Chapter 2-First Clue

Polly continued working, once it was one o'clock, she packed her stuff she went to pick Billy. Harvish School was full of the rich and classy, most essentially the spoilt, she waited for Billy but he didn't show up, so she went into the school. The halls were crowded and people seemed to have their eyes concentrated on the principal's door. She felt her heart squeeze in fear, she knocked and opened the door just to see Billy with purple eyes. "I'm so sorry Miss. Patterson." the principal slowly said. Polly opened her mouth, Billy was involved in a fight, shock, fear, anxiety different emotions mixed in her heart. "How did this happen?" she asked."Bill fought Mike because fo a girl."the principal said while sounding quite amused. "Young love." she replied. "You have to lay 1000 dollars for the damages." Polly brought out the money and gave the principal. "Let's go." she said with no emotions.

As they walked down the hallway, all the eyes were glued on them, she entered her car and sighed. Bill was quiet, he understood the current situation "Why did you do it?" she asked without looking at him, she was too disappointed. "He called her ugly, I couldn't resist." he replied. Polly had never been in love so she couldn't understand his reason, she knew he was sorry but aaa just too stubborn to admit it. "It's okay." she said and smiled at her brother, even though they fought they still took care of each other. The flashbacks of the night her mother died entered her mind, the blood, her dad packing his stuff, the police investigating the scene and Billy seating at the corner of his room, crying, she remembered comforting him "We need to move on." , "Mummy might still be alive." she lied to him. "Polly!" Billy's voice cut her trail of thoughts.

Before she knew it, a trailer was heading towards them, she desperately turned the wheel but it was too late. BAM! Everything became dark, she remembers hearing glass being broken, faint voices. "They're still alive." , she tried to open her eyes but her body wasn't cooperating, she felt someone lifting her up and then the darkness fully took over. "They are both alive, no internal bleeding , just injuries very low.." it was a male's voice. "How much would the t.." he ear's were bailing on her. Who was paying for them? , "The boy's injuries are quite e...." she needed to hear this but the darkness took over again.

Polly opened her eyes, there was a bright light shining in her. "You're finally awake." it was the same person who offered to pay. She turned and saw HIM again.


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