Demon Lord Seeds

"Meteor Rain"

Ren activated the skill he just got and aimed it at the soldiers. Suddenly the sky above the warrior camp was filled with sparkling stars. The soldiers who saw it were stunned by its beauty.

"What's that?"

"So pretty"

"Isn't it morning? Why are there still stars?"

"Wow, that's amazing".

The soldiers were astonished by the beauty of the stars in the sky, but did not know that the danger that threatened their lives was drawing near.

"Is it just me? It seems the glittering stars are getting closer and closer to us?"

"I feel it too, looks like he's going to approach us"



"Prepare for battle"

The soldiers realized that the stars in the sky were aiming at them, but it was too late. By using [Meteor Rain] Ren can condense the power of the stars in the sky and turn them into tiny particles with extremely strong star power.




The small particles that Ren condensed with the power of the stars in the sky rushed like lasers and headed towards the army camp.


"Help me"


Screams and screams resounded in the army camp but no one could help them, Ren still used his strength to shoot at the army camp. Ren suddenly smiled at the sound of the world.

{Requirements fulfilled, individual Ren Itsuki obtains [Demon King Seed]}

Ren didn't know why he was able to obtain the [Demon King Seed] and if he thought about it no one could answer so he ignored it 'Minerva, is it possible to use the soul here to cultivate the [Demon King Seed]'

[Answer, you can use the soul here to cultivate the Demon King Seed]

Ren who got Minerva's answer, he was getting excited to slaughter the soldiers below.


Star particles continued to slaughter the soldiers below. Screams kept echoing in the warrior camp but Ren ignored them

[Confirmed, acquired skill ]

Ren saw that he got the Forgiveness skill, without further ado Ren immediately used it.

[Report, calculating the number of human souls needed to cultivate seeds as an evolution requirement... .. Done counting]

[The conditions have been met, With this the harvest festival will begin]

Ren suddenly felt a very strong sleepy feeling like he hadn't slept for a week

Ren immediately used [Divert] and teleported to Ramiris, because Ren didn't know where the safe place for evolution was so he teleported to Ramiris. Ramiris, who was busy researching the blueprints Ren had given her. suddenly beside Ramiris a yin yang pattern appeared and Ren appeared

"What is the problem?" Ramiris was confused by the state of Ren suddenly teleporting to her place. "Please take care of me, I will evolve" Ren who saw Ramiris suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and closed his eyes quietly.

Ramiris who saw Ren sleeping, approached him, and Ramiris heard the sound of the world

{Notice, the Harvest Festival for the individual named Ren Itsuki to become a Demon Lord is about to start}.