302. StarFall

"What's wrong with you? Why are you singing? Stop stirring up trouble."

Isabella who was still in shock and terror snapped at White, Who suddenly burst out singing maybe the most dumb and inconsiderate song she heard.

This song does not even rhyme but that's not the only reason this pissed her off. She was angry at the thought that some rando made her terrified in her own place, This hit her self-confidence.

And White suddenly broke out singing this song was like poking stick to the bear,

This made her realize that she was scared for her life, She as an A-Rank was scared for her life making her take the song like an personal attack on herself.

Previous antics of White also did not help her case as all emotions turned into rage and befall on the poor White, Who looked around confused.

"That- I am sorry, I just remembered that song out of nowhere and I just blurted out Madam."