Agnis's POV: 

They were fighting in their wolf forms, running to each other, jumping upon each other and biting each other. It was scary to see humans-turned-animals fighting like that. The most frightful feeling was those animals fighting down there in front of me would turn to humans again and as usual I would be sitting amongst them, eating with them and living with them. Whenever I see them in wolf form, I am bound to think about how many more unprecedented things are there to witness yet in this universe. No one could ever think of such creatures existing in reality and living among the human beings without getting noticed. I was watching Angry bird constantly but then I saw Randy on one side fighting with Dalis. The previous incident came running in to my mind when Randy and his goons hurt me. They are the most heartless people I have ever seen in my life. They were cruel and could have done much worse than that if Angry bird wouldn't have saved me.