6- The 'Crames' Story.

Polly was in a black jeep, thinking about what just happened, Zayn was the real enemy, Billy? What would happen to Billy? She wasn't concentrated on the road so she didn't notice even they entered 'GoldsWorth Estate.' the estate if the richest, multi-millionaire and billionaires. Zayn was like a servant to them of you think Zayn was rich, then this people were triple-rich, mega dollars everywhere. The car stopped in front of a mansion, mansion was an understatement, Palace was the right word, there was a pool, tennis and basketball court, a fountain and so much. She gasped in awe, "Love it?" the old man asked, she had forgotten the current situation, the fact that she got kidnapped. "Are you Zayn's Boss?" even if she was abducted, there was still a chance to get clues."Yes, you might as well want to know who, I mean the name of our business." he said slyly, but he was right, she needed to know. "What's the name?" , "Oh..nothing else but Crames." he said with an evil smile. Crames!! CRAMES!! The man was bluffing, Zayn wasn't a criminal. Right?? "You're lying." she said, she knew Zayn wasn't a bad person or was he? "Believe what you want to believe, anyways..let me show you your room, your training starts tomorrow. It's time for you to know the true story." he said and left the car. Polly followed him, what story was he talking about and why did she need training? Was Zayn trying to help her after-all? She walked into the mansion, the first thing she noticed was Gold, there was gold EVERYWHERE, who was this man? The man took her to a room, sorry a living room. "This is you room, Ari is your maid, call her anytime you want to." he said and with that he left. Why was she being treated like a Princess? She didn't know why but she slept immediately her body touched the mattress.

Polly woke up at 6:00am, it was still dawn, the sun was rising, she just sat in her bed, she had no idea of what to do, she just kidnapped bu this man. She suddenly heard a knock, "Come in." A woman with black, her hair packed in a bun, wearing a white top and black skirt came in, she was holding, she was holding a tray, tea, sugar,milk and a kettle, a golden one. "I'm Ari, your personal maid. I'm here to guide you miss."she replied and dropped the tray on a counter beside her bed. "Where is the bathroom?" she asked. There were like 10 doors in her bedroom, "There, I'll help you to bath." she said and pointed to the 6th door. Polly was shocked. "No need, I cam bath by myself." she replied with a smile to reassure her. "Anything else miss?" , "Yes, please help me set an outfit to wear today.", "Okay miss." Ari said and curtsied. Ari was a good maid.

Polly had her bath, the shower was black and good, marble floors and paintings, she had never seen luxurious bathroom like that before. She walked to her main room and saw the clothes set out for her, a flowery dress and sandals, great. She wore the clothes and went for breakfast, the butler, Gerald gave her pancakes with butter. It was delish, she ate ten pancakes.

As she was eating, the last one, he came in wearing shorts and a top. "I can see you like the food." Why was this man treating her like this? "Yes, thankyou." she replied with a smile, he smile back. "Anyways.. your training starts today, Bill wouldn't arrive soon." he was still smiling, he was happy but she was sad, they also kidnapped Billy, her mind wondered to Zayn, even though he betrayed her, she still cared for him, was he okay? She could never know. "Okay but why are you doing all of this?" she asked. It was compulsory to know, "I'll explain later." his expression had changed. About 30 minutes later, the doorbell rang. She didn't move, there was no hope, she didn't know the way around the house. She waited, eager to see Bill. Then he came in, wearing a suit, black and blue, his hair was styled properly. He looked like he was in his twenties but he was just 13.


To be continued.