Promises are debts and debts must be paid

The next day, early in the morning when Grandma wanted to go to teaching.

"Grandma, be careful.... today I will definitely get the fish and cook it for Grandma" Qing Yang promised.

"Ahh... it's okay Qing Yang, after all what you did yesterday was also right. After all, pity for the thief, and fortunately the Mister who the money was stolen instead gave all his money to the thief, It seem like the Mister is not an ordinary person" thought Grandma Fen Fang.

"Huh grandma" Qing Yang was embarrassed.

"Hmm grandma go first huh..." Grandma Fen Fang said goodbye.

"Okay Grandma" Qing Yang answered loudly.

In the market. From a distance, Qing Yang had already seen Mr. Shi offering the sell fish. Again, there are still a lot of fish that have not been sold.

"Mr. Shi" said Qing Yang with a big smile on her face.

Not far from there Mr. whose money was stolen yesterday was eating at a restaurant, saw Qing Yang, wanted to go to her say hello and wanted to buy her the fish she wanted but saw what happened... just sat down while finishing his food, smiling when he saw the two arguing.

"Ah..." sighed Mr. Shi "Go away" expelled Mr. Shi.

"Don't be like that Mr. Shi, yesterday my fish was destroyed because I wanted to catch a thief, so I didn't cook fish soup for Grandma, then today I promise to cook for her, calm down Mr. Shi as long as I'm around, all the fish will be sold out". said Qing Yang as she raised her proud face. "Not much Mr. Shi hmm... just 2, just like yesterday" Qing Yang continued and a wide grin spread across her face.

Mr. Shi was speechless because He was hoping that today Qing Yang would appear and help him sell his fish because it was almost noon and the fish was a bit unrefreshing if left until tomorrow, the fish was no longer fit for sale, so he let it go. Qing Yang offered her wares. Soon the fish were sold out, the remaining 4 tails.

"See Mr. Shi, in just a moment the fish are gone" said Qing Yang "I'll take my share of 2 tails!" Qing Yang again rushed to tie the fish and then rushed away but Master Shi snatched the fish back.

Qing Yang was stunned, Mr. Shi, untied the fish then added 2 more fish. Then tied it back and gave it to Qing Yang and spoke. "Here, just make sure, this time you don't destroy it again, and let Fen Fang starve." Threatening Mr. Shi even though his face looks angry briefly, but at the corner of his lips he is smiling.

Receiving the fish in awkward. She thought that Mr. Shi wanted to snatch the fish from her. Give a cheerful smile that is always decorated on her face. Bowed once and said thank you, then walked away.

Mr. Shi laughed at Qing Yang and saw her walk away. Qing Yang happily walked home. At the crossroads suddenly a voice was heard from behind.

"It turns out that you like to help other people," said the voice. suddenly startled, Qing Yang turned around and saw who had just praised her.

"Ahh… Mister" Qing Yang sighed after recognizing who had spoken to him "Mister, are you following me huh?" she asked suspiciously, eyes fixed on the Mister walking beside her.

The mister just chuckled awkwardly, his mouth opened as if to speak but ended up closing it without uttering a word.

"Ihh…" Qing Yang's lips pouted without wanting to waste any more time as it was already almost noon, she decided to continue walking home.

The master followed behind him. "How was yesterday, was your grandmother angry because the fish was destroyed and it was used to beat the thief?" the Mister asked changing the subject.

Hearing that Qing Yang kept walking but still answered the question from the Mister who was still following her "Grandma is never angry, it's because I promised her, I feel bad for her"

"Are you someone who always keeps the promises?" the Mister asked again.

This time Qing Yang stopped, turned around and looked at the Mister "Of course, that's also what Grandma always taught me, Grandma said 'Promises are debts and debts must be paid'" Qing Yang replied by following Grandma Fen Fang's style of speech.

Seeing Qing Yang's style of speech, the Mister laughed.

Qing Yang who felt ridiculed then asked "Ehh… what are you laughing at?"

The Mister smiled and said "It's your style of speech that makes me laugh, it's the style of speaking of a scholar, who upholds etiquette and manners, but with you I don't think you are a scholar" his eyes stare at her with suspicious thought and dejected. It's impossible with the girl like her have accomplished a scholar level.

With that thought he ask. "It's your grandma a scholar?" still stared at her and he cross his hand in front of his chest.

After heard that question Qing Yang stare at him with suspicious act, her thought remembers Grandma words this morning 'It seem like the Mister is not an ordinary person'. From his attire, he looks like an ordinary person, not from high of society in this kingdom. His face gentle with wide forehead, eyelash indeed as a scholar. But why a scholar will walk around and waste time but to study? Regain from her sense of thought she said "No" and then she asks, "Since when this kingdom allowed a woman to attend the scholarship?"

'It's true' he answers her in his thought. 'No woman is allowed to attend the scholarship but how come she can say it with those manners?' "Well, never mind, just in case your grandma broke the scholarship rules, change her appearance into a man to attend the scholar" at the end of his word, his himself can't believe what he just said. He should not say it.

"What do mean by that?" she chimes his words with her eyes narrowed at him "Of course, not. Grandma will never do that, Grandma ever told me she like study when she was little but with the rule, she can't learn on the scholarship, so she just learns by herself. Every day she will come at school and sneaky watch it from the window when to teacher teaching to student. Even if she got scolded by her father to not go around at school she kept come and learn."

The next question come out without a filtered by herself and then she regrets it "This kingdom rule is unfair, isn't it?" she looks to the mister and realized what she just said. she try to fix her word with logic thought, she said "Woman can learn too like Grandma and now, grandma teaching some student who doesn't effort with the expenses of scholarship. Even grandma taught us to learn books and literature and manners too".

"So, it's mean you want to learn at the school too?" came the question and it's startled her.

'Yes, I am, but now I just can satisfy with grandma teaching' she answers in her mind 'how can she say another sentence again that she will regret it in front of this mister that she just met for the second time'. She just shows him a smile even the smile didn't reach to her eyes.

With no answer and received the small smile from her. He should not question that absurd question in this kingdom, without to waste must time and feel embarrassment "You want to go home" ask the mister, change the subject and to breaking the awkwardness.

"Yes, because I made a promise to grandma today" paused Qing Yang looked at the Mister and said "Promise is a debt and a debt must be paid" both repeated the same words with each imitating a scholar's speech. When they finished talking, they both laughed. After that they separated.