Who is that man

Nhamso looked back at Xuan Yuan, her lips parted slowly, trembling, letting out a faint mumbling sound. With a strong urge to prove her sight, she said, "Maybe this can make you believe" said Nhamso "He... he... he killed your parents" she said while pointing at the man who was standing with the sword still in his hand. Her words made silence.... making the dusk that was getting darker even more perfect in silence with the atmosphere around the mountain which was now starting to offer a gripping cold air.

Xuan Yuan was silent, hesitating to look at Zhi Qiang, tears dripping down his cheeks, lifting his head to stare coldly at Zhi Qiang, when his two eyes clashed with Zhi Qiang's. The look on the man's face was frantic, hidden anxiety that had been hiding for years. An answer to be proved now. "Is that true?" asked Xuan Yuan finally breaking the tension between the two of them.

Bitter feelings traced every pulse, the truth that he buried deep in hopes that it would never be revealed but now must be revealed as an answer to a question he can no longer avoid. The look in Xuan Yuan's eyes that demanded the truth made him shake. If he wasn't a trained knight, he might by now have fallen to the ground and drowned his head into abode of the earth. still standing, Zhi Qiang's lips quivered, preparing the right words so that Xuan Yuan would not be hurt by his statement. The words that came out "I'm sorry Xuan Yuan" could no longer support the bitterness of his body, Zhi Qiang fell to his knees begging for forgiveness. "I shouldn't have done it, but I did it on Master Chi You's orders, I'm sorry Xuan Yuan" Tears that could no longer be contained, spilled out of Zhi Qiang's eyes, as a statement of regret.

Xuan Yuan's memory drifted to his every question regarding his parents that he had asked Zhi Qiang all along and never a single word came out of Zhi Qiang's mouth in response. 'Is this the answer?' Xuan Yuan thought. 'An answer he would never have been able to answer before' Only crying now he can do "No, this is impossible, you are the only person who has been close to me, and I have considered you as a substitute for my parents, whom I have never felt their love for, and you have given your love to me, you yourself said that you thought of me as your own son. But why, why?" Xuan Yuan asked Zhi Qiang, his emotion unstable.

Nhamso rose from Xuan Yuan's embrace, allowing himself to vent his sorrow and anger. Seeing him deep sorrow, she regretted telling the truth about what happened to Xuan Yuan's parents.

"When I took you from your parents to me it was only a task given by Master Chi You, but when Master Chi You gave yourself up for me to care for and take care of. In that second, your tiny face made me lose the toughness that I had planted in my heart since I lost my family. The feeling of emptiness that knows no meaning, cold, I let grow inside of me. But seeing your little smile makes me feel the meaning of life again, for that I will take care of you with all my life" Zhi Qiang looked at Xuan Yuan frantically.

"You know how much I want my parents to be present, feel their love, prepare breakfast for me, prepare lunch and dinner for me, play with me, tell stories before I fall asleep" Xuan Yuan said with a disappointed look on his face towards Zhi Qiang.

He was already aware of the fear of losing Xuan Yuan's trust, this truth would surely be exposed sooner or later. He was willing to lay down his life if it could atone for the mistakes he had made.

"Let me take you home, it's getting dark," said Xuan Yuan, wiping his tears roughly using the back sleeve of his right hand.

Nhamso didn't want to make the atmosphere even more turbulent, she didn't say anything, obeyed Xuan Yuan word, accepted his outstretched hand and got on the back of his horse.

Xuan Yuan stepped away leaving Zhi Qiang who was still standing still with tears of regret still rolling down his cheeks.

The cold night seemed to add to the frozen heart that was shattered into pieces, piercing the bones without a hint. Anger rolls up like waves on the beach, spewing trash if there is trash floating around in the sea. But this anger he couldn't spit out because he loved Zhi Qiang too much. Adoptive parents who have devoted their lives to protect him. They continued walking into town, circling the now deserted streets.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to make things like that," said Nhamso regretfully.

Xuan Yuan turned to Nhamso, "I'll find out eventually" he replied, turning his gaze back to the road. "I just didn't expect it," continued Xuan Yuan with his eyes looking up at the sky, as if asking the vastness of the sky. Hoping that wasn't true, in front of him, he wished he could see his parents, but he didn't have the slightest memory of them. He didn't recognize their faces at all. The turmoil of anger wants to rebel and vent it, but on whom and for what? It will only make his heart hurt even more.

"Surely you don't want to go back to the inn tonight, right? you can stay at my house if you want," said Nhamso when she arrived in her front yard. "But as you can see, my house is not as comfortable as in the inn." Nhamso's voice sounded groggy, which she tried to suppress so that her anxiety didn't show on her face.

"Isn't it bothering?" asked Xuan Yuan half wishing he could, because at least he didn't want to see Zhi Qiang just for tonight. To calm down and relieve his anger.

"Of course not," said Nhamso. Smiling slightly, she opened the door and stepped in. "Mom, I'm home" she shouted. Before long a woman not too old appeared behind the door. The faint smile disappeared from his face when she saw the boy behind Nhamso. Quickly pulled her close to her and whispered something.

"Who is that man, why did you bring him here, won't your grandfather's death be enough?" a whisper which if It may say is no longer a whisper because it was heard quite clearly by Xuan Yuan.

Her mother's words just came out like a train that goes fast without brakes on the tracks ignoring any obstacles in front of it. Nhamso turned to Xuan Yuan with an uneasy face at her mother's words. Looking back at her mother, she quickly pulled his mother a little deeper so that Xuan Yuan could not hear their words.

"He needs a place to stay for the night mom," wailed Nhamso.

"Are you still sane, in clothes like that, can't you see who he is?..." his mother moaned, vehemently refusing Nhamso's request.

"Mom, you trust me, right?" said Nhamso, cutting off her mother's words. "I can guarantee that he is not what you think, I beg you to let him stay here tonight, of course you will not let a person freeze to death out there, right?" Nhamso pleaded.

Her mother fell silent, turning her gaze to Xuan Yuan, wanting to believe her daughter's words. After a while, "Okay, just for tonight," finally her mother allowed.