teikoku of the kean episode 3

( Rico Alvares )

A robbery is happening in the bank.

Remember your training.

( Criminal )

Hurry the fuck up!; or someone will get us

( Criminal 2 )

Jeez! you don' have to hurry me up for fuck sake.

( Ash Anderson )

Hey! *while henry is by ash side* That's a criminal activity that you're doing.

( Criminal 2 )


( Criminal )

Hey kids, why don't you both go somewhere else with your play hero.

( Ash )

Well you see that a hero must capture a bad guy like you for doing criminal activity.

( Criminal )

So be it!

*criminal head first to attack ash* 

*ash dodge the attack*

*ash kick the criminal face while mid air*

*criminal 2 was charging his akai honō*

*henry block criminal 2 akai honō with his nenriki teria*

*criminal 2 is now focus on henry*

*eddie and mark at the bank revenue*

( Mark Alvares )

*pick up the people to move out the area*

Right this way to exit the area.

( Eddie William )

Please we need to go; or we will get caught up in the attack.

( Employ )


*the two criminal is still fighting ash and henry*

( Henry Anderson )


 *henry get knock out by criminal 2*

( Ash )


*ash get blow up by the criminal akai honō*

( Criminal ) 

finally we get rid of those pests.

( Criminal 2 )

 It's about time.

Anyways we should hurry; or else another casualty will appear.

( Ash )

No *while he looks crusty*

I can't let them get away.

I must do something to stop them.

*ash reach out his arm desperately trying to stop the criminals*

*he use*

( Henry Anderson )

No! Don't do it you idiot!

There are still people inside!

( Ash )

Kōgeki blast

*kōgeki blast hit the truck*

* explosion lucky mark and eddie make it out if time*

*two of the criminal are now unconscious*

*mission semi complete*

*at the work rico apartment*

( Rico )

So...they were captured.

But the bank building revenue was destroyed.

*rico and the bank manager*

( bank manager )

This is damaged property sir.

*56250.06 dollars*

*rico look shattered inside*

( Rico )

So what's the problem?

( henry )

None of this would have happened if someone didn't go sukiru mode!

( Ash )

Huh,Last time i check you were on the ground *while put his finger on his chest*

( eddie )

Sir, maybe someone can be the captain.

( Rico )

Ah yes, a captain.

Mm, since that mission is semi completed.

I guess that some can be the captain.

( henry )

Oh! Pick me!

( Ash )

No pick me!

( Eddie )

Sir, can I be the captain?

( Mark )

Yo how about i pick to be a captain.

( everyone look at mark )

( Rico )

No, I pick ash to be a captain.

( henry and mark )


( Rico )

Come with me ash.

We're going to the bevorder room.

( Ash )

This time I am not going to sleep right?

( Rico )

Don't worry.

This one is different from the sukiru shrine.

*rico and ash at the bevorder room*

( Rico )

Here ash this is the bevorder room.

( Ash )

Isn't this the same as sukiru shrine?

( Rico )

Well yes, but the bevorder is inside,the sukiru is outside well...some aren't.

Now step in the middle sirkel bevorder.

Now stand still and wait until it gives you a bevorder.

*ash get ondersteun*

( Ash )

An ondersteun?

( Rico )

Mm, a ondersteun is an ability that lets the user have the same sukiru or manichi as the same as their teammate.

This bevorder is quite rare.

The only downside is that you will no longer obtain a sukiru or a manichi.

( Ash )

What? That means that I can't use my sukiru.

( Rico )

No! You still can use your sukiru but you can't get a new one.

But on the bright side you can use all the sukiru that your friends have acquired and perform a sukirukonko.

( Ash )

A sukirukonko?

( Rico )

Normanly a sukiru cooldown is 5 seconds and mainichi is 3 seconds.

A sukirukonko is where you combine a sukiru or mainichi at the same time.

For example : I combine the kōgeki kyū with the nenriki sukiru so that I can move the kōgeki kyū with nenriki.

( Ash )

Aaah, I get it.

That is a cool ability that I got.


( Rico )

If you train a lot with it you might be adept with it.

*ash and rico leave the bevorder room*

( Rico )

Alright guys, work is over.

But if you are interested.

There is a blacksmith that is a few blocks away from us.

( Mark )

And who, is this guy actually is?

( Rico )

He is well known for his weapons.

And even teikoku is even bought from his shop.

( Ash )

Sounds like an interesting place to go.

Alright then if the guy is really worth the clout then it is a deal.

Come on, guys we should visit his place.

( Mark )

Hopefully I can be a badass twin bladen dude.

*esarime and sean murphy at doença placs*

( Sean Murphy )

*while saying in spanish*

Parece que nuestro pago se ha retrasado.

Dos de ustedes han sido capturados. 

(It looks like our payment has been delayed)

(Two of your people have been captured)

( Esarime Andāson )

Será mejor que nos pague que nuestra gente no es gratis. 

(You better pay us our people aren't free.)

( Sean )

No te preocupes por eso. 

Siempre que confiemos el uno en el otro. 

Ayudaremos a tu gente. 

(Don't worry about it.)

(As long as we trust one other.)

(We will help your people.)

( Esarime )

Tarde o temprano. 

Salvaré a mi pueblo de este sufrimiento. 

(Soon or later.)

(I'll save my people from this suffering.)