
The sky rumbled like several drums clashing to show who was stronger and more powerful, lightning flashed, leaving a dazzling flash in the air and scorching large trees. The wind was blowing hard, as if it wanted to uproot all the trees that had stood for thousands of years, the leaves flew into the air in all directions. Birds fly out of their nests in search of new nests. The people of Shou Qiu Country ran in fear avoiding the buildings collapsing from the strong winds and flashes of lightning before becoming chunks of stiff black corpses. The weather was very bad, like a sledgehammer that was ready to take every life in Shou Qiu's country, as a result, dead bodies were scattered everywhere. There had never been a storm like this before.

In a house, people are busy passing by, but this is not to avoid the lightning flashes in the air, the weather outside is enough to make the heartbeat fast and their lives could be at stake if they are outside the house. Their preoccupation is preparing for the birth of a baby. Whether it's preparing warm water, clean towels, and others. No one can sit still to let go of the breath that rolls up in their chest, which is so hard to escape because of the tiny hole of restlessness.

"Hey Athir, where's the warm water? What were you doing earlier?" said the man who was no longer young, he was 130 years old, the head of the household in the house. Thin body, has a long white beard to the chest, a sunken face because he is no longer young. But his movements are still agile, as agile as Athir who is still 25 years old.

Athir made no attempt to answer but went quickly to the kitchen to plead quickly to 125 kg fat man. He is the head of the kitchen, his body is fat because he always eats any leftovers foods, he thinks it is very unfortunate if the food is thrown away. "I took so much effort for cooking it and ended up in the dump, no! that won't happen, the food should be wasted in my stomach. Hahaha...." Wen Cia said every time He was told that his stomach could no longer accept food when he was struggling to finish the rest of the food.

"Mr Wen Cia where is the water, Mr Tien Pei has asked again" with a slightly pale face Athir pleaded with Wen Cia

"In a moment it's cooked, I'll pour it into the bucket first, why is everyone impatient, I'm not just sitting here, I also know this is really needed, but it also takes time to boil it" nagging that was no longer restrained, just came out of Wen Cia's mouth which made Athir's face paler.

"Yes sir, I know that too, but Physician Chen also rushed Mr. Tien Pei, because Mistress. was about to give birth" Athir replied in a slightly soft voice, hoping that Wen Cia's anger would subside.

"There you go, the warm water" with a frown as he handed a bucket of warm water to Athir.

Athir passed quickly, disappearing from Wen Cia's sight as soon as he received the warm water. Wen Cia sneered "Hah, not even two words of thanks, Ooo…..God…" Wen Cia snorted, unable to fully express his anger because the object was gone, Wen Cia vented it by placing the pot hard on the over the fireplace to boil some more hot water.

Inside in front of the delivery room, "Where's Athir, where's the warm water?" said Mr Tien Pei holding back worry for his Mistress who was groaning in pain.

"Here , here is the warm water" Athir gave the bucket of water to Mr Tien Pei, while exhaling a long breath because he was walking fast.

Mr Tien Pei went straight to the room where their mistress was lying in unbearable pain. Between the cloth curtains, Mr Tien Pei handed the warm water to Physician Chen, who readily accepted it, then came in and placed it beside the bed.

As the delivery process began, the trained Physician Chen took a position to help deliver the baby safely. Physician Chen cheers on The Mistress.

"Yes, My Lady, take a deep breath and then release it, pull it out, yes yes ... that's right, now push the baby out, push My Lady, push, yes push, push, yes, continue to push"

The screams were enough to make people outside bitterly listen to them, sharing the pain of giving birth. Not so long the sound of a baby's cry was heard followed by a rumbling much bigger than the previous one, the earth shook for a moment as if it wanted to shatter into an uninhabited plain. Everyone clings to whatever is within reach. Then, the storm Suddenly stopped, silent, as if nothing had happened before. The sky immediately became bright, so bright, like the morning greeting the sun. Knowing that it was safe, everyone let go of their tension and resumed their activities.

Master Shou Dian broke the silence, walked into the delivery room "Physician Chen how is my wife and My Child, are they safe?" a face full of hope looked at the figure of the Physician who was still behind the curtain. Master Shou Dian's eyes fell on his wife who was lying helplessly, but he could confirm that she was fine because he listened to her breathing which gradually calmed down.

Seeing Master Shou Dian enter, Physician Chen rushed to pick up the baby, washing it with the water. Hands that are close to wrinkles but do not remove the graceful softness clean the baby from the membranes of blood that are not as dirty as some of the babies born in this world, whom he is used to helping deliver. Very memorable. The baby smiled at him, if only he knew what the baby was thinking, it would be very valuable to him, he felt this was not a common baby. Master Shou Dian's voice ended his reverie.

"Ah, well My Lord, a very healthy baby," said Doctor Chen. "One moment My Lord, one moment, he will be the most handsome baby in this house" a chuckle of admiration ended his words.

Curtains with black bamboo tree patterns that are scratched from selected brushes on silk cloth, no wonder they can display beautiful paintings from hands that have been skilled for decades to dedicate themselves to painting. Behind the curtain of silk, was the cheerful face of Physician Chen. Stepped up to Master Shou Dian and gave the baby to him. A wide smile broke out when he saw his son was born safely.

Physician Chen said, "Baby boy My Lord"

Master Shou Dian smiled at the news, "The successor of the Shi family" he said then laughed happily.

Master Shou Dian watched his son carefully as if he had seen something he had never seen before. In his arms, a tiny figure was smiling at him. The face is square, the forehead is high and wide with three lines running down the middle of the forehead, a sign that is believed from generation to generation who will later become a ruler. Eyebrows raised at three-quarters at each end showed that he would be a figure to be respected. The eyes are perfectly circular like the tail of a peacock feather, the black eyes almost cover and only leave a little white part, it is undeniable that he will have extensive knowledge. Sharp nose. The proportions of the lips are balanced with the bridge of the nose. A charming smile when he smile. Master Shou Dian laughed happily. With his index finger, he rubbed his son's cheek which was still red. The baby smiled even more. A tiny hand gripped Master Shou Dian's index finger. Physician Chen laughed, followed by Master Shou Dian. As he raised the baby's hand, there was a mark on his arm, a sign that was not very clear, like the shape of a snake but had legs, his body was coiled with his head resting on the body. 'Is it a dragon?' Master Shou Dian thought.

To make sure Master Shou Dian asked Physician Chen. "You know what this sign is? Like a sleeping snake."

"Hmm" mumbled Physician Chen incoherently, his eyes fixed on the sign Master Shou Dian pointed. "No sir, this is not a snake but a dragon, just look at its head it has horns and whiskers, with scales that look sharper than a snake". Physician Chen confirmed.

"But why does this child have the mark of a Dragon?" The unanswered question was of course because Physician Chen was clearly unable to provide an answer.

Mr. Tien Pei breathed a sigh of relief, Athir who saw this smiled and then went to the kitchen to tell the head of the kitchen "Mr. Wen Cia, the baby has been born, has been born" shouted Athir even though it was still a few meters to the kitchen. Wen Cia, who was still holding back anger when he heard the news, was also happy. They both laughed together.