Where is Phoenix has been going all this time

"H-how did you guess it right, who are you?" Ru Jing asked staggering with a mysterious face, her hands were shaking, and she was holding the armrest of the chair half a step away from her standing, her legs were also losing strength hoping to sit down but would not be polite to do in front of the emperor.

Only one person knows her whereabouts and who she really is and she is certain that person will never tell anyone. Neither did Qing Yang, whom she had been protecting all along. Because that person also did the same as her, protecting Phoenix.

Then how could her whereabouts now be known by others and that too the emperor of this kingdom. She really couldn't believe that her disguise was exposed after all these years.

"You covered it almost perfectly, but one mistake you had made" a smirk was evident on the emperor's face, scorning Ru Jing. Thought she had covered up the facts well, sadly she wasn't.

"I've been very careful, and I've made sure I didn't miss anything but how come..." replied Ru Jing with a confused face, eyes squinting to find out where she had gone wrong as the emperor said.

"The moon hangs high in the night air,

Clouds float in the vast blue sea–,

drifting white waves fall slowly on the tree branches,

At the same time, a freezing cold

The emperor recited a rhyme that Ru Jing was very familiar with. This rhyme is often recited by the phoenix when she felt restless and anxious.

when Qing Yang started to be taken care of by her, at first whenever she was restless and anxious or sadly, she did whatever she thought would help her to not be restless and anxious anymore, but all methods didn't work. Until one day she remembered the rhyme that was often recited by Phoenix, she tried it and succeeded. From then onward, she taught the rhyme to Qing Yang and so as not to appear flashy she also taught it to other children.

And this is one mistake she made, beyond the consequences in the future to boomerang her to cover all traces of the phoenix. and she just realized the mistake now, that she did unintentionally.

"I wrote this rhyme for the Phoenix, and I recited these rhymes only for the Phoenix," the emperor sneered with the grin on his face getting wider. Letting Ru Jing sink in and feel guilty for the mistake she did.

Ru Jing's eyes were wide open, she didn't know at all if the rhyme was from the person sitting opposite her. She only knows that this poem is often recited by the phoenix, and it makes her happy and cheerful every time she recites it.

She became curious who the man in front of her was. "Who are you?" she asked emphasizing every word she said. She didn't want to repeat the mistake she made to even bigger and destroy all her efforts so far.

"Xuan Ti" Xuan Ti replied briefly his eyes sparkled at Ru Jing.

"I know you are Chao Xuan Ti the emperor of this kingdom, but how…." Before she could finish the words, she wanted to say, a flash of memory reminded her, 'Xuan Ti…, yes, the Xuan Ti who used to like accompanying the Phoenix'. eyes widen in disbelief. And made her legs no longer able to support the weight of her trembling body until she finally sat on the chair that had been supporting her hands.

"You've been missing for too long, Ru Jing, that you don't update the news of the heavens anymore." A small smile graced Xuan Ti's face. He no longer hides the fact of who he is. Of course, it would be a waste of time, where the other person was the person, he had been looking for all this time.

Ru Jing was Phoenix's confidant and extremely loyal to her. The phoenix accidentally maybe in the name of the compassion to saved her from death sentence when she was about to be punished by the celestial emperor for the mistake she had committed back then. even though until when she was in the heavenly main hall, she never knew or even crossed paths with the Phoenix. and she just met Phoenix in the heavenly main hall and that too to help her.

How could other people who did not know each other want to save her from the death sentence, if at that time the phoenix did not come forward and give comments and give opinions to the emperor, even give assurances to the emperor with her own life, and this ultimately made the celestial emperor to cancel the decree that had been issued by himself.

It was an impossible thing to happen if she wanted to be judged by the heavenly rules, because the mistake she made was a big mistake. And to this day she still admires Phoenix for how she convinced the emperor and brought her out of the brink of death.

From that day on she swore to be pledge loyalty to the phoenix no matter the risk, even if she had to give up her life, she would willingly do it.

And Ru Jing also disappeared along with Phoenix, so when Xuan Ti couldn't find Phoenix, he averted the search to looking for Ru Jing, hoping that when Ru Jing was found he would know where the phoenix was. but his efforts were a complete failure. And only today did he find her and that too after he found the phoenix, such an ironies fact.

With him already finding Phoenix he shouldn't have to look for Ru Jing anymore. But the current state of the Phoenix did not help him solve the problems that phoenix faced in the past and maybe, if what he guessed the problem continued until this moment. And will happen again if not resolved.

"What happened to the phoenix and why did she take the decision to disappear from heaven and where has she been going all this time?" asked the emperor impatiently seeing Ru Jing's still in confused gaze.

Hearing Xuan Ti's question, she squinted her eyes at Xuan Ti intently, searching for the meaning of his question. 'does he already know who the phoenix is ​​now? If so, why doesn't he ask the phoenix directly?' she asked herself to confirm her doubts behind the question. "Where's the phoenix?" she asked ambiguously.

Xuan Ti smiled a little, he knew very well the little game Ru Jing was playing. He clearly knew what was going on in the mind of the woman in front of him right now. Because he had also spent quite a bit of time with her in the past.

"Well, she's in the palace, resting," he answered simply, clearly, and concisely, sneering at her. 'This woman hasn't changed at all' he thought to himself.

"Then you should have directly asked the phoenix why it took so much trouble to find and ask me" sneered Ru Jing with the cold piercing gaze she gave Xuan Ti.

"If I could have asked her, I wouldn't have searched and asked you" Xuan Ti replied with the same scornful look at her.

Ru Jing's heart immediately stopped beating, 'Is the phoenix in danger? What had happened to her that the man in front of her couldn't ask her. But he said that the phoenix rested in the palace. So, what really happened to the phoenix?' The worry was evident on her face. Worried about Phoenix.

"I want to meet Phoenix," she concluded harshly without her knowing it. She was never act rude suddenly and usually she could always be calm no matter what happened in front of her. But not when it comes to the Phoenix.

"Well, you don't have to worry about her, she's under my protection right now" Xuan Ti replied casually by tilting his head to the left and giving her a small grin. Because he knew Ru Jing was not one to act rashly. A reflection of the phoenix's attitude, perhaps the phoenix became an example of a figure she greatly admired.

Ru Jing's heart skipped a beat from the speed of the galloping horse, relieved. She knew that if the phoenix under protection by Xuan Ti nothing bad would happen to her. She took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. Trying to look calm.

"I don't know much, because the phoenix herself doesn't tell me much." Ru Jing tried to explain her position. But her curiosity thought once again rose in her mind, causing her to ask Xuan Ti "If you know who the phoenix is ​​that means she already remembers her past life, why don't you ask her directly. And, even if I knew, I can't tell you, because if it's a very secret thing, Phoenix will ask me to swear not to reveal it to anyone and you know how stubborn she was."