Aaron's POV:

"I don't know. I just want that girl here at any cost". I said

"But Aaron we can't just kidnap her". Mack said surprisingly. Mack is my best friend since childhood.

I wanted that girl and I needed to have that girl. We were talking about Agnistacea Madens. As we were talking in my room we heard a knock on the door.

"Yes?" I yelled while lying on my bed on the hold of my elbow.

"Sir is calling you down stairs in the dining hall". My servant called out.

"Yeah okay, coming". I said with a sigh. She said 'Sir' in reference to my father. He is the leader of our pack and the head of our family. His orders are obeyed very well. No one can deny him nor can anyone oppose him. I and Mack headed downstairs right into the dining hall and as soon as we entered I saw Fage, Dalis, Hoyt, Megan and Benken. They are all my best friends but Mack is the closest.

"Son, Come on have your breakfast with me and your friends". My dad said.

I made my way to the chair next to Hoyt and Mack sat next to me. We were having our breakfast in complete silence. Usually, I don't like having breakfast but being with my dad I have to act all disciplined. My dad broke the silence and said leaning back in his chair:

"So what do you think about that girl? What are you going to do now?"

"Actually I haven't thought anything about that yet". I gave a quick reply.

"So that finishes our breakfast". My dad said while lifting his glass of juice.

"Hmm, son, you better think of that matter soon before it becomes too late. And when I return I want a solution."

"Yes dad I will try... Wait... You're going somewhere?" I asked surprisingly.

"Yes! A trip to Paris for one week. Business meetings you know. Haven't Dalis told you about that?" He said moving his eyes to Dalis. Dalis was like my father's travel agent. Whenever he has to go somewhere Dalis help him through. I decided to save him from being bashed and said:

"Oh yeah, yeah he told me about you. I just...forgot".

"Okay so bye, son. I have to leave now. I have to do some work in the office on my way". He told me while shaking my hand tightly and tapping me on my shoulders.

"Yeah okay dad. Take care and call me when you get time but not at night and you know very well why". I said smirking.

"Yeah I know". He smiled. I have that kind of tuning with my dad. He understands me well and supports me every time.

When my dad left the house for Paris, a smile approached my face because now the whole house belonged to me. I could do whatever I want. But still I had to think about that Madens chick. Oh god I don't know her name properly. I thought. It's not that I love her or like her it's just that I want her and I need to have her because it's important for me as well as my pack. So we gathered in my room to discuss the matter.

"So what are we going to do?" Hoyt asked.

"I don't know". I said while pouring whiskey for all of us.

"Can't we just kidnap her?" Fage asked while rolling his eyes to all of us.

"Are you sure, honey?". Megan said while brushing her lips on to Fage's. Fage and Megan are mates since when they were 17. Now they are 22.

"No! We can't! We can't just kidnap her and took her away from her family and friends. It's all so wrong. We can't do that to her". Mack said, all serious.

"I agree with you Fage but Mack doesn't". I said pointing my fingers towards Mack.

"Oh come on Mack, we should think about Aaron and our pack. We can't lose Aaron like that. He is our friend." Dalis finally spoke.

"I know but..." Mack was about to say something but Benken broke him and said:

"Okay no buts. We are going to kidnap her and that's final. For the sake of Aaron and our pack."

"Uh...listen... I am fine with it but we will warn her first. We can't suddenly just take her away." Mack said.

"Okay fine we will and we will do this work tonight only". I said.

So we decided to warn her in the evening. In the evening we all gathered in the hall to call her. We all were just thinking about who will call her and we decided Hoyt will be the one as he has a manly and a harsh voice. I knew they wouldn't let me call her because I can be very scary at times.

"Wait... Where's Megan?" I asked Fage.

"Ahh she is going to salon for her Manicure and Pedicure. She don't want to be a part of this kidnapping". Fage said shaking his head.

"Oh Jesus these girls". I sighed.

Hoyt called her.

"Hello". The girl said.

"Hello, Agnistacea Madens?" Hoyt wanted to confirm whether she was the one or not.

"Yes?" The girl said in her shaky voice.

"This is your last night with your friends. You are going to be separated from them very soon". Hoyt said threateningly.

The girl was about to say something but we hung up the call just to scare her and put her in some confusion. We left the house to get her because we knew her location and it was far away from my place.