Lunch with the Kings

The emperor continued. "And Miss Shu they are kings of the four directions." One by one the emperor introduced the four dragon kings while raising his right hand with the palm above and passing it to the kings, every time their name was mentioned the emperor's hand would be towards them. "Lu Chang Ming from the eastern corner, Zhang Wen Yan from the southern kingdom, Chen Hui Zhong from the western kingdom and Wei Hai Zian from the northern kingdom."

"Miss Shu, you know, you caused a heated debate among the ministers and senior scholars at the audience this morning," said Zhu Lung in a giggling voice after he finished.

"That's right, I didn't just vote my voice for you, if only the emperor didn't speak to convince us, but when I saw you, I believed what the emperor said," added Qing Lung not wanting to miss his voice.

"That's right, because so far no woman has been able to take the scholar exam in the palace, and you are the first woman to be able to take the palace scholar exam," said Bai Lung as his face looked amazed at Qing Yang. but in his mind 'of course when compared to the people in my kingdom who are basically dragon race, their intelligence is far above you as a human' a meaningful smile with lips wide but not too wide, smiled at Qing Yang.

"Hmm thanks for voting for me, I will try my best not to disappoint the Lords.

Xuan Lung just sat quietly, sitting back relaxed in his chair without looking at anyone.

"Hmm, since everyone is here, let's enjoy lunch then," said the emperor.

The four kings without hesitation took the food in the middle of the table according to the type of food they liked. Then put it on the plate in front of them for them to eat.

Qing Yang, who had not uttered a single word since entering the dining room, seemed hesitant to take food. Seeing everyone enthusiastically grabbing the food, she herself was still sitting quietly in the same position she had been sitting there.

The emperor smiled seeing this. "Miss Shu, what do you want to eat?" asked the emperor in a soft voice that sounded in Qing Yang's ears but also clear to Xuan Lung to be heard.

Xuan Lung's jaw hardened instantly. The corner of his eyes glanced at the emperor once. But the next second he looked at the food in front of him.

"Ah.. I'll take it myself, Your Majesty," said Qing Yang, not wanting to look like she didn't know how to behave.

"Then take it and don't hesitate," replied the emperor, smiling at her.

Even after the emperor spoke thus, Qing Yang still didn't appear to be picking up the food she wanted to eat.

Flashing memories for a moment, the emperor smiled. Then he glanced at the food on the table. Looking for the food he wanted to take for Qing Yang.

Unbeknownst to her, the emperor had put a steam fish on a plate in front of her. Then said. "You like the steam fish, don't you?" Doesn't sound like a real question at all. Because the emperor knows very well that she likes the steam fish. The emperor said that only to get her attention.

Hearing this Xuan Lung's body stiffened. Yet he tried to remain relaxed and nonchalant.

Surprised and not feeling well served by the emperor, Qing Yang took the initiative to take other foods herself and put it on the plate in front of her. Then eat mindfully and try to be calm.

The other dragon lords, seeing this just smiled indifferently, because as Xuan Ti was to them, he would entertain anyone who sat eating at the dining table with him, he would act like that if the person looked reluctant.

Xuan Ti did not view himself highly of who the dragon king was sitting at the same table with him now. Even though he once defeated them with the aim of conquering their arrogance in the past.

That he did to guide them, but also for balance and peace around the world for the status they hold. And he succeeded in doing so to the prosperity that is now in the yellow kingdom and in the four dragon kingdoms.

Lunch went smoothly, accompanied by the same mouthy as before between Zhu Lung and Bai Lung. Create a cheerful dining table atmosphere.


A breeze blew, dispelling the heat of the sun that had burned the yellow kingdom from noon to the evening, which now hung its face on the western horizon, ready to embrace the night and sleep.

The royal carriage carrying Qing Yang stopped in front of Xiao Hai's gate. The coachman pulled the horse's reins at just the right amount of force to make the horse carrying the royal chariot come to a complete stop.

The coachman got down from his seat to open the carriage door so that people sitting inside could get out without any obstacles. But before that he put the steps in front of the door so that those who came down didn't go down too far and fall. Especially for a woman whose footsteps are not as wide as a man's.

The Royal guard came down not long after the carriage door opened. After he got off with his feet step on the ground, he extended his hand in front of the carriage door, helping the last person inside to get off.

Qing Yang took the royal guard's hand and descended gracefully like a royal. After that, she's not to forget to say thank you to the royal guards for bringing her home without a hitch.

Before she stepped foot into Xiao Hai's house. The royal guard said, "Tomorrow morning, I will come at the same time to pick up you again to the palace to continue the study process" The royal guard bowed his body slightly and continued to say "Have a good rest Miss, Good Night" with short greeting he didn't wish to delay any longer because the lady in front of him looked exhausted

He didn't understand why she look tired, when all she does is sat all day studying, most of the time with the emperor. hmm maybe because learning drains the brain, it might also drain energy. In the end he concluded. He shook his head and then he got into the carriage and after that tell the coachman to start the journey back to the palace.

"Qing Yang you are home" Tan Ruo's voice was heard as she stepped into the courtyard of the house. With his little feet he ran to Qing Yang and hugged her. Behind Tan Ruo the other children also joined in.

"Have you all eaten?" she asked as she looked around at all the children in front of her.

It wasn't the voice answer that she received but only the shakes of the heads of some of the children. A faint smile upon receiving the answer to her question.

"Ok, I will put these books first in my room, then I will cook dinner after that we have our dinner"

"Ok" The answer in unison from the children immediately heard with beaming faces.

Qing Yang stepped away from the children to do as she just said. this she was used to, and she did not refuse to do so. She casually walked towards her room.

It was late at night when she returned to her room after dinner. Her face looked tired. Her cheeks cramped, because all day long she tried to keep smiling before the emperor of the other kings. She didn't think it would make her cheeks cramp now.

She rubbed his cheeks with both hands, hoping the cramping would go away a little. After some couple rubbed, she climbed into bed, lay her exhausted body on the bed. She pulled the blanket to cover her body up to her chin. To throw away the cold night.

Her heavy eyes slowly closed. And without her knowing she went to dreamland. But not just any dream.