Teikoku of the kean episode 12

*ikari and the others traveling*

*they see a ancient wall*

( Ikari Sosogu )

Hey, look at this wall, it looks like it is telling something?

( Imòtèl Andāson )

The shōbō-shi was created by Combust in the air.

Now that's fire.

It says that the bogaty age is unknown.

I guess she ain't legal…

( Ray Andāson )


( Evîn Alvares )

Ooo, so that's what it says.

( Tem nozomi )

It is crazy to think about it, that we were originally Combust out of thin air.

*Imòtèl checking the wall*

( Imòtèl )

For a place that is ancient it sure cle-

*Imòtèl fall into a trap*

( Lisa creatividad )


( Ray )

Hey are you okay down there?

( imòtèl )

Yes, my fellow people!

I guess you can say I went downhill!

It is very dark down, I will try to see if there is an entrance up there.

( ikari )


Everyone, let's go this way.

*continues walking*

*Ray reads a letter on a wall*

( Ray )

Beware of the kýklos?

( evîn )

It means cycle in Greek.

*continues walking *

*ikari puts his hand up*

*a black goblin leaps at ikari*

*evîn shot the goblin*

*a black goblin try to stab Ray back*

*Ray dodge*

( Ray )

[5th dance of the counter akai honō]


*Ray cut the goblin head*

( ikari )

[14th dance of the shiroi honō]


( tem )

[Black goblins are not strong, in fact they are weaker than green goblins.]

[Also their IQ is low so their attacks are predictable, so this is an easy kill.]

[But still be careful.]

*tem and Lisa is killing other goblins*

( evîn )

[tîra birûskê]

*evîn is killing most of the goblins with one arrow*

*a goblin go for ikari head*

*evîn shot goblin head*

( ikari )


( evîn)


( Ray )

I think that's all.

( ikari )

Let's get moving!

*continues walking*

( Kar nozomi )

Hey guys, look see a light down there.

( Ray )

This is an abandoned mineshaft.

It was the nuhtlus.

( tem )

What was the nuhtlus?

( Ray )

The first people who have the nuhtlus was the pedra.

The pedra wanted the minerals from the shōbō-shi, but they didn't know that they have nuhtlus.

They tried to find a cure but the nuhtlus was so intense that others asked to kill themselves, while others lost their way to the mine.

The nuhtlus still happening in domhain but at least they find a cure.

( tem )

Man, that was awful. I can't imagine how many lives were lost.

But thank God that there is a cure.

( ikari )

Alright let's get mov-

( Kar )


*Everyone went to the other room but see two wsparcie*

( Evîn )

What is it?!

( Kar )


*A adult Wsparcie is holding a baby Wsparcie"

( Baby Wsparcie )


( Wsparcie )

Help me!

( Ikari )

A Wsparcie!

( Ray )

And a baby one.

( Tem )

What are we going to do with it?

( Ikari )

We are going to kill.

( Evîn )

But it is not doing anything!

( Wsparcie )

Help me.

( Lisa )

It asks for help, but we can't help it.

So the only respectful thing to do their wish, is kill them.

( Ray )

So ikari, what to do?

( Tem )

Why can't we just leave it, it's not attacking anyone and the only thing is doing is to protect their child.

( Baby Wsparcie and tem )

Don't get me wrong wsparcie are very deadly but this one is not attacking anybody!

Mama, Mama, Ma-ma kil-me.

*Ikari push tem and both wsparcie head*

( Evîn )

Why do you do that?

( Ikari )

It asks for it's wishes.

*Others continue to walk but see 30 pomoshch*

( Pomoshches )


( Ikari )

Great, there are even more of them.

( Kar )

It's impossible to go through.

( Lisa )

We should look for another way, it's not worth it.

( Ray )

Ikari, if we take out the pomoshch around the mineshaft.

That there is a chance we might get the gold.

How does that sound?

( Ikari )

Yeah, we might be at the end of the dungeon.

So we must kill the pomoshch and moving forward.

( Tem )

Wait, even if you're with us, there are just too many of them-

( Ray )

We can do it.

What's the point of learning if you keep running?

If you guys just what's to sit until the danger falls, fine by me.

But remember this, I am strong, stronger than all of you.

That's right, all of you are pathetic.

( Ikari )

Okay Ray, but you don't have to show off in front of the girls.

Now everyone, we must push and kill all of the pomoshch in here.

You got it!

( Evîn, Lisa and kar )


( Tem )

Aaaa fine.

( Ray )

[16th dance of the Akai honor.]

[1 Suraisu tasū.]

( Tem )

[So fast and pristine.]

[This is why I like and is the most beautiful, the dance of the Akai honō.]

( Pomoshch )


*Pomoshch attack but tem block*

( Tem )


*Tem use his Midori honō to grind pomoshch arm*

*Tem attack but the pomoshch dodge*

( Tem )


*Pomoshch kick but tem block*

( Tem )

[Did it dodge my attack?]

*Tem use Midori honō on his scimitar*

( Tem )

[Some might not believe that a Midori hito is not capable of fighting.

[But I mimic the Akai honō dance, still the Akai honō is still very hard.]

[I only do five dances out of it.]

[So here it goes.]

*Pomoshch charge at tem*

( Tem )

[1st dance of the Akai honō.]

[180 degree flash.]

*tem cut pomoshch hand*

( Tem )

[3rd dance of the Midori Akai honō.]

[Three cuts.]

( tem )


*Tem cuts pomoshch three times but attack tem afterwards*

*Pomoshch is walking towards tem*

( tem )


*Ray cut Pomoshch head*

( Ray )

*breath out smoke*

*tem get up and clean himself*

( tem )


( evîn )

guleya birûskê

*evîn shot pomoshch heart*

( evîn )

Damn, I'm running out of arrows!

( Kar )

[2sd dance of the smoke Midori]

[Fogging slashing.]

*Kar attack pomoshch multiple time but still standing*

( Kar )


( Lisa )


*Lisa stab and then grind down*

( Lisa )

Are you guys okay?!

( Kar and evîn )


( Lisa )

[The reason why the skin is thick is because they are evolved versions of the wsparcie.]

[Making them smarter and better at fighting.]

[So these creatures are no joke.]

*Lisa attack a pomoshch but it block*

( Lisa )

[1st dance of the counter Murasaki no honō.]

[Sasu hachi.]

*Lisa stab the pomoshch in the chest*

*Pomoshch attack but Lisa cut two arms legs*

( Lisa )

These are no jokes, just who many are left?

( evîn )

There is no more pomoshch left.

( Lisa )

Are you sure?

( ikari )

Yeah, Ray killed most of them.

( Ray )

That's all, let's get going.

*Ray and the others continue walking*

( Kar )

Jeez, they weren't kidding when they say this is a big dungeon.

( Ray )

If we don't find any gold then we should leave.

*while others continue walk Ray stop*

*alleo appears*

( alleo )

A myth is a religion.

Religion is power.

Power in which they have knowledge.

Knowledge that drove people insanity.

One thing you should know, legends are sometimes true.

*at the prison cell*

*every is looking in the chest*

( Lisa )

No, nothing is in here.

( evîn )


( tem )

Hey guys, I see a hole.

It looked like someone was trying to break out of prison.

( Ray )

I have a feeling that this doesn't go anywhere.

( ikari )

Tem, Kar, you go down to find gold or Imòtèl.

( evîn )

Do you know what you doing?

( ikari )


There might be a chance that gold is down there or Imòtèl.

( tem )

Alright, here we go!

*tem and kar both successfully land down*

( evîn )

Good luck down there.

( tem )

Thank you!

*tem and kar walking down in the sewers*

( Kar )

Tem, why did you decide to join the heitai?

( tem )

There are two things 1, I want money, 2, I want to see that Midori hito can rose to the top.

( Kar )

Me and you both.

( imòtèl )

It looks like someone inspired you.

Or you just copying their words.

( tem and kar )


( Kar )

You have the gold.

( imòtèl )

While yes I do, but I think you should take this.

( tem )

Why sir?

( imòtèl )

I'm going to look for the squad and you take this gold to leave the cave dungeon, and also wait for us.

( tem )

Alright then mister Imòtèl, and safe travels.

*ikari and the others walking*

( Henry )


( ikari )

Hold on guys, there something around this wall.

*Henry and Eddie is killing red goblins*

( Ray )

Oh, you two are alive.

( Lisa )

Umm Henry, where is Ash and Mark?

( Henry )

Ash's head got cut off by the Gōsutonaito, and Mark told us to leave while fighting the Gōsutonaito.

And one thing I noticed is when ash head get cut off, they were no blood.

So there might be a chance that he is still alive.

( Evîn )

Well at least you two are safe.

Do you have any food?

( Eddie )



( Henry )

So where is tem and kar?

( Ray )

We were at a prison then we saw a hole that led down.

( Henry )

What about imòtèl?

( Ray )

He falls into a trap, but he is alright.

( ikari )

Is it me or this place never ends.

( Ray )

I have a feeling we are going in the same direction but it's different.

( ikari )

We keep walking for about 15 minutes then we rest.

( tem and ash )


*Lisa go around a corner and bump into ash*

( ash )

*talking while bread* bro, who-

( Lisa )


( mark )


( Ash )

Hi li-

*Henry and Eddie hug ash*

( Eddie )

You're alive!

( Henry )

Don't ever scare me like that.

( Lisa )

Glad your back.

( evîn )

Looks like you're hard to kill Anderson.

( Ash )

Hehe, yeah I'm pretty hard, hehe.

( imòtèl )

Sorry for being gone for a while.

This dungeon is quite long.

( Ray )

Hey dad.

( Ash )

Dude it hasn't been that long man.

( imòtèl )

Now that everyone is here and we get the gold.

( Ikari )

Wait, you got the gold?

( imòtèl )

Well, not really I find the gold underneath here and I give tem and kar the gold.

( ash )

So they're outside waiting?

( imòtèl )

Well, I say half way.

But see we got everything and everyone alive.

This cave dungeon was a success!

Now we leave.

*Jigoku chitai appears*

( ikari )

The fuck is this thing?!

( Ash )

This doesn't look good!

*Everyone is in another place, the place look very red and demonic*

*kýklos appears*