teikoku of the kaen episode 16

*Hatsukoi and ash is practicing kaen*

( Ash Anderson )

Hatsukoi, when we first met.

How do you fly with your kaen?

( Hatsukoi Anderson )

Eh? I think you should know this by now?

Well, it is an easy concept; just tighten your kaen into your foot.

( Ash )

Tighten my foot huh?

[Eddie can create kaen out of his foot, maybe I can do the same]

*Ash create blue fire on his foot*

( Ash )

Like this?

( Hatsukoi )

No, you're doing it wrong.

( Ash )

Uh, but I see one of my friends do the same thing with his foot.

( Hatsukoi )

There is a reason why there aren't many swordsmen, Aoi hito. 

And secondly your friend is doing a material called Capoeira and the reason why he moves fast is because he creates bursts not glides.

Here I'll show you.

*Hatsukoi use Akai honō*

( hatsukoi )

I think the best kaen to fly is akai honō.

*Ash concentrate on the foot*

( Ash )

You know, when I tighten my kaen on my foot.

My shoes burn but when you use your shoes they are fine. 

( Hatsukoi )

My shoes have holes in them.

If perfect for tightening your feet without burning them.

*Ash use Akai honō*

( Ash )


( Hatsukoi )

Good, like that.

Now anytime you're flying, think about driving a car.

( Ash )

That doesn't make sense.

( Hatsukoi )

Notice between two of my feet, one is pushed up and one remains as it is.

( Ash )


( Hatsukoi )

Now you are moving.

*Hatsukoi and ash are gliding*

( Ash )

[Why is hanging around with sugoi, is so fun?]

*At Rico workshop*

( Mark Alvares )

Hey, where's ash?

( Henry Anderson )

He's over to the other side of the bevorder however I don't see eddie come to school either.

( Rico Alvarez )

Ash and Eddie are not coming well. I guess we start with the mission without them.

( Mark )

Tan viejo, what's the mission?

( Rico )

This is not a mission, it is an order.

( Henry )

To whom?

( Rico )

From fallar Creatividad.

And her daughter is Eris Andāson.

( Mark )

Huh? Why do they have different surnames?

( Rico )

Is because the grandparents were akaies but fallar married to Aoi hito.

And wanted to keep a secret, that they are not related.

And two objectives.

Protect and find a mate.

( Henry )


( Mark )

Yeah, these jobs are getting freaky.

( Rico )

The girl's hair is red just like her grandparents and kaen is purple like her parents.

( Henry )

Wait, you're saying that the girl is?

( Rico )

3rd generation.

( Mark )

Hold on, 3rd generation, I thought that was a compliment instead of reality.

( Rico )

Due to her awakening, she's too valuable to pass away; so fallar orders us to look after and find a mate so gens can pass down.

But be warned, we discovered that she has a bounty on her head.

The possibility of an assassin's will be the ubit or atlast.

Fallar orders us to protect her until we find a new mate.

( Henry )

Group of kids?

( Rico )

Don't worry about it, you're not doing this alone.

I have the best team for us.

*At a park*

( Mark )

Really? These guys?

They're the opposite of what you said.

( Imòtèl Andāson )

Ah Rico, once again you bring my favorite people!

( Ikari Sosogu )

Greate, bitches.

( Ray Andāson )

Alright, why do you call us?

( Rico )

Fallar wants us to protect her daughter; and we have to find a new mate for her to pass down.

( Ikari )

Are we getting paid?

( Rico )

While yes, we are.

$4,000 thousands a month.

( Ikari )

Well, at least we get money.

( Rico )

The girl's name is Eris Andāson.

Henry, Mark and Imòtèl, you come with me.

You guys protect Eris.

*Rico and the others leave*

( ikari )

I understand atlast but ubit?

( Ray )

Since the bouty is high on her head.

They take action to attack.

( ikari )

Don't ubit don't possess water?

( Ray )

Don't worry, the ubit' is least our problem, the atlast we have to worry.

*explosion at 8 floor*

( Ikari )


( Ray )

Is it our fault that the girl died in less than an hour?

( ikari )

Ah! Look, it's Lisa!

( Chest )

I'm sorry for cutting your life short for a young child.


*Lisa is on a smoke seirei*

( Lisa Creatividad )

Don't go making a mess now.

It is barely 9:00 am.

[So this is a 3rd generation.]

( Chest )

You girl hand over the child or die.

( Lisa )

Sorry I can't hear you because I don't want to hear bullshit.

( Ikari )

Phew, just in time.

I'll be heading towards there.

*multiple knife throw at Ray but he move out of the way*

( krasota )

My, my, that's impressive.

The fact that you move out of the way with no effort.

I heard some rumors about your occupation.

Show me if the rumors are true.

( Ray )

But be warned, that it will be a mess.

( krasota )

Well then, I accept.

*At 6 floor*

( Tsel vody )

The ubit' group don't have the power to fight.

But we have plenty of money, I assure you that.

How about it, zamer?

How about assassinating a little 3rd gen sound to you?

( Uchidere Vody )

Can you please call me Uchidere?

( Tsel )

Sounds promising, I accept.

*chest is capture by pomoshch*

( Chest )

Sorry! I said sorry!

I'll withdraw from the mission, I'll quit being atlast too.

( Lisa )

Soo should kill him or lock him up.

( Ikari )

Mm. I'm kinda feeling hungry, maybe meat for breakfast.

( Chest )

P-please. I give myself to you.

( Lisa )

Maybe I'll call Rico for this.

*Rico on the phone*

( Rico )

Yes this is Rico.

( Lisa )

Yo Ric, we captured one of the guys and we were wondering what to do with him?

( Rico )

We lock him up for information that goes to the other one.

( Ikari )

So what did he say?

( Lisa )

Listen here, if you say who sent you or who you guys are.

We will put you guys in jail for about 5 years; or if you keep your mouth shut your sentence for life.

( Chest )

What can you brats do?

We have krasota!

The strongest, out of-

( Ikari )

Hey, is this krasota?

( Ray )

[Just fading this bitch.]

( Chest )


Yeah, that's krasota.

*at athletic*

*Uchidere is watching*

( Ksel )

What are you doing?

( Uchidere )

Watching athletics.

( Ksel )

Slacking off on the job.

( Uchidere )

Man you're annoying, always treating me like a jobless man.

( Ksel )

But you are jobless.

( Uchidere )

That girl is with fumetsu.

If we wear him down, then I get my money.

( Ksel )

But you're fighting someone who is immortal.

( Uchidere )

There is a reason why my name is ucidere.

It stands for killing in Romanian, immortal, shōbō-shi nothing will have an unkilling in this world.

( Ksel )

Alright, I'm counting on you.


*Ikari holding Eris*

( Ikari )

What should we do to her?

( Henry )

I don't fucking know, should tie up this bitch or something?

*Eris awake*

( Ikari )

You're finally awake.

( Eris Andāson )


*Eris slap Ikari*

( Ikari )

The fuck! Why did you slap me?

( Eris )

What do you mean why? I have every right to slap you!

You were about to kidnap me!

( Ikari )

This bitch-

( Ray )

Hey, Eris don't worry about it we're not about to abduct you.

( Eris )

Liar! What's with those duck tape?

*Mark, Ray trying to tie up Eris*

( Wil Anderson )

P-please stop.

( Eris )


( Mark )

Bro, who names a guy's name wil?

( Wil )

My lady, they are our friends.

( Ray )

So that's your mate?

( Eris )


( Mark )

Way to go dude.

( Ikari )

Alright from now on, you two should fuck.

( Mark )

And make her watch Netflix.

( Wil )

Y-you want me to have sex with Eris?

( Mark )

Yes, duh.

( Ikari )

Nothing personal, I just want the money.

( Eris )

But I'm still in school!

( Ikari and mark )


( Henry )

Actually $4,000 in 2 years will be $96,000.

( Ray )

Mm, that's a good deal.

( Mark )

Alright, first she must stay here so we can keep an eye on her at all time.

( Eris )

Cough! Cough! If you want to protect me, ha! Don't give me foolish words; for I, Eris Creatividad! Come in first place in my class and have the most powerful ( Ikari ) yo, that's Kali uchis? ( Mark ) yeah dude, look at her Instagram ( Eris ) hey! Are you even listening?!

( Mark )

She probably has no friends with the way she speaks.

( Eris )

Excuse me! But I talk fine in my school.



Wil what's time is it?

( Wil )

It's about to be lunch time in our school.

( Eris )

Alright, we're leaving!

( Henry )

Hey shouldn't we leave her?

*At school*

( Henry )

What? Isn't it safer to be in our workshop?

( Rico )

I agree, but this is Fallar orders.

For now we must keep an eye on her.

*Rico hang up*

( Henry )

Damn, babysitting that's 2 years younger then we. Does Rico know that we have school too?

( Ray )

Actually we are about to graduate in about 2 months.

( Henry )

Yeah I guess that's true.

( Ray )

The reason why our job is to look after her, is because she is a 3rd generation and tries to have offspring with her.

So someday when she graduates from school, she won't see her friends, family and even her lover.

Let her enjoy herself is our mission.

( Wil )

I'm sorry that lady Eris came off belligerent. She does not have many friends; but deep down she is a kind person.

( Henry )

Hey, I want to ask you something.

Why do you say lady Eris instead of "Eris"?

( Wil )

Well because I was adopted by her family when I was on the streets.

They show me love and take good care with me when I see how good Eris is.

I want to be good, I want to be strong and help her when she needs me.

( Henry )

It's good to see that other Shōbō-shi are still good with each other.

 ( Wil )

Thank you.

*Call Henry phone*

( Henry )


( Mark )

Henry, I found them!

There, here!

( Henry )

Ray, we have to get Eris out of here now!

( Yester )

2 million.

That is a deal, All we have to do is kill a child, that's a deal!