Agnis's POV:


It was almost one week since I have been there. I was missing my friends, my school and my parents, specially. With each passing day it was becoming unendurable for me to live there. They didn't hurt me physically as of yet except the first day when they took my blood but still they were my kidnappers. I can never be happy around them. I was free to roam in this house, eat whatever I want, or do whatever I like and there were no restrictions at all but I couldn't feel at home because this was not how I expected my life to change. I wanted to go to college and have a master's degree in Literature. I had aims but I could see them going far beyond my reach. I was losing all hope of going back to my home. I was reluctantly giving up. I was lying straight on my back on the bed with the pillow over my face, squeezing my eyes shut. Just then the door swung open and Angry bird came in.