ever and I love you munchkins to death! Thank you!

This chapter is a bit long and has a slice of life, a lot of Wades, more than what I consider okay for my sanity, and two beautiful AI Waifus cause I figured what would be a better thank-you to my readers gift than this?!

Anyways, let me know if you liked the chapter, and please go easy on me if the quantity isn't up to par as it has been a while.

And with that, I'll see you legends in the next one.

P.S.: I'm unable to play God Of War: Ragnarok (or any game) since I'm low on money lol so I watched the gameplay on YT instead and God... The story is so, so good! It's a narrative masterpiece and I love it with all of my heart. Anyways, have any of you played it yet? What are you thoughts on it?