4.5 Continuation

"We are all gathered here for the second memorial of our beloved co-worker and dearest friend, Kaitlyn Patterson." he announced. At once, a huge banner of Polly's mom rolled down, there were pictures if her being displayed everywhere. Polly looked at the pictures, she felt tears starting to form in her eyes, a hand held hers, "Don't cry, I'm here for you." Zayn said. She smiled weakly at him, it wasn't a genuine one. "She died in Korea, we have had different sources but we all know that it is definitely Crames that killed her, her death was a great loss to us even though we kind of expected it." Expected it? They expected it?What were they hiding. "Her mission with KAI 18, the best team was a failure, but we must move on, the latest information, shows that Crames have moved to where we are, yes they are currently in New York. This time, we'll be more careful, stronger and better and we'll definitely succeed and with that the man left the stage and a round of applause followed. Polly wanted to know more so she located him within the crowds and walked towards him."Hello sir." "Name?" he asked, she knew her cover was going to ge blown , she didn't have any fake names in her mind and if she took time to reply, she'll be suspicious , so without thinking. "Polly." The man's eyes became big a saucers, he looked afraid. Why? If he was the head of the organisation then why did he suddenly look like he he had seen a ghost. "Follow me." he said, his voice was shaky. It dawned on Polly that she didn't tell Zayn where she was going by the time they had entered a room. "P-Polly Patterson, nice to meet you." he said sounding nice. "It's an honour, I'm guessing you're the head of FMS. " she started her query. "Yes, I'm sorry for your mom's loss." he said and started moving to a table. "I'm sorry to disturb but I really want to know my mom's story, the mystery of how she died hasn't really been solved." she said, sadness in her tone. "Your mom was the best agent, personally my favourite, we had a lead sent her there but she never came back." he said

Polly walked closer to him, "Why didn't she tell me?" she asked, he opened a drawer. "Because it was risky. " Before Polly could talk, he pointed a gun at her, she was taken aback with shock.


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