teikoku of the kean episode 8

*Rico and the others is at chernyy rynok*

[Rico knocks the door]

*speaking russian*

( pereulok vody )

YA idu!

Riko Al'vares.

(I'm coming!)

(Rico Alvares.)

( Rico Alvares )

Pereulok vody.

(Pereulok vody.)

( Pereulok )

chto ty khochesh'?

(What do you want)

( Rico )

davay... pogovorim ob etom vnutri

(Let's…talk about this inside)

( pereulok )

[Sigh] otlichno.


*Rico and the others enter his shop.

( pereulok )

Prodazhi stanovyatsya rezhe.

kolichestvo nezhiti roslo.

I dazhe assasiny rastut.

Iz vsego etogo bezumiya.

Vy perezhivayete za armiyu, kotoraya proigryvala 2 raza za 210 let nazad.

(The selling is getting less frequent.)

(The number of assassins has been increasing in number.)

(Out of all this madness)

(You're worried about an army that lost 2 times 210 years ago.)

( rico )


Yesli vy srazhalis' s akai i aoy khito, to znayete, naskol'ko oni opasny.


(If you fought the akai and aoi hito, you know how dangerous they are.)

*mark start looking around*

*eddie is listening the conservation*

*Henry is just standing*

*ash start to wonder around the place*

( pereulok )

da da, taysen.

voyna okonchena, Riko.

(Yeah yeah, the taisen.)

(The war's over rico.)

*ash is look at pereulok items*

*pereulok close the door*

( pereulok )

Keep your eyes out of godders kid.

*rico and the others is at pereulok balcony*

( mark alvares )

Hey pereulok, how did you get this house?

This looks hella expensive.

( pereulok )

Well I do deserve it, all i i've to do is keep my business alive.

Oh yeah you gotta mind the drop.

Bylo vremya…

Kogda khono kiisi ob"yedinilis' s vodoy, i ikh tanniyn

Pustota soshlas' v bitvakh nevoobrazimoy sily.

Nizhnyaya armiya predstavlyala soboy zhalkuyu ugrozu, kotoroy nuzhno bylo boyat'sya.

I dazhe klany sobo-si vladeli velikimi mayniti.

Eto vremya zakonchilos'…

(There was a time…)

(When the honō kiishi allied with vody, and their tanniyn.)

(The nether clashed in battles of unimaginable force.)

(The nether army were a meancely threat to be feared.)

(And even the shōbō-shi clans wielded great mainichi.)

(That time is over…)

( rico )

YA veryu, chto eto vremya snova pridet.

Mne nuzhno, chtoby ty okhranyal…

A mainichi.

Can you do that for me pereulok?

(I believe that time is coming again.)

(I need you to safeguard…)

*rico give pereulok kōgeki mainichi*

*Pereulok gaze upon mainichi*

( rico )

Mozhete li vy zashchitit' yego-

(Can you safeguard it-)

( pereulok )

Yes yes! I can.

Will that be all rico?

( rico )

That will be all pereulok.

Spasibo za pomoshch'.

(Thank you for your help.)

*rico and the others leave pereulok place*

( ash )

Can we trust him, rico?

( rico )

He may seem unmanageable.

But he is good at what he does.

Nearly all his life.

He had run a black market potion business without being discovered.

He has a skill which I am counting on.

Now we have another long journey back home.

*Rico and the others are at Moscow forest.

*rain start to fall at the forest*

( rico )

[Mm] it is raining?

How strang?

Everyone do you have equipment?

( ash )

Yes sir, why do you ask?

( rico )

Just in case.

Anyways, wear this coat.

*everybody have coats*

*they continue walk*

*someone shoot a frozen dart at eddie*

*rico block it*

( rico )

Everyone! Be on guard!

*Everyone is in a defensive mode*

( rico )

*There might be an assassin here*

*the man appeared behind rico*

( eddie )

Rico! Look behind you!

*the man kick rico in the shoulder*

( rico )


( henry )


*henry swing his sword at the man*

( the man )


*the man block henry sword*

*ash stab the behind his chest*

*the man use technique vodyy knol*

( ash )


*the man and rico is swing swords*

*rico use kiiroi honō*

( rico )

[Take this!]

*the man use technique tayat*

( Rico )


*the man use technique lovushka vody*

( ash )

[No way!]

[Crap! Master Rico is trapped]

[And that person is very strong]

[What to do, dammit!]

*ash is thinking*

*everyone is attacking the man*

( ash )

[I got it]

[Kōgeki blast]

( the man )


*the man dodge the kōgeki blast*

*everybody is standing still*

*henry use nenriki teria*

( Henry Aanderson )

So ash, do you have a plan?

( Ash )

Yeah, so here it is.

You free Rico and you guys put him behind me.

Then Eddie uses his aoi honō to dry the water where we are.

And Mark uses his kiiroi honō electric to shock the man.

*henry runs towards rico*

( the man )


*the man attack henry*

( henry )


*henry dodge*

*Henry stabs the lovushka vody.

*the lovushka vody melt*

( rico )


*henry pick up rico*

*the man is paying attention to henry*

( mark )

Oh no, you don't!

*mark throw one of his blitznets*

*the man reflected it*

( ash )

Eddie, do it now!

( eddie )


*eddie use aoi honō on ground*

( mark )

Here we go!

*mark use supīdosukiru flash out of eddie aoi honō*

*Mark uses kiiroi honō electric.

( The man )


*The man escaped*

( eddie )

Do we get him?

( mark )

Well shit.

( ash )

At Least we are safe now.

( rico ) 


I think that we have to delay our destination.

*at moscow hotel*

*at the lobby*

( rico )

One night please.

( Lobby Attendants )

Your room is 100.

Here the keys sir.

( rico )


*At 100*

( rico )

Now everyone, we leave this place tomorrow.

( mark )

[Phew!] Finally we can rest.

( eddie )

For a place that is cold it is sure is warm in here.

( ash )

Um master rico, how are you able to find a hotel?

( rico )

I make sure that anything happens. I got back up.

*the next day*

( rico )

Alright everybody, is your equipment ready?

( henry )

Yes sir.

( rico )

Then let's get moving.

*rico and the others traveling*

*at argentina*

*ikari sitting on an ogers*

( ikari sosogu )

[Breathing out white smoke]

[I guess ash and the others are at moscow.]

*An ogre is having an hard time breathing*

( ikari )

Show me who your king is.

( oger )

[Cough!] I-i-i can't do thaat.

I can't do that to my king.

( ikari )

Tell me, or your brother will die.

*at cueva de las manos*

( ikari )

Oh so this is your king.

*speak latin*

( oger )

im paenitet me rex 

( im sorry my king )

( king brap'korp )

*Coegit ergo eum huh?* 

Quis est iste puer parvus?

( *So he forced him huh?* )

(Who is this small child?)

( ikari )

Oh right.

[these guys don't speak spanish]

Heus magnum viride ad duellum

(Hey big green I challenge you to a daul)

( king brap'korp )

daul? Vos?


quod salsum parvulum.

( a daul? You? )

( that's a good joke little one. )

( ikari )

Vere putaverunt quia ego sum iocari? 

Mortuus sum gravis.

Permitte igitur me iterum te rogare. 

Provoco te ad daulam. 

( you really thought that i am joking? )

( I am dead serious )

( So allow me to ask you again.)

( I challenge you to a daul. )

( king brap'korp )

A shōbō-shi loquentes summus ad regem brap'korp.

Licuit ergo, provocationem tuam suscepi. 

Ego hanc tuam fidem frangam. 

( a shōbō-shi talking high mighty to king brap'korp )

( alright then, I accepted your challenge. )

( I'll break that self-assuredness of yours. )

*brap'korp swing his sword on the ground*

*ikari dodge it by using supīdosukiru leap*

*brap'korp stabbing his sword multiple times in the air*

*ikari is dodging them*

( ikari )

[not gonna lie, this does look scary because even one strike could end me]

*ikari block one of his sword*

( king brap'korp )


Scis, quia homo parvam facis bonam fortitudinem habere. 

Vereor ut. 

( oh? )

( You know, for a person that small you do have good strength. )

( I respect that. )

( ikari )

O mihi crede, plura adhuc sunt. 

( Oh trust me, there are still more. )

*ikar use shīrudo shield while running*

*brap'korp pull back his sword and the swing it down*

*ikari use shiiroi honō on the sword*

*ikari dodge*

( ikari )

[Breathe in, breathe out]

[Damn, it's not even long but i feel like i am getting tired]

[i need to try something]

*ikari is thinking*

*ikari is running towards brap'korp*

( king brap'korp )


*brap'korp swing his sword*

*ikari dodge*

*brap'korp swing his sword again*

*ikari hop over*

*brap'korp swing his sword on the ground*

*ikari slide under*

( King brap'korp )

Currit proprietas tua? 

rat tibi 

( Is running really your specialty? )

( You rat )

( ikari )

Tu scis cum quidam dicunt te esse rat.

suus 'similior contemplatio quam contumelia 

( you know, when someone say you're a rat. )

( it's more like a contemplate that an insult. )

*brap'korp swing his sword*

( ikari )

*1st dance of the shiiroi honō*


*ikari use his shiiroi honō on his sword and cut brap'korp chest*

( king brap'korp )


a shōbō-Shi cut rex brap'korp.


( a shōbō-shi cut king brap'korp )

( impressive )

*brap'korp swing his sword*

( ikari )


*ikari dodge and his slash hand than his chest*

( king brap'korp )

Quid est?! 

( what?! )

( kare ikari )

Quid rei est? 

Tua impetus fiunt tardi.

( what's the matter? )

( you attacks are becoming slow )

( king brap'korp )

Princeps loqui audes rex brap'korp

Omnia, quia laes in me!

( You dare high talk king brap'korp )

( All because you lay a scratch on me. )

*Brap'korp stab his sword midair*

( ikari )

*8th dance of the shiiroi honō*


*ikari cut off brap'korp hand*

( king brap'korp )

Edepol! Brachium m-mi! Brachium meum! 

( argh! M-my arm! My arm! )

*ikari slash brap'korp other hand and two of his ankle*

( king brap'korp )

[Tertius sum rex fortissimus et filius churugmorr]

[Hoc tamen-shobō-dedignor! 

( I'm third strongest king and the child of churugmorr )

( Yet this shōbō-sho disdain me! )

*ikari turn his back on brap'korp*

( king brap'korp )

Non contemnenda! Ego enim sum 3 rex brap'korp! 

( I would not be disrespected! For i am 3rd king brap'korp! )

*Brap'korp raise his sword one last time*

*ikari use shiiroi honō and slash brap'korp chest*

*brap'korp is bleeding rapidly*

( king brap'korp )


*Quomodo potest vincere shōbō-shi 3 regem churugmor?*

( How can a shōbō-shi defeat the 3rd king of churugmor?)