Nightmare of Massacre

Note : The flow of the story of this chapter look like she is being raped, but in reality is not, because it is how to show to Phoenix how deep the darkness that she is looking for. you will find the answer on the next 3 chapter from this chapter. have a nice read time!!!

The night that should have been full of happiness and peace, the day when the two souls were blessed by the ancestors with the ritual of worship of union, everyone laughed happily, danced, sang, around the bonfire that was lit in the midst of the celebration. The daughter of the tribal chief marries to the man of other settlers who are still in the same settlement.

But the happy day turned into a day of gruesome slaughter for all the settlers. Even the night wind was blowing unfriendly. as if to add to the grip of the horrific night of massacre.

Fires raged around the settlements below the Tan Pei valley, burning down the settlers' houses, corpses lying on the ground, some of which had their bodies torn apart enough to be forced by wild animals. There is a stomach that gapes wide open, eviscerating in the stomach, vomiting to the ground.

Scattered arrows were stuck in the settler's houses which burned with the smouldering fire, making the night no longer dark but smouldering with rage. Some are stuck in the bodies of settlers, stuck in the heart, in the head, bringing instant death.

Swords drawn on the bodies of women, girls who have just grown up, young children who just know playing running around the settlements, even old people who are just waiting for time to die peacefully in the residential houses are not left behind. They died horribly by bloodthirsty swords.

Eerie laughter, mocking, sneering, spitting from the slaughterer sounded, as if this is what they are used to. For them, the red bloodshed that reminisced on the ground was a thirst to quench a thirst that had long dried up.

They captive the last tribe chief family left behind. As a final supper to the settler's own ancestors. It was unfortunate for the settlers, they did not expect a happy day to turn into a day of death for their tribe who had lived far from the violence and hostility of other tribes.

The tribe chief of the settler, his wife, His son who will continue his father's reign, the mother of the tribe chief of the settler and finally the girl who that night should have been her happiest day. All became captives to the slayer who stood around them with hate-filled gazes, anger rising to their marrow.

The girl had witnessed first-hand how her partner was brutally murdered in front of her. Without mercy even though she had begged by prostrating herself in front of the slayer, her voice was like the passing wind of a terrible night.

And the girl, now standing in front of her family members. All of whom also knelt down with their hands tied behind their backs. And behind each of them stood another member of the slaughter. The other slayers stood around them, forming a circle around them. All gave disgusted smiles to the remaining the tribe chief settler families.

"This is the end of your refusal, now I will have her in front of you" Shouted the chief slayer with a wide smile, his eyes filled with lust, staring intently at the girl he was holding by his side.

Another slayer greeted with the sound of a spear trailing into the ground. Adding to the noise of horror on the face of the tribe chief of the settler's family.

The chief slayer then stood behind the girl, forcibly tore the clothes she was wearing from behind, side and in front of her body. Watched by her family who watched in horror and the other slaughter grinned scornfully.

"Ah no…. No…. Please…." The girl struggled in the arms of the chief slayer and tried to cover her body with her both hands.

The screams from the family of the tribe chief of the settler sounded heart-wrenching from the girl's mother and grandmother. while her father and older brother cursed and struggled trying to escape the grip and help the girl, but their efforts were fruitless as they were trapped by the slayer who pinned their bodies to the ground.

"Father… brother…..please…." The girl screamed for help to her father and brother while crying and struggling in front of the chief slyer. She saw her father and brother who also tried to free themselves from the hands of the slaughter, but their efforts ended even with their bodies now fell on the ground.

"Ha…ha…ha… if I can't have you then no one can have you" The chief slayer's laughter boomed amidst the boisterous cheers of the other slaughter.

Not a single layer of cloth was attached to the body of the girl, who was now lying on the ground, naked. Tears flowed from the corners of her eyes non-stop, her eyes filled with horror, pain, shame that was unbearable.

She tried to hit, lunging at the chief slyer of the slaughter who raped her. But her efforts were in vain. Because her strength is not comparable to the strength of the chief slayer.

The chief slayer kissed the girl on the lips, the cheek harshly, his hands roaming every curve and corner of the girl's body with hunger and greed, like a starving person who hasn't eaten for a long time.

"No…. Stop… stop…. Please don't… let me go…" the girl continued to struggle, with all her might.

The chief slayer continued to violently rape her. Until the girl's screams were getting smaller and smaller, all that could be heard was the sound of sobs coming from her now bruised and bloody mouth.

When the chief slyer finished performing lewd acts on him. Her maiden body slumped helplessly in the face of her family and the slaughter.

Anger, sadness, shame and fear mixed in her helplessness.

Amidst her sorrow, the voice of the chief slayer rang in her ears. Which made her eyes wide open full of horror.

"Kill them all!" shouted the chief slyer of the slaughter with a fierce and satisfied face.

"NO…." she shouted so loudly that her voice sounded hoarse.

Her Mother and grandmother's eyes opened wide. But before they could scream, their necks were cut open with thick blood pouring from them and the next second their bodies fell to the ground. Die with eyes wide open.

As for her father and brother, wherever since she was raped, their heads were pressed on the ground. This made the easily way for the two slayers who were standing above them, swung their swords and beheaded them immediately. The next second the heads of the two were rolling on the ground, their eyes wide open with hatred.

The sound of the happy and disgusting laughter of the slaughters rang out on that fateful night, where the fire raged fiercely, scorching the remains that were still untouched by the fire.

"Now I will make your life die a gruesome death, enjoy your party" shouted the chief slyer of the slaughter in the midst of the laughter of the other slaughters. In the end, some of the slaughterers walked up to and surrounded the girl and one by one they raped her with the same hungry and thirsty faces.

She was violently and sadistically raped, mercilessly by the members of the slaughter who now surrounded her. She screams in agony that fill the night even more scary and fill darkness.

The morning was gloomy, even dark clouds filled the sky above. The girl's body was left lying just like that in the middle of the barren land of the remains of the burning.

The girl who had lost and left behind by her family, relatives, friends, and other settlers who had been living with her. Now she is left alone in this cruel and inhumane world.

During her life, she lived in happiness and peace with the people of the settlement. She never thought that her life would end like this. Her whole body was covered with cuts, bruises, and her hair was tangled up on the ground.

She didn't have the strength left to move her body which was now in excruciating pain. Her voice was no longer screaming because even though she was screaming no sound came out and was heard.

It was not only her body that felt torn apart, but her heart felt sore, painful, and deeply sad. Her tears were dry, her eyes looking up at the sky were dull and lifeless. The fierce and scary faces were no longer seen. She just lay still and lamented that her life seemed to be playing with her soul.

With heart-rending sadness and deep darkness in her heart, she blinked twice, after which her eyelids slowly closed. The next second she took her last weak breath. Died horribly.

Phoenix woke up from her slumber with a choking breath. It was as if she was drawing the last breath of her life. Her eyes were already wet from a terrible dream. now the tears were flowing profusely down her temples, continuing to flow until they wet her ears and her hair that tangled on above pillow.