Agnis's POV:

I walked inside the living room searching for him and saw him there, Angry bird. He was having the TV on in front of him but was busy in his phone. 

"Can I talk to you for a minute?" I said aloud. Aaron looked at me. I realized Mack was also there in the room, when he peeped out from behind the couch, facing me. Is he crazy? What was he doing behind the couch? Man, all the people here are crazy except me and Megan. I thought. 

"Ah there it is. There you are, you sneaky little cap!" Mack said as he stood up having a vine bottle cap in his hands. Mack saw me and got nervous. 

"Ah... I'm sorry, this" Mack moved the cap in his hands up so I can see properly and continued, "This cap just slipped through my hands and ran beneath this couch. I was... searching for it" I nodded and smiled.