Smiled Meaningfully

After a while, Ru Jing stepped back and stood at the side with her head bowed slightly, but her face was still clearly visible. There was no significant worry showing on her face.

"So, how is she?" asked Xuan Ti impatiently seeing Ru Jing making no effort to convey how Phoenix condition.

"She's fine, just carried away by emotions, maybe from the vision she saw that made her drift into deep sadness. She just needs rest." Ru Jing explained in an even voice without any trace of anxiety at all.

"Are you sure?" asked Xuan Ti to make sure "Because he was screaming hysterically earlier" he said firmly every word. He didn't want anything to be missed and out of sight.

"Yeah, she just needs to rest, she should be back to normal tomorrow morning." Ru Jing said calming the male figure in front of her. It was as if he was the only one worried about Phoenix and the others didn't care. This irritated her inwardly.

Ru Jing's reassuring words allowed Xuan Ti to breathe calmly. Not only him but Xuan Lung as well, who had been standing there watching Ru Jing's every move, finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Since Ru Jing suddenly appeared together with Bing Wen. His eyes were fixed on her and didn't even glance at the others. He wanted to make sure that Phoenix got the best treatment.

He agreed with Xuan Ti not to summon a celestial healer as that would only cause trouble in the heavens. Moreover, it wasn't only him and Xuan Ti who were looking for Phoenix, but the heavenly emperor also sends the celestial guards to look for her.

If the celestial emperor knew of the existence of the Phoenix in human form meanwhile, she knew of the life other than human then she would suffer the consequences, for having violated the rules of the heavens.

No human being should know the life or how the heavenly life goes on. This is a mistake he made. For taking her to a realm she shouldn't have visited. And he didn't want the blame he had caused at all but Phoenix to suffer the consequences.

He did that only to confirm his doubts that had arisen in his heart. and he was happy to have done that even though it violated the laws of heaven. He smiled bitterly.

His relief had to end when Xuan Ti said "You all may leave" it was clear that he immediately squinted his sharp eyes at Xuan Ti. furious.

"Phoenix needs rest, with you guys here, there's nothing you can do" Xuan Ti explained, voice had returned to normal, no tremors of panic nor anxiety could be heard.

"You're really, Ru Jing?" Zhu Lung suddenly asked, his eyes fixed on Ru Jing, scrutinizing her form carefully.

Everyone stared at the figure of an old granny who was standing not far from Phoenix's bed. they saw Xuan Ti speaking to her nonchalantly, like someone he knew very well. But they had never seen this granny figure before.

On the other hand, Ru Jing just realized, Bing Wen brought her here without any preparation. She looked down at her own body, raising her wrinkled hands. She glanced at Bing Wen with an annoyed look.

With a wave of her left hand, the form of Grandma Fen Fang's aged, transformed into the form of a beautiful woman. Oval face, dark grey eyes, small but charming lips, coupled with her slim body wrapped in bright green clothes.

"Are you dumb or what?" Ru Jing rebuked Zhu Lung "Of course it's only a disguise" she clicked her tongue while shaking her head at Zhu Lung.

Apart from Xuan Ti, Ru Jing could be rude to others. Because the others, were below the level of the Phoenix. when Phoenix period she always argued with Zhu Lung. Because he likes to tease her.

Zhu Lung's lips turned upwards, grinning. "Well, you see, who will recognize you if you appear with a look like old granny" he joked with a giggle.

"Stupid" Ru Jing grumbled back.

"Enough" Xuan Ti shouted in a booming voice in the bedroom "Leave" he orders in a firm voice left no room for rebuttal.

Everyone stood tensed at Xuan Ti's exclamation and exchanged glances with one another. And without waiting any longer they answered in unison "Excuse us" except for Xuan Lung, his face bright red, his palms tightly clenched until they were deathly pale. His eyes stared at the Phoenix who was lying weakly on the bed. But the next second he followed the others out of the bedroom.

Ru Jing was reluctant to leave Phoenix, but she also couldn't go against Xuan Ti's orders. So, she said in an almost whispering voice "I will be outside the door if you need me" after which she walked away with a heavy heart and stepped out of the room and closed the door behind her.

Xuan Lung disappeared as soon as he was outside the door and appeared in the middle of the forest. The forest where there is the Tree of life. But he wasn't close enough to the tree. and not on the path for everyone who would visit the tree of life. So that there is no suspicion of what has happened there.

With anger welling up, he went berserk. Using his strength, he uprooted the surrounding trees to vent his anger that had peaked to the crown of his head.

Not just that, he even scorched the flying birds, which were still within his reach. It fell roasted to the ground, leaving only ashes.

"Xuan Ti, just wait." He slammed the tree trunk within his reach with his right fist, leaving a hole there.

His eyes were burning red, like a blazing fire, ready to burn anything within its reach.

After his anger was vented, he disappeared from there, and returned to his kingdom depths of the northern sea. He immersed himself in the pool of silence outside his bedroom. He always bathes there to calm himself or just enjoy the tranquillity of the northern sea in his spare time.

After a moment, the surface of the pool of silence stirred. It's a sign that he's calm. But not his mind. He thought of all sorts of ways to grab or attract Phoenix's attention to him. Because in his heart there is only Phoenix, and he will always be the one and no one else.

His calm and peaceful heart for hundreds of years, has been disturbed again since the morning on the edge of the east seacoast in the middle of the market, the sound of a girl breaking his calm as he enjoys a sunny morning on the edge of a cliff not far from the beach.

His mind was deep in thought, scraping every corner of the brain in his head. Looking for even the slightest effort to get Phoenix. a moment later, his body jolted awake. His eyes shimmered brilliantly but horribly, the corners of his lips rising upwards. Smile widely.

Then he stood up and came out of the pool of silence. He stepped lightly, left the terrace of his room, and entered his bedroom. Then lay down on the bed, closed his eyes and smiled meaningfully.

Outside the northern dragon palace, the streams of sea water flowed, flowing in harmony. Like playing a calm song, even sea fish and other marine animals swim along with the flow of water.

This always happened when Xuan Lung was in a state of joy. Sea animals will be happy to join in singing songs that bring peace in the depths of the sea of the northern dragon kingdom. And they always enjoy these moments. As if sea animals also have feelings and want to be in harmony with other sea animals.