The truth revealed

Phoenix looked at Xuan Lung with sympathy, she didn't even know if she knew enough about the man standing before her. The sweet smile that he used to show, joking, traveling around the earth and the universe, the warmth he gave her, had brought its own warmth to the bottom of her heart. And she will always remember and cherish the memorable moments between them.

She loved, she always loved him. But he had misunderstood the love he had shown her all this time. In the depths of her heart, she wept at the sight of the figure she was proud to be someone she didn't even know at all, or she hadn't seen him come all this time, or she knew but tried to deny it.

The more she thought the more her heart ached. No, it can't happen like this, it never has to. She had to stop it before it all ended much more painful, and he would never end this suffering for long.

'Don't fail, or you will suffer the consequences for your own failure' this sentence from the Highest Goddess echoed in her brain. What should she do to end this all. Her mind raced on the beginning of one of her previous lives between the three of them, starting with affection, turning complicated and ending with tragedy.

This started from a love that was initially limited to a brother, because at that age they were still children, but over time, since he left with his family, he moved to another community and left her.

The longing she felt over the years turned into love for a pair of lovers that's how she thought at that time, because she never self the real what love is. She imagined what he would look like at that time, whether to turn into a man who was valiant, handsome, and captivating. She kept thinking and hoping, but that hope was just a wish that never came true and turned into bitterness.

She waited year after year, waiting for him to come, like the promise he made when he moved, but he never came. And that longing was filled with another figure. Which gave her the warmth she had hoped for from a person who had never again appeared before her. And in the end, that longing, she realized that the love was actually the same as the feeling she felt when she was a child, the love for an older brother, nothing more.

Instead, she realized what love is for a couple. Laughter graced her face, the happiness she felt every time she was with him was pure and reassuring. She loved him more than anything, the same thing happened to that man for her. They even promised to live together, and they died together, even in the next lives. They vowed to hold on to the love they gave to one another.

Until one day her parents decided to end their affection, not only for the two of them alone, but turned it into a love that they would foster, leading to the family life. This was welcomed by both parties family and confirmed the happy date to tie them together.

But unlucky for them, the happiness they had hoped for turned into a terrible tragedy, the night of the massacre. The memories were still vivid in her mind, which she had been holding back all this time. And it became clearer after she recalled their life after life one after another, and realized that it was a mistake, which made the three of them suffer until now.

No longer able to bear it. She screams at him. Phoenix stepped forward, positioning Xuan Ti behind her body, because she knew very well what he was aiming for was Xuan Ti. This made Xuan Ti tense and worried, placing his hands in front of her chest, preventing her from moving forward. "Qing-qing…" who wouldn't feel anxious, with the figure standing in front of them, becoming fierce and uncontrollable. Made him anxious to the core.

Phoenix turned to him, looking into his eyes "Let me talk to him" she said in a reassuring manner, she smiled signalling at him "He will never hurt me" she whispered to him as if to say that she would be fine.

Unable to resist Phoenix's wishes, Xuan Ti complied and lowered his hand.

Phoenix turned to Xuan Lung, took three steps forward in a friendly manner, ready to embrace the cracked soul seed "Hai Zian" she softly called out.

The voice she let out managed to make Xuan Lung soften. He lowered the deadly aura he was emitting from himself, and he called back "Qing Yang" his voice turned a hundred and eighty degrees, very gentle and considerate.

"Hai Zian, I know you love me very much, and I never doubted that. but didn't you ever think that the love you gave me was really love?" she asked him, wanting to emphasize the fact that happened.

She raised both hands, with palms open up on both sides of her body. Slowly a light appeared from above the crown of her head, the light showed bubbles of water balloons. In each bubble colourful flashes surround each bubble. then the light split in two, flowed into both her palms and stayed there, like a crystal ball.

She raised both her palms, stepping sideways. Her eyes landed squarely on Xuan Ti's, giving him a warm smile. Then she turned to Xuan Lung and did the same thing she did to Xuan Ti. She pointed her right hand at Xuan Ti and her left hand towards Xuan Lung. In the next instant, the crystal ball's rays, flashed at them, it slipped in from their both side temples little by little. Each ray of water bubbles entered their temples, their eyes opened wide, their bodies staggered backwards, unable to believe what they were witnessing before their eyes. Until the glow of the balloon's bubbles disappeared completely.

"You two saw it, didn't you?" she asked them both, glancing at each other in their eyes. "It was life after life that we lived together and is still going on to this day" she said emphasizing word for word firmly "We have to end this all, we have suffered enough for each other, aren't you all tired with the fabric we formed and keep spinning endlessly?" she asked again, waiting for their reaction, but neither of them gave her a reaction.

"I'm tired" she said after a moment of silence "Let me rest, will you?" she asked desperately. Especially towards Xuan Lung, because he was the most persistent for this suffering to continue.

"You two, ask me, the reason why I suddenly disappeared thousands of years ago?" she swept a glance between Xuan Ti and Xuan Lung and saw a glint in their eyes, a question they had been searching for and had never found an answer to. It was clear in their eyes that they were eager to know why. "That's the reason, why I disappeared" she pointed at the light she gave them. This time she turned around, completely facing Xuan Lung.

"Hai Zian, every time you were near me in Phoenix's life, from the moment we first met to the moment I disappeared. I feel happiness, but behind that happiness, I felt there is an emptiness. The emptiness I couldn't understand, no matter how hard I thought. I want to feel complete happiness around you. Until one day a light suddenly came over me and I saw the same as what I just showed you. And I finally realized the emptiness I feel towards you Hai Zian. That's why I'm taking an act what you think is insane. Yes, it does seem crazy, who would not suffer by dividing one's own soul into atomic forms, to sneak into every soul that feels suffering. Hai Zian, I want to feel the suffering you felt, the depth of the suffering you felt, when you decided to slaughter without a blink of an eye, the community you once felt happiness. Even you went too far, you killed Xuan Ti in front of me, you burned down the settlers' houses, killed all the settlers without mercy, you didn't spare even a small child. And you deliberately spared my family, letting them see you rape me in front of them, even if it was just an illusion you make to show them, but not with them and me. My family bears the pain of seeing their beloved daughter, end up having her honour taken brutally and humiliatingly. And you know how I felt at that moment? I love you Hai Zian, but your actions shattered me into pieces, and nothing left. You even made them watch me being raped by your people which made my family and me even more broken to the core" she breathed, her body shaking saying it all, her voice also sounded hoarse "And until the morning came, you didn't leave the slightest hope in me, that hope is gone. Until the feeling when I died horribly in helplessness, heart-wrenching. And I breathed in despair and loneliness" she looked into Xuan Lung's eyes in despair.