Agnis's POV: 

"Aaron please… I know I peeped outside but I didn't know it was something I was not supposed to see" I said begging him. 

"Megan told you that you shouldn't look outside the window" Angry bird asked bending his face down. 

"But I – I thought…" I started.

"Didn't she?" He yelled lifting his face up and banged his hand on the wall giving me shivers all over. I shut my eyes tightly. 

"Answer me" He said bringing his face closer to mine. 

"Y – Yes. She – She did" I said in broken voice, keeping my eyes shut. 

"And still it didn't get into your stubborn head" He shouted. 

"I am sorry…" I said and started crying. 

"I am fed up with you apologizing every time. It has to be fixed" He said holding my chin. 

"No Aaron. Please. I am sorry. Why are you doing this to me? Please" I said pleading him.