You Look Tired

Hearing Lien Hua's exclamation, Qing Yang's lips curled into a smirk and wanted to laugh, ' sparkling like crystal, how is that possible, with a heavy head coupled with dizziness and grandma also said that her face looks dull. Her eyes should look dull as well and not sparkling.

But seeing the excitement on Lien Hua's face, Qing Yang didn't have the heart to discourage her. In return she said "Thank you Lien Hua" with a big smile almost laughing and also because this is what grandma taught to maintain good manners to everyone.

Lien Hua was the cheerful child in Xiao Hai's house, she was the second most cheerful kid after Qing Yang among all the children under Grandma Fen Fang's care, and because she was young she received more attention from Grandma. It does not mean that grandma does not love the other children under her care. This is because young children's hearts are prone to hurt, because during this time they receive various lessons, both verbal and direct experience from what is seen in front of them. And grandma doesn't want to leave a bad impression on Lien Hua's mind

In addition, children's hearts are filled with purity to receive all the goodness they receive from interacting directly with the people around them. And grandma hopes that only these good things will fill the hearts of small children as provisions later when they are adults, they can carry themselves, live life out there which is sometimes bitter and cruel.

Behind it all, no one even knew Qing Yang herself that this was the beginning of all the events that she would face in the future. It started when she remembered her past life as a phoenix.

"Qing Yang, are you coming home late tonight again?" Tan Ruo's question woke Qing Yang from her thoughts. She ate in silence, her eyes focused on the food on the plate in front of her, but her mind wandered elsewhere.

She didn't know what to say, because she didn't know herself if she'd be coming home late tonight. Because it all depended on the lessons she would receive in the palace, and neither the emperor nor Bing Wen told her how long the learning process would take.

Lifting her head, she looked at Tan Ruo who was sitting across the table, beside Lien Hua. Her hands moved to fill the food from plate to the spoon and ready to go into her mouth for her to eat. But before she raised hers hand, she answered the question that was asked to her "Maybe, it could be at the same time as yesterday, I also don't know for sure" she was just about to raise her hand that holding the spoon but seeing Tan Ruo's frowning face she asked "What's wrong Ruo ?"

"Shan Du's cooking, it's not as good as your cooking" Tan Ruo replied but his face was beaming as he glanced at Shan Du who now had his eyes fixed on him.

The other children laughed at Tan Ruo's words.

Qing Yang was stunned, chuckling a little because she knew Tan Ruo was often looking for topics that could corner Shan Du and the other children as jokes at the dinner table and this happened almost every day. That's why the atmosphere at the dining table is never silent but full of laughter.

"Ruo, it's not good to say that, we should be grateful that Shan Du still wants to cook for us to eat while Qing Yang is not at home" said Grandma with a lecture that would always be heard on the side-lines of jokes that anyone made at the dinner table. Even so, Grandma smiled faintly, Happy. Her days were filled with the sound of laughing children who she hoped this would continue even though they were adults later.

Breakfast passed as usual, after finishing eating the children would help clear the dining table, then each of them did their own daily activities. Grandma goes to school, kids who are old enough for school go to school with grandma. The rest will stay at home with the tasks that have been given by grandma.

Not long after, Bing Wen came to fetch Qing Yang to the palace.

The morning sun shone, providing its own warmth for everyone on the east coast. Especially for the fishermen because this is when they get a return from the fish caught in the sea. The sound of the crowded market not far from the beach is always heard, filling the life there.

The wind is blowing friendly this morning. Because the waves are not too big and high. The carriage that Qing Yang was sitting on passed by the beach. She saw the atmosphere of the beach through the carriage window. She smiled a little murmured in her heart 'Hmm how is Mr. Shi, I hope his fish sells out every day'.

She hadn't been to the market for several days and she missed the market atmosphere, but now with the scholar exams in the face. She had to swallow that desire for a while, until the exams were over at the mid-autumn festival.

The carriage stopped at the palace gate, Bing Wen signalled for the coachman to open the carriage door so Qing Yang could get off and enter the palace.

Qing Yang sat in the spring pavilion alone, waiting for the emperor who was attending an audience with the ministers and other palace officials. She reads the book she brought from her room at Xiao Hai's house to pass the time while waiting for the emperor.

In the distance she heard birds chirping, but the celestial bird that had come yesterday was nowhere to be seen. she enjoyed the garden atmosphere with dull eyes.

Due to lack of sleep unconsciously in the middle of her reading a book, her heavy eyes slowly closed, falling asleep.

She woke up because she felt someone caress her head. Her brows knit together. Her eyes squeezed shut as she struggled to open between the bouts of drowsiness that still lingered on. She wished she could sleep longer because she was sleepy and wanted to continue sleeping. But a familiar and comforting voice rang in her ears.

"You look tired, was yesterday's study period too long so make you not get enough sleep?" said the emperor who at the end of his words he asked with great concerned.

The emperor was afraid that the learning process drained her energy and enthusiasm and would make her fall sick. And that was something he didn't want at all.

Qing Yang lifted her body which she was leaning against the table in front of her. With eyes still struggling to open. Once her eyes opened and after seeing the emperor before her with a worried face, her sleepiness disappeared instantly. And she was fully awake.

When he saw Qing Yang's eyes, the sparkling in her eyes did not go unnoticed by the emperor. which caused the emperor's brows to briefly furrow but disappear instantly. But it was clear in his eyes that there was something that caught his attention.

With a small smile the emperor was still waiting for the answer to his question to Qing Yang.

"Ah… not like that Your Majesty. I went to bed before midnight and woke up a little late this morning." She lowered her head slightly to hide her embarrassed face.

"Well, then it shouldn't be a problem, but why do you look exhausted when you get enough sleep?" asked the emperor curiously and wanted to get an answer from the sparkling in Qing Yang's eyes.

She didn't know what to say. meanwhile she wanted to give an answer what she experienced. On the one hand she did not find the right answer to the emperor's question. because of the anxiety that began to surround her, and she also did not know what was happening to herself. It was as if there was a strong urge that made her must tell the emperor. The words that she shouldn't have said just flowed from her tiny lips. And in the end, she told every to emperor what she experienced. Started waking up in the phoenix residence, meeting Hai Zian, visiting the tree of life, drinking the dew of dreams and hopes. And the reason behind why Hai Zian invited her there.

Qing Yang froze as the last words she said left her lips and she realized that the urge she had felt earlier was no longer, it just disappeared when she finished speaking. And now her face looks anxious to see the expression on the emperor's face. from a bright smile to serious, and now his brows furrowed at the thought of something made Qing Yang even more restless. And as usual she started squeezing her fingers under the table.

"So, you are a long-lost Phoenix" that was not a question but a statement to Qing Yang instead. the emperor's eyes stared at her unblinkingly. His lips smile and his face softens. The emperor looked at Qing Yang meaningfully as if he had found the most precious treasure that had been lost for a long time.