
{Obtaining the Unique Skill [Cold Destruction]}

Hearing the confirmation from the voice of the world, I smiled. After looking around the tree-lined surroundings I was confused about where to go because I didn't know the direction of civilization so I followed my feelings and headed west. Oh yeah, before starting the journey, I suppressed my aura.

After about thirty minutes of walking westward, I heard a hissing sound


I saw a snake about 10 meters long and our eyes met. Before the snake moved, suddenly a lump of ice fell from the sky and instantly froze the snake.

I used [Cold Destruction] magic. I could make chunks of ice, and how big the ice was was up to me if I wanted to, but it would take a lot of magic energy to make bigger ones.

After that I approached the snake's frozen body and punched it with all my might.


The ice snake statue instantly shattered. I was surprised by my own strength. 'Probably because I punched with all my might'.

'Minerva how strong am I?'

[Answer. You are currently as strong as a human sage]

'H-hahh but I haven't evolved yet?'

[Answer. Even though you haven't evolved but your race is Nephilim whose strength is higher than humans, but you don't have many techniques and don't have fighting experience]

'Oh yes Minerva, since I'm half human and half angel, can I get a hero egg?'

[Answer. The chance to get the hero egg is 50%].

'Hmm' Seeing Minerva's answer honestly I was tempted, but to get the hero egg might have to meet Ramiris. I just don't know how to get there. 'Maybe later'.

And as I was about to continue my journey, I saw about seven orcs surrounding me. I may appear calm on the surface but I am actually nervous.

"There are humans"

"we can eat"

"Ha ha ha"

Even though I was nervous, I still heard what they were saying. Maybe because of [Magic Perception]. Even though I know that in this world it is eat or be eaten, I still feel annoyed because it is considered food.

A lump of ice about 20 meters in diameter appeared above me and aimed straight at the orcs and hit 2 orcs. After the 2 orcs froze, I punched them in the body and the orc ice statues instantly shattered.

The remaining five orcs seeing their companions killed instantly became furious and their eyes turned red.




One of the orcs swung its huge ax at me, and I dodged immediately.



The ground that was hit by the orc ax instantly split open, and I who saw it broke out in cold sweat.