Eastern Sea Coast

The morning was sunny, the sun was starting to move from the eastern horizon, shining dark yellow and getting redder like a red pearl pendant hanging in the sky without a chain. Xuan Lung was sitting quietly on the edge of a high cliff, receiving the warmth of the morning sun, the waves crashing beneath each other hinting at the eternal song, the deep peace of the sea, which only he could understand, Xuan Lung loved the peace of the sea, as if speaking silently, tells a story that never runs out to be told of all time. Tells you of the overwhelming feeling of peace when you close your eyes and listen to the sound of nature speaking softly to you. The calm of the morning was disturbed by someone's voice, even though the voice was far from Xuan lung but somehow it could be heard and disturbed him. Xuan Lung opened his eyes and looked for the source of the sound. The voice belonged to a girl standing on the shore of the eastern sea. Which is filled every morning by fishermen who pull over to the beach, returning from fishing from last night until the morning bringing fresh fish to be sold in the market.

The girl had an oval face, said she wasn't too pretty, her face was average beauty. But when she smiled, it was very beautiful in Xuan Lung's eyes and calmed his heart. The girl's height is about 165cm. slightly shorter than the man who was now standing in front of her behind his counter. She wears a bright blue shirt, with green stripes on the sleeves, a bright yellow belt in a contrasting pastel colour that covers her body to her feet. The black hair is on top in a braid and tied back, letting it flow freely in the rest of the untied hair. She let a little pony cover half of her tiny forehead.

Standing at the tables selling fish, the girl raised and waved her hand while smiling broadly at the seller. "Hi Mister Shi, how is the fish catch today, how many did you catch this time? Huah that's a lot" smiling broadly, the girl leaned her head on the jar where Mr. Shi kept his fish. Her right hand wanted to take the fish inside but...

Master Shi's hand landed on the girl's backhand with a thud "Sshhh… what are you doing Qing Yang?" Master Shi asked in an irritated tone because he knew Qing Yang would take one of his fish as she had always done.

"Hmmm..... I just want to take one, to fill my hungry tiny tummy, okay Mr. Shi, your fish today is also a lot, if I only take one of course it won't affect your selling too much, because the profit you get already pretty much enough.

"What did you say" while sneering Mr. Shi continued his chatter "Of course it has an effect, it reduces the profit I get, if you want it for free why don't you just catch it yourself into the sea, not just one but many that can fill your tiny tummy".

"Oh Mister Shi, you know that I can't swim, if I go to the middle of the sea, not to mention I get a fish and then a big wave comes that overturns my boat, then I drowned, then I died, then my body was eaten by sea monsters--" That's what Qing Yang said when she spoke, as if she was the only one who could speak and the others couldn't.

"Aahh... I don't want to know it's your business, you like fish but the fish you eat always comes from the stolen fish I caught." Mister Shi cut off Qing Yang's chatter that he had heard every time Qing Yang tried to steal his fish.

Qing Yang always had a thousand wits to get fish from Mister Shi suddenly shout "Hey Mister Shi watch out, a big wave" while pointing at the back of Mister Shi.

Mister Shi suddenly looked back. Qing Yang quickly put her hand inside the jar and caught one fish and then ran away. Hearing the sound of water in the jar, Mister Shi realized that he had been fool again, when he turned around it was too late because Qing Yang had run away with a fish in her hand.

Qing Yang laughed, turning to say, "Thank you Mister Shi, the fish is big and fresh enough to fill my tiny tummy". After that turned away leaving Mr. Shi alone by market at the beach.

"Little brat girl, come back…." Mister Shi shouted but Qing Yang was already far away from hearing his call. Even so, Mister Shi always laughed afterward, because basically he liked and was happy with Qing Yang because Qing Yang also liked to help sell his wares in the market.

Moreover, he knew that the fish was not for Qing Yang to eat herself. But to be eaten together with the children in the Xiao Hai House. There were times when Mister Shi paid a visit to the Xiao Hai house, to visiting his childhood friend Mrs. Fen Fang.

Mister Shi daily lives by relying on selling fish from the sea the night before. Every morning he would wake up at 1 am. Get out of bed to go to the back to wash his face. The water in the morning was cold when it touched the skin of his face which was no longer young. Half a century has passed. Living alone in his small house. Small scratches appeared in some parts of the skin of his face that used to look handsome years ago. Feels fresh Mr. Shi dried his face with a small towel hanging around his neck. Walk into the house to take nets, bait, urn made of bamboo which will later be used to store fish when caught in the sea.

Down the deserted road, Mister Shi walked towards the shore where his boat was anchored to the pier by the beach. Putting down all the fishing gear, Mister Shi got onto the boat. Sit in the middle of the boat and pull the oar under where he is sitting. Placed the wide part in the sea while he held it by the side of the hilt and began to row up to the middle of the sea. When the morning light begins to illuminate the horizon, Mister Shi will return to the eastern sea coast to sell the fish. That's what mister Shi does every morning.

Xuan Lung smiled at the sight, his face cold as if contemplating something. In his heart he began to wonder, who was that girl who stole his attention when he wanted to spend his time in peace. Usually, Xuan Lung would immediately leave if something had disturbed his composure. Then why didn't he do the same when he heard the girl's voice from a distance. The strange thing is that with every movement, the girl's facial expression seems to have its own magnet that is not bound and is visible to the naked eye which he currently feels. As if to go to the girl and get acquainted with her. The thought continues to be on the corner of his mind. Looking up at the sky, since it was already noon and people were getting busy, Xuan Lung got up and left because he didn't want his composure to be disturbed by anything else.