Agnis's POV:

So exactly after 30 minutes, I headed outside of my room to go to Venelisa's. I climbed down the stairs but then I realized that I didn't even know which room belongs to Venelisa. So I stood there, idol, thinking how to find her room. Just then someone tapped my shoulder behind me. I turned around briskly and saw Angry bird just in front of me. I was a little appalled and moved back a few steps. He shook his head and smirked at me with the same Angry bird face like before, arrogant and rude. 

"Wh - what?" I said in a scared voice. 

"What? Searching for something?" He asked. Before I say something he added, "Or, someone?" 

"No. It's none of your concern" I said confidently. 

"Oh really?" He asked, tilting his head on the left. 

"Yes" I said and gulped.