Chloe Gets Help


Be wise and heed my words. Avoid the Moulton's, and no harm is done.

~ Marilyn.

What the fuck is going on?  She thought, but before she could investigate any further the doorbell rang. She was thoroughly creeped out and didn't want any more surprises so she went to the front of the room and pulled back the curtains then slowly looked through the window. She was relieved to see Liam standing at her door.

"Hey," He said, coming in when she opened the door.

"Hey." She responded absently as she stood there with the door open looking down at the card she was still holding. 

"What's that?" He asked, walking into the kitchen where the flowers still sat on the kitchen counter,

"Hmm?" Chloe looked up and realized she was still standing with the door open. She closed the door and took a step in the room. "I, um someone just left it on my doorstep with those flowers."