

- A few days ago

Ren teleports to the eastern empire to investigate what caused the nobles to choose to rebel. He arrived at the eastern imperial capital by teleporting with his shadow. As he was about to enter the house of one of the nobles he was stopped by the guard "Who are you? This is the house of Marquis Weinston" Ren ignored the guards and used illusions on the guards as if he never existed, it was easy because Ren used «Solomon».

Ren continued walking and entered the house of one of the nobles who participated in the rebellion plan. Arriving at the door of Marquis Weinston's room he opened his room by breaking the door.


Ren walked into Marquis Weinston's bedroom. "WHO!!" There was an angry voice from within the room and it had to be Weinston's. Weinston who was sleeping was awakened by the sound of Ren's door slamming. Ren looked in the direction of the voice and saw an uncle with red hair with a thick mustache and an oily face with a distended stomach. And when Ren saw Weinston, Weinston also saw Ren. "It's you! [Shadow Monarc: Ren Itsuki] one of the ancient demon lords, how dare you enter this empire". Weinston spoke while pointing at Ren.The reason why Winston knew that Ren was the demon lord was because Guy shared photos of all the demon lords so that people would know that he was the demon lord.

Ren ignored Weinston's rambling and snapped his fingers. After that a limited barrier was created that separated Ren and Weinston from the material world of Tensura. This was one of Ren's «Uriel» subskills. Can create a space separate from the material world and Tensura's spiritual world. Weinston who saw Ren ignoring him was furious and didn't realize that he couldn't run from Ren anymore. "You!!! Even though you are an ancient demon lord, our emperor is a hero so don't act arbitrarily in this empire".

Ren who had ignored Weinston's ramblings now hearing those words almost made him burst out laughing. Ren held back his laughter and smiled playfully, "You said your emperor is very powerful?". Weinston who heard Ren's words guessed that Ren was bullied by his emperor "Yes, our emperor is very strong and he can even fight against the strongest ancient demon lord Guy Crimson!!" Weinston proudly declared "HAHAHAHA" Ren couldn't help but laugh.

"You!! Why are you laughing? Are you so scared you're going crazy?" Weinston asked doubtfully and wore a clueless expression. "Hahahaha" Ren was still laughing then looked at Weinston with a look like he was looking at a clown "You said your emperor was so powerful then why did you rebel" Weinston's expression instantly froze looking at Ren with fear. "Don't talk nonsense"

Ren's expression immediately changed and his eyes became extremely cold. Weinston who was looking at Ren who was looking at him with such a gaze felt goosebumps and all the hairs on his body stood up. "Don't waste my time and provide as much information as you know" Ren's tone was cold. Weinston tried to escape and used large scale magic to destroy this room to attract the attention of the imperial troops "I will destroy this room and let the emperor find you so he will kill you immediately!" Weinston spoke with a cruel expression while casting large scale magic.