Chloe Gets Bold

Chloe went into the living room and picked up the last couple of days worth of take-out boxes: Chinese, Pizza, Taco wrappers, and ice cream containers. She peeled a taco off the wall. And picked up a half-eaten Snickers from the armchair. So much for watching her weight, though she wasn't too far gone just yet, maybe 15 pounds heavier than she'd like. She folded her blanket after disposing of the soda bottles and beer cans and an empty bottle of wine.

Yeah, she really must have been depressed, and she hadn't even noticed if depressed was even the word for it. Anxious, restless, losing her mind in the boredom that sounds more like it. Her boss had called and told her, per the CEO, probably Darren, she had the month off. Time to deal with the funeral and everything and then a couple weeks to get away and relax after. Only 70% paid, but she didn't really care she'd take it.